Monday, October 17


That's right. Screw the EE TAs! That guy doubted my ability and talent. So, I proved him wrong. Last Monday, he told me that I had to take my Unit 5 test, my Unit 7 test, and turn in my Unit 8 Lab by today. I said, "Sure." He said, "It's a steep climb." Whatever. So, I completed it all. The suggested rate has us finishing about 1.5 Units per week. I just did 2 weeks' worth of material in 1 week. Once again, do not doubt me. Tell me I can't do it, and I'll make a believer out of you. Stupid EE TA.

I have a Spanish presentation on Friday. I have to do some research on Uruguay. Eh, won't be too hard. 5 minutes of speaking and I'm done.

I really have to go to my CS 337 discussion section. I need to ask about the program due in a week. I understand how to get the row-reduced echelon form of a matrix, but the encoder and decoder functions don't make sense. Eh, I won't get into specifics.

My parents are coming down Wednesday night. That'll be cool. From what I've heard, my parents would really like to move to Austin. Of course, this would be after my Dad retires. I forget how much longer he has. I know it's not much. If they were to move down here, I would definitely put Austin at the top of my "where I'll live after graduation" list. Currently, I would rather live in Dallas.

Austin is nice and all, but the things that make it great are things I can't appreciate. The live music scene doesn't interest me. Only having two major highways sucks. The radio stations here suck.

All of my fond memories (the few remaining) are of Dallas. The lights, the roads, and the buildings. And I'm also talking about Farmer's Branch, Addison, Garland, and others.

I really wish I was done with school, had my degree, and had a good job. I want my life.

Ugh. I'm tired now. Off to bed I go.

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