Tuesday, December 28


I know. Two very quick posts. Sorry. The number thing was surprisingly accurate.

The day went well. I feel asleep at 4:15 last night and woke up at 9:15 this morning. And, as you may guess, I took a three-hour nap at 2. But still, it was a good day.

I'm getting my hair cut on Wednesday. I'm going to get blood red streaks put in. Maybe I'll take a picture and post it. Depends.

I just realized that it's almost New Year's Eve. That means it's time for people to make their resolutions. Speaking of which, I want to laugh at things I wrote last year in my old blog.

Man, January 2004 was quite a month. I said some funny things. Now everyone, please remember that it was almost a year ago. Things change. For instance...

...while I called myself perfect then, I would not call myself perfect now.
...I am not full of hate.
...my idea of a perfect woman is a little different now.

Some things don't change. I'll let you figure out which those are. Either way, I don't have much more that I want to say publicly. I feel like laying down and reading one of my books.

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