Sunday, August 14


Another fun-filled Sunday!

Woke up at about 1PM and did the usual morning routine. I actually ate cereal today, milk and all. And then I got the call for some basketball. It was just my bro, Brandon, and I, but that's more than enough for an entertaining game. We all won a game. There were some arm slaps and such. No one ended up bloody or with a broken bone, so it was alright.

My bro and his wife left for Austin at 5:30PM or so. Then it was just my parents and myself. My mom likes to watch Six Feet Under, and it was OK. This is supposed to be its last season and I can see why. We also watched that Roast of Pam Anderson. It was funny, but it could have been better. And whatever she was wearing wasn't leaving anything to the imagination. Then again, she did pose in Playboy, so I guess it's nothing new. Fun to stare at though.

No news is good news.

I've already determined that I'm going to see all of my doctors when I get back to Austin. I'm getting migraines now and that's new for me. I also need to get my index finger checked out. I jammed it on Friday and it's been swollen since. I can still move it but something doesn't feel right.

Not going to sign onto AIM tonight. I just don't feel like it. This is my time off and besides, I don't talk to anyone anyway. The people who read this know I'm in town, and those are the same people I'll try to hang out with while I'm here. Good enough for me.

Thought about visiting the ol' high school. I haven't decided if that would be fun or embarassing. There are a few teachers I want to see. Everyone who was a freshman when I was a senior has already graduated, so I don't have to worry about getting recognized by some student. Unless it's a younger sibling or whatever.

School starts Monday around here. I remember hating it when someone would ask me if I was happy that school was starting. Now that I'm in college, I want to go around asking kids, "Hey, are you happy to go back to school? Better go to sleep now."

That reminds me. The first day of school is the best and the worst at the same time. It's the best because everything is new and you have an excuse for showing up to class late. It's also easier to meet people on the first day. The bad thing is that you stay up late all summer and it throws off your sleeping schedule. When I was in high school, I would stay up until 4AM every night during the summer. Then school starts (or for me, band practice) and you have to wake up at 6AM. It's a tough transition.

Ugh, the weekend before sucks too. All of the kids go to the mall and try to find clothes and such. We have a crappy mall and I bet it was packed today. I'm not going to the mall for a while. And when I do, it'll be while school is in session. I really don't want to be recognized while I'm here. I don't need one of my exes spotting me and trying to catch up. Well, maybe one.

Crap. I have to get an outfit for when I go out on Saturday. I didn't bring any fancy clothes. Not even a button up shirt. I'll have to figure something out.

Alright, I could write more, but I have a killer pain in the back of my neck. I'm going to lay down and see what's on the cable.


rowdielou said...

I'm getting migraines too. I don't know why, I'm assuming it's from all the stress. Although, I'm also thinking it might be sugar withdrawals (I've been cutting sugar out of my diet-trying to see what it's like to be Greg, who's diabetic). I hope you get rid of them soon! I miss you too!

FBombAndy said...

Migraines suck! I'm not sure if mine are from stress since I've felt calm and relaxed lately. It might be the way I'm sleeping. I dunno.

Sugar? I love Kraft's mini flavored marshmallows. I can eat half a bag in one night. Oh, and a Milky Way always works. But yea, my dad is diabetic, so I try to not eat those things right in front of him.

Good to hear from you!