Sunday, October 16


I went outside to throw away some old pizza. As I looked at the street, I realized that I really wanted to go for a walk. The air was cool and the lights had that tint of orange to them. I remembered being in a neighborhood that had the same appearance. Deja vu, or something. The only problem is that I can't remember where or when. I think of North Dallas, but I could be wrong.

I know I bad-mouthed MySpace, but I keep signing in. I now have 6 friends! I guess I'm climbing society's ladder. As far as Facebook goes, there are still 4 friends invitiations that I haven't declined yet.

Yes, I have an account on ModBlog and Xanga. I'm thinking about posting on all 3, but then what was the point of buying my domain name? The 1-year contract runs out later in December. I think I'm actually going to get hosting for That would be awesome.

If you go to the movie theater all of the time, this site would be handy for you.

Not much else that I really want to talk about. I'm pretty pissed about the USC-ND game.

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