Sunday, October 9


Wow, my 4th post in 9 days. Not good. I'll pick it up tomorrow.

So, it's past midnight and I plan on being awake for quite some time. I have a test in CS 337: Theories in Programming. I sucked on the 1st project, I missed a week of class, and I'm just now feeling 82% healthy. But, after informing the TA of my situation, I now have a list of things to study and links to old tests. This is the first semester that I've actually asked for help from a TA or a prof. I now realize that it isn't such a bad thing.

However, I have to have a conference with a TA for my EE 316 class. It's the self-paced one. I've missed a week of that class as well, so I have an excuse for not being on the suggested pace. But I hate having to talk to EE TAs. Anything about EE pisses me off, even the building. But, I pass it this semester and I don't think I'll ever have to step foot in there again. That's motivation enough. Can I pass 15 tests in 1 month? You betcha. Will I? Probably not. I'll spread it out over 2 months. I procrastinate. What else can I say?

I was thinking about changing my template once again. I'm a bit bored with the blue. Maybe I should go back to black. I'll think about it. Any suggestions or comments are welcome.

Oh yea, the Longhorns beat down the Sooners. Awesome stuff. I knew they would. This is a special year.

And the Cowboys beat down the Eagles. Amazing. If the offense and defense are at the top of their game, no one can beat them. But it's a 'once in a blue moon' kind of thing.

So, as you all know, I watch Attack of the Show every weekday. Well, here are some links to two hilarious bits they did last week or the week before. You'll need Flash, but you probably do, and the videos are work-safe, as long as the word "jerkass" is ok.

Kids are jerkasses!

Hilarious bedroom PC bit.


Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh yes. I am in the same boat you are. I got super sick and was forced to go back to school full time for health insurance, but I'm sick...I wanna stay home, but I need health insurance so I have to go to school and do school work so I dont get kicked out of my classes...but I'm and so it just keeps going!

Most of the time I'm always behind and trying to catch up and miss as few classes as I can.

I feel your pain!

freethoughtguy said...

Love that Bedroom PC!

FBombAndy said...

Ugh. Being sick sucks real bad. Yea, if I'm not a full-time student, I can't be on my parents' insurance. I guess I can miss a couple of days, but any more than that and I'm really screwed.

That bedroom PC bit is hilarious! Awesome!