Tuesday, May 31


Wow, May is almost over. I can't believe it. Time is really flying.

I spent the past 30 minutes reviewing what courses I have left to take for my degree. I looked at the next two main courses. Computer Organization and Programming and Analysis of Programs. I read the descriptions, and then it hit me. I've finally found something I'm passionate about. I love physics and all, but I hate doing the lab work. Give me a problem, I'll get you an answer. But don't make me chart out electric fields and make bar graphs and crap. Just tell me how far something needs to travel, or what its mass is, or whatever.

Now, my last CS prof asked the class what they would do with their time if money was not a factor. Sort of like the question from Office Space. I made my list and here's how it went...

French Horn

I am so not kidding. If Mark Cuban provided food, shelter, and clothes, I would play ball 8 hours a day. Maybe more. I think I've mentioned this before.

I love playing my French Horn. My sound is unique. My technique is getting better. If basketball didn't exist, I would do this in my spare time.

And then in third place is programming. If you ever get a chance, you should watch me write a simple program, like something that prints out prime numbers or something.

Ah, this reminds me. I need to go play some ball. I haven't played in over a week.

The other thing I was doing earlier tonight was reading my old posts. I like to remember what I did on a specific day. Well, I read something about a night where I went to bed at 6AM and woke up at 11AM. And now I feel like doing it again. It's about 2:25AM right now, so why not? Just three more hours. And then it will ensure that I will be tired tomorrow night. Then I'll be able to wake up early on Wednesday. Classes start this week, and I really need to get back into my routine.

I had a weird dream two nights ago. I was walking with a chic I knew from high school and we were going to the same class. She doesn't go to UT in reality though. But for some reason, the dream was nothing but walking to class, sitting next to her, listening to the prof, and then waking up. Boring, eh? Why would I go to class in my dreams?

I also had a weird dream last night. I was in a car the entire time. I have no idea what's causing this stuff, but I'm ready to have normal dreams again.

I'm going to start recording things with my new phone. It can do those choppy video recordings. I figure I can have fun with that. Don't worry, it will all be legal.

Alright, I'll post more if more comes to me.

{Added on around 2:55AM}

Maybe it's time for a makeover. Maybe a new template for this blog? Eh?

{Added on around 3:27AM}

Went with blue. I like blue. I think it looks good. Complaints? Suggestions?

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