Monday, May 16


Ugh. This sucks. I have to go to bed early for the first time in a long time. I have to go up to campus and turn in my instrument. I figure that I'll practice for an hour and then turn it in. I think I'm going to make it a priority to get my own French Horn this summer.

And this will be my first trip to campus since last Wednesday. Nearly a week ago. Everytime I'm there during May, I get this weird feeling. While I sit through class and think about the many ways I don't fit in, it's during this time that I feel like I belong. Probably because there's fewer students walking around and that's my type of crowd. While I'm fine here, I would be doing great things at a smaller college. I just don't like big crowds.

Sure, I would love to go home for the summer. But I'll waste away. I won't get anything done. At least if I stay here I'll have the motivation to get a job.

Played some basketball today. Even played some 2 on 2. I didn't do too bad. I carried the first game. I was very pleased with how I played.

Oh, my nephew is now a year old. 1 whole year. It does pass by fast.

And once again, I'm out of things.

Oh, one thing left. I know you all (that's right, I don't say "y'all") have heard about people auctioning off their body for advertisements. But usually they're old or ugly. This is not the case. And you only have 2 days to check it out.

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