Tuesday, August 30


Well, school starts on Wednesday. I had to change my schedule, but it worked out for the better. CS 337 is only offered from 3 - 4, so I couldn't avoid being on campus during the afternoon. This also allowed me to drop my 10 -11 class, so I don't have to wake up as early. Well, except for Wednesdays. I scheduled my French Horn lessons for 9:30, so I'll have to wake up early. I'll have a 2 hour lunch break on Monday, Wedneday, and Friday. I'm done at 2 on Tuesday and 12:30 on Thursday.

Overall, I think it's nice. I like have a long lunch break. And if I can't make lunch last 2 hours, then I can do homework or something. I'm sure I'll have some days where I don't eat lunch and instead have a power bar and play basketball or work out. I'll still be home before 5, so I'll be able to watch Attack of the Show like always. I don't have to wake up until 9 on 4 days, so I can stay up until 1 and still get 8 hours of sleep. That's awesome!

I looked at what all I have left to take before I graduate, and it's not much. I'm still going to be set back by a semester or two because of damn electrical engineering, but I guess it's OK. If EE offered a minor, I would have it. Oooh, I should talk to an advisor and see if I can make that my science area. If I can, then that'll be great. If not, then I have 8 hours of physics done, so that will be my back up.

I still have to do some research on receivers with up-conversion and subs. I'm going to piece together a home entertainment system for Brandon. Man is already talking about buying a house. Ladies, you should really set your sights on him.

Also, I created my first mIRC script. I plan on making more.

I'm also going to learn about networking. Considering what all I have learned in CS 336 and PHL 313K, I should be able to comprehend concepts fairly easily.

Alright, that's all I have for now. I'll try to post on a daily basis again soon.

Oh, in response to Rowdielou's comment on the previous post:

I hope I do create something with that type of impact. I'm completely serious when I say I want to change the world. I just have this feeling that one day, I'll come up with a great idea. I've had that feeling for years now. But I'm lazy.

The one thing that still scares me a little bit, and I've mentioned this once to somebody, is that when I try to picture myself in 5 years, I can't. Most people can, but I see nothing. So if I'm going to have an impact, it better be soon.

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