Saturday, December 11


You know what? Brandon is completely right. I think too much. That most definitely is the result of not having any alcohol in my system.

He also helped me realize something else. It makes perfect sense. Why not just be there, as a friend? And as a friend, I shouldn't think about becoming anything more. A ton of sites out there say that all guys want to screw their female friends. Well, there's always an exception.

You see, I might be quiet. I might not be the best at keeping a conversation going. I might not always say what's on my mind. But I know how to be a good friend. I know how to be a good person. I do not mean to 'toot my own horn' or anything. It's just that I know I can be this because I have before. I don't talk. I listen. That's all I can do. And isn't that what every female says they want from their man?

She's great, and she's awesome. As a friend, I can only wish her all the happiness in the world. There are three things I offer to my close friends. One, if you want to come over to my place at any hour just to hang out, that's fine with me. Really, any hour. Two, if you want me to be somewhere, I'll do my best to be there. Three, if you want me to do something, I'll try my best to get it done.

For example, take the Nov. 18th post. She casually dropped the information of when and where she was performing. Then, the topic shifted to something else I can't remember. Later that afternoon, I found a map and headed over there. I stood in the back of the crowd so I could really surprise her. Right after it was over, I slowly walked over to her group of friends that showed up as well. She saw me, her eyes lit up, and her jaw dropped. She was so happy. And if showing up makes her happy, I'll show up. If I have to walk through rain or snow to show up, then I'll start walking now.

So now I feel much better. I can focus more on looking around. And if that woman is perfect for me, by all means. Spring semesters are better for starting a relationship anyway. After a month, you have St. Valentine's Day. Then there's Spring Break. A straight shot to summer vacation, and if you've been a good couple, things are perfect for the summer. Considering that I turn 21 in August, the timeline is perfect.

If you start a thing during the Fall semester, you have to go through Thanksgiving and Christmas. She might not have to meet your parents, but you'll probably have to meet her's.

Two more finals. Then I start my vacation. And damnit, I'm going to make sure I have a good vacation. I'll spend a week at home, then I'll come back and just relax.

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