Thursday, December 16


Sorry, but the posting may slow down and speed up without warning. This month and the next are harsh for me. No, nothing to do with Christmas...

Firstly, as some of you know, or don't know, I don't celebrate Christmas. For the next sentence, I will break my own rule regarding the use of the word 'religion.' Oh wait, I guess it's obvious now. So I don't have to break my rule.

Looking around and seeing everyone celebrate does not bother me one bit. Even though I don't participate, I do observe many good things about Christmas. People are truly different this time of year. Smiles are more frequently sighted. Hugs seem to be given everywhere. And for a few days, there are no selfish thoughts.

What brings me down is my memory. For some reason, I remember more events of my life during the Winter. I'm 100% certain it has to do with the cold. Or it could be when I go for walks at night. I usually walk alone, and I get plenty of thinking done. I guess that triggers it.

For instance, the other night I walked to a nearby gas station to pick up some soda and candy. I've really become addicted to those Reese's Fastbreak bars. Real good. As I walked along my street, the street lights and empty road reminded me of Mesquite. I also thought of those late night drives, the trips to Fort Worth, and the fun summer when my brother was taking pictures of businesses for some web company and I would go with him. We would get sent to Farmers Branch, and I remember this one time when we saw some chics in bikinis and playing in some sprinklers. Oh, how I love Farmers Branch.

Since these are good memories, how about some more?

4 years ago, I was at this chic's house. A chic that I liked. And she liked me. (Stupid high school. "Like" is used all the time...) I met her parents. They liked me too. I spent all afternoon there.

The same chic I wrestled with on the bus for an hour. (Not the hurting type. The fun type.) And then kept her warm as she took a nap. Woke her up when we got back to the school. All chics have that 'just woke up' voice, and it is just one of the hottest things.

The same chic I gave a second chance.

And the same chic who blew that second chance.

Ask me, "Would you do it all again?" I'd always answer, "Yes. Yes I would."

And there I go again. I went from good to bad.

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