Friday, October 21


Sorry it's been a while. I've been rather busy due to the parents being in town. Had a mid-term. Had a presentation in Spanish.

I think my mid-term went well. I actually read the book, so I knew most of the questions. The prof is cool, so I think it'll be fine.

My presentation in Spanish was good, and bad. It was good because the prof told the class, "This is what the presentations should be. He gave important information, his spanish was polished, and this is the bar you all should aim for." Why is this bad? Because that's not cool. No one likes the kid who always gets the highest score on every test. No one. So as he said that, I stared at my desk and hoped everyone in that class would forget. And by everyone, I mean the females.

My family and I went to a park to have a picnic. The Kid (my nephew) was having tons o' fun. He really likes basketball. And he's friendlier towards the ladies. My influence has already taken effect.

Saw Doom tonight. It's alright. I mean, if you liked Resident Evil, you'll like Doom. If you don't know anything about it, wait until you can rent it. I found that there were more funny moments than 'make you jump out of your seat' moments. Ugh, and there were a bunch of high schoolers out. That was annoying.

Alright, I'm tired. I'm off to bed.

1 comment: said...

So now you're complaining about a good presentation. Egh.