Monday, August 22


Ugh. I turned on the Alternative Digital Music channel that's part of my parent's cable plan, and they're playing a song I have memories attached to. Wheatus' Teenage Dirtbag. The song sucks. But someone I knew liked it. Oh well.

Blogger has a new feature that puts word verification before someone can post a comment. I won't turn this on until I have to. The second I get SPAM comments, I'm flipping the switch.

I'm getting another haircut tomorrow (Tuesday). I'm also getting some color put in. It's going to be winter soon, so I think I'm going to go with red. I keep telling my mom that I'm going to put in platinum, but it's just to freak her out.

I need to upgrade my computer. I'm just going to look at getting a new processor and a new video card. I'll probably have to get a USB TV Tuner thinger, but that won't be too bad. The problem is picking the parts. I could go to Fry's, but they didn't have what I wanted last time I checked. Looks like it'll be all online.

I'm about ready to head back to Austin. I've enjoyed my time here, but I'm missing my room. I miss the convenience of having a Racetrac within walking distance. And apparently my nephew has been calling out my name ever since I left.

I guess this has been a vaction. I haven't worried about school or anything. But I can't say my stress level is down. I know that when I get back, I'll have a few days to adjust and then get back into 'school' shape.

I've decided that starting in September, I'm going to cut sodas out of my diet and exercise more. While I can play basketball for hours on end, I know that I'm not at my peak physical condition. If I improve my health, I'll improve my game on the court.

Either way, that's all I can think of for now. Or, all I want to write.

1 comment:

rowdielou said...

*g* I like that song too. It's funny in a sort-of classic high-school way. Maybe you just have to be that kind of person to like it? ;)

I had to turn on the word verification. I was getting constant SPAM. ~sigh~ And then, I had something wrong with my cookies, so it wasn't letting me delete the comments. That's all fixed now, but I still have tht word verif. thing on. Sucks.

I think red is cool! I just got some blonde streaks in my dark brown, and I've gotten tons of compliments. I'm pretty happy with it so far. I'll have to get a pic so you can see it! ;)

I cut soda out of my diet for a long time. I used to drink soda like it was going out of style when I smoked. When I quit smoking (about 2 years ago), I quit drinking soda. After awhile, it was the grossest thing on the planet. I would bypass soda for the Hi-C or tea or lemonade. Now that I'm on the sugar-free diet (I wanna see what it's like to be Greg, who's hypoglycemic and has to regulate his sugar-intake - sorta like a diabetic), I've been drinking a lot of diet soda. It's still not very tasty, but it works. All those non-carbonated, non-soda drinks are loaded with sugar. Honestly, this "diet" isn't too bad. ;)

Hope you're having an awesome day!