Wednesday, December 22


Not leaving yet. I've uploaded a bunch of pictures to a new blog. I have a link to the right under "My Links." All of the pictures were taken with my camera phone, so the quality isn't going to be great. Meh...

Almost 4. I'm the only one awake again. I love it...really.

I guess I can't really complain. It's natural to be asleep at this time. I should go to sleep earlier and wake up earlier.

So, things aren't looking too bright. I'll have to console people. I don't mind. In my family, I am usually the person to provide compassion, sympathy, or whatever. I sort of have to be 'the man of the house.'

That's why my inner child is 16 years old. That's why my mid-life crisis is around the corner. But if it's my role, than I should accept it.

It's getting cold.

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