Monday, May 30


My parents left this evening. It was a really fun weekend. I hope they had fun too.

My clothes are just out of the dryer and I really don't feel like folding right now. I always do this. I procrastinate and live out of my basket. I should really put these things on hangers and such. Eh, I might do it here in a sec.

Today, I found out that my phone can record stuff. Like notes to myself and such. But it can also record phone calls. That makes things very interesting. Then I'll always have proof of what I said.

It has to be summer. I saw things today that I only see during the summer. Hot chics in bikinis. Oh yeah. It made my day. In fact, I'll probably be happy for a week or so.

I think I'm going to listen to my recording of The Ticket. So hilarious. I've recorded a bunch of their eBrakes of the Week. An eBrake is when someone says something so offensive/ stupid/ random that the people on the show just stop talking. For instance, the Hard Line was at some restaurant and Rhyner was obviously drunk. Corby and Greggo were talking about The Bachelor or something and they were trying to figure out if they were supposed to get married. Rhyner chimed in with, "It's called The Bachelor so he just, like, bones her once and then ditches her or what?" After 5 seconds, one of the other guys responded, "There are children here." Rhyner quipped back, "There shouldn't be."

Another was awarded to Greggo. A Ticket Chick was in the studio. They were talking about her 'chest area' but she was wearing a vest or something. Greggo said, "I'm sitting here checking you out and thinking, 'She doesn't have very many boobs.'" Everyone cracked up.

Greggo is my favorite. Another eBrake he won was hilarious. He was talking about some new soap in the bathroom. Here's the exchange...

Greggo: Smells kind of good if it was on a girl.
Rhyner: It's not doing you any harm over there. You smell nice.
Greggo: I know, I smell nice. I'm wanting to do myself.
[Followed with complete silence.]

I love it. If you want to hear it, let me know and I'll send it to you.

I knd of want to go to bed, but then I don't. I feel like it's too early. And I do want to stay up, but there's not much to do. Meh.
not much for me to do right now.

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