Monday, October 10


Well, my EE TA told me that it would be a ton of work to catch up to the 'suggested' pace. The guy even offered the idea of dropping the class. So what did I do? I took my Unit 5 test, got my S (for satisfactory), and left. I don't care how far behind I am. It doesn't matter. The best way to get me to do something is to tell me I can't. Tell me I can't catch up, and I'll bust my ass to shove it in your face. Stupid EE TA.

Last night was interesting. I stayed up, went with 6 hours of sleep, and actually felt fine in the morning. I usually suffer if I get less than 8 hours because then my stomach gets all lava-like and I get grumpy. But, my alarm clock was fierce, I took my shower, and I felt fine. Seriously, my alarm clock was on steroids or something.

I've added a new link. Check out her blog. (Which, by the way, I might switch to modblog if it offers more features. I'm happy with blogger right now, but everyone seems to be leaving.)

The weather is slowly improving. It wasn't raining, but there was some mist going on. Not quite drizzle, but just a mist. It's supposed to be the same tomorrow. Highs in the low to mid 80s. It's quite nice. I still prefer 60 degree weather, gray clouds, and no sunlight. Oh, how the sky was gray today! I'll have to take a picture to post on my moblog.

My test in CS 337 was kind of tough. I don't think I made a 100, but then again, I don't think anyone did. There was a question on Hamming codewords, and I didn't know anything about that. I also didn't know anything on Reed-Muller codes. But I feel confident about everything else. Thankfully there's 2 more tests. And 3 more projects.

Ugh, my CS 337 prof posts the class slides in PDF format. There's nothing worse than clicking on a link and having to wait for Reader to load up.

I haven't been able to think of any good questions for Attack of the Show. I usually come up with awesome questions, but not lately. It'll come back eventually.

I should really read my book for tomorrow. I think I'm behind by a chapter or two. Eh, I'll catch up before class starts. Afterwards, I'll come home and study for my Unit 7 test. Or do the lab for Unit 7 if there is one. I haven't checked yet. What else do I need to do tomorrow?

Alright. Time to get some sleep.

{Added on around 1:04AM}

I just read an old friend's blog and now I feel like an ass. I always talk about how I'm there for everyone I know. But I'm not.

I'm tired of it. I can't keep saying those things.

Why do I even log onto AIM? I talked with Brandon about it. I don't IM people. People don't IM me, except for Brandon. So, what's the point? I log on at night before I go to sleep only to put up an away message.

What's the point of having a MySpace account? The person who talked me into signing up isn't even someone I talk to anymore.

And why am I on Facebook? I have 3 people wanting to add me as their friend, but I don't even know them.

No one talked me into starting a blog. That was my choice over 2 years ago. And because it was my decision, nothing has stopped me. Rather, no one has stopped me.

I'm starting to think that this should be the only proof of my existence on the interweb. I should forget everything else.

Come to think of it, I should sort out my numbers on my phone. I have about 30 numbers, but only 10 of them are important.

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