Thursday, October 27


Today was interesting, I guess. Class was kind of 'meh' because no one could form any intelligent opinions on privacy and the internet. I have an opinion, and some would call it a 'half-assed' opinion.

When I decide to get online and view material, I understand that the web site I am visiting may be monitoring my actions. I'm fine with this, because it is their content I am using. If they sell it to another company, that is their decision, but I at least hope that they use the data to improve their web site. For instance, I always go to ESPN's web site. If they find that I like basketball and football more than hockey, and they use that and other information to change the layout to the majority of users' preference, then I'm very happy with their actions.

If I go to the Finish Line, and one of their employees notices that I like T-Mac's shoes, that's fine. Most likely, this information will be used to order more of T-Mac's shoes. Or possibly place those shoes at the front of the store. I'm totally fine with this.

However, when a company monitors my actions while on a web site that they do not own, I disapprove. I don't think it is right for ESPN to watch how I use This is why I have several spyware detecting applications and a few spyware removal programs. I am not saying ESPN hands out spyware, but plenty of free software comes with spyware. Always look into a download before you even place it on your computer.

In other news, tropical frogs may prevent HIV transmission?

Oh, and here's a list of podcasts of lectures. Many of them are from Purdue, but the topics are interesting.

Visual patterns of Mathematics. Some of them are kind of cool.

And last but not least, a link to a video that I think is hilarious. Careful though, because there is an f-bomb or two. (I admit, I play these kind of games. I'm a guy. I like shooting things, playing football, you know, typical guy stuff.)

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