Monday, October 31


Firstly, Gordo always comes up with great stuff on holidays. Here's his list for Halloween. Careful though, it is not for children. (I like numbers 1, 3, 5, 10, 11, and 14.) Gordo even has his own Wikipedia page! (I wish I had one...)

Wow. Kevin Pereira just put a picture on his moblog that is incredibly offensive. And yet, I think it's funny. Does that make me a bad person? (I am NOT going to post a link to it, because it REALLY is offensive. But so hilarious!)

I was on the bus like usual when it hit me. Again, like so long ago, I have that smirk. I was just thinking about some things I did way back when. I am 2 people rolled into one. I can be the nice guy. I can be the 'less-innocent' guy also. Oh, the trouble I could get into!

Turned in my Unit 10 Lab and took my Unit 10 test. 10 more to go. It isn't that bad though.

I also talked with my advisor today. We mapped out the rest of my degree and it looks like I have 6 more CS classes, 1 more Spanish class, and 1 more Math. I can take a full semester next spring, and go part-time during the summer and fall. That's all that is left. Amazing really. Honestly, I could go part-time during next Spring, but I don't want to. I'm going to add some 1-hour classes to put me over. The 2 that I'm looking at are a class on PERL and a PE class. Yes, PE. But more specifically, basketball. I'm looking forward to it.

Ugh, today's weather was weird. It was midly warm at 1PM, it started raining around 2PM, and it was cooler than cool right afterwards. It was a very sudden drop in temperature. Still, I thought it was nice.

Either way, I don't have much else about today.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, that picture that Kevin posted is one of those where you throw your head back and laugh really loud and then stop in horror and say, "Oh my god, I am going to hell!"

I think it was pretty shallow of him to post that up in a public place. That kind of picture you mail all your friends, have a good laugh and then go to confession. Not post for everyone to see.

Oh well!

FBombAndy said...

Ha! I nearly had that very reaction.

Yea, I emailed one person the link, only because I knew he would laugh and not be offended.

Pereira is out there. Way out there.