Tuesday, May 31


Can't stay up late tonight. I've decided to go up to campus tomorrow morning, add the classes I want, and then go straight to class. I might be 10 minutes or so late to my first one, but that's better than missing the entire day. I already checked the availability of each and so far none are filled up.

Didn't wake up at 11AM like I wanted. Well, I woke up at 11:30AM, but then I went back to sleep for another hour. I didn't go to sleep until 5AM or so. I kept that part true. And once again, another weird dream. It followed the theme of the past week or so.

I'm feeling a little tired already. I haven't done anything today, and I didn't wake up early. I have no reason to be tired. But eh, it's what I wanted.

I did summer school last year. I didn't write much during that time because I didn't have any internet at the time. I just posted stuff while on campus. My classes will be from 10AM - 1PM eery weekday for the entire summer. Well, on Fridays I won't have my 10AM to 11:30AM class, which is good. That means I can sleep in and stay up late on Fridays. Perfect.

But this also means that I won't be posting late at night anymore. I might move posts to whenever I get home, which would be around 2PM or so. Or I could just post before I go to bed, which would be around 11:30PM. I don't know.

Brandon posted twice on his blog. Amazing. I hope he posts more.


Wow, May is almost over. I can't believe it. Time is really flying.

I spent the past 30 minutes reviewing what courses I have left to take for my degree. I looked at the next two main courses. Computer Organization and Programming and Analysis of Programs. I read the descriptions, and then it hit me. I've finally found something I'm passionate about. I love physics and all, but I hate doing the lab work. Give me a problem, I'll get you an answer. But don't make me chart out electric fields and make bar graphs and crap. Just tell me how far something needs to travel, or what its mass is, or whatever.

Now, my last CS prof asked the class what they would do with their time if money was not a factor. Sort of like the question from Office Space. I made my list and here's how it went...

French Horn

I am so not kidding. If Mark Cuban provided food, shelter, and clothes, I would play ball 8 hours a day. Maybe more. I think I've mentioned this before.

I love playing my French Horn. My sound is unique. My technique is getting better. If basketball didn't exist, I would do this in my spare time.

And then in third place is programming. If you ever get a chance, you should watch me write a simple program, like something that prints out prime numbers or something.

Ah, this reminds me. I need to go play some ball. I haven't played in over a week.

The other thing I was doing earlier tonight was reading my old posts. I like to remember what I did on a specific day. Well, I read something about a night where I went to bed at 6AM and woke up at 11AM. And now I feel like doing it again. It's about 2:25AM right now, so why not? Just three more hours. And then it will ensure that I will be tired tomorrow night. Then I'll be able to wake up early on Wednesday. Classes start this week, and I really need to get back into my routine.

I had a weird dream two nights ago. I was walking with a chic I knew from high school and we were going to the same class. She doesn't go to UT in reality though. But for some reason, the dream was nothing but walking to class, sitting next to her, listening to the prof, and then waking up. Boring, eh? Why would I go to class in my dreams?

I also had a weird dream last night. I was in a car the entire time. I have no idea what's causing this stuff, but I'm ready to have normal dreams again.

I'm going to start recording things with my new phone. It can do those choppy video recordings. I figure I can have fun with that. Don't worry, it will all be legal.

Alright, I'll post more if more comes to me.

{Added on around 2:55AM}

Maybe it's time for a makeover. Maybe a new template for this blog? Eh?

{Added on around 3:27AM}

Went with blue. I like blue. I think it looks good. Complaints? Suggestions?

Monday, May 30


My parents left this evening. It was a really fun weekend. I hope they had fun too.

My clothes are just out of the dryer and I really don't feel like folding right now. I always do this. I procrastinate and live out of my basket. I should really put these things on hangers and such. Eh, I might do it here in a sec.

Today, I found out that my phone can record stuff. Like notes to myself and such. But it can also record phone calls. That makes things very interesting. Then I'll always have proof of what I said.

It has to be summer. I saw things today that I only see during the summer. Hot chics in bikinis. Oh yeah. It made my day. In fact, I'll probably be happy for a week or so.

I think I'm going to listen to my recording of The Ticket. So hilarious. I've recorded a bunch of their eBrakes of the Week. An eBrake is when someone says something so offensive/ stupid/ random that the people on the show just stop talking. For instance, the Hard Line was at some restaurant and Rhyner was obviously drunk. Corby and Greggo were talking about The Bachelor or something and they were trying to figure out if they were supposed to get married. Rhyner chimed in with, "It's called The Bachelor so he just, like, bones her once and then ditches her or what?" After 5 seconds, one of the other guys responded, "There are children here." Rhyner quipped back, "There shouldn't be."

Another was awarded to Greggo. A Ticket Chick was in the studio. They were talking about her 'chest area' but she was wearing a vest or something. Greggo said, "I'm sitting here checking you out and thinking, 'She doesn't have very many boobs.'" Everyone cracked up.

Greggo is my favorite. Another eBrake he won was hilarious. He was talking about some new soap in the bathroom. Here's the exchange...

Greggo: Smells kind of good if it was on a girl.
Rhyner: It's not doing you any harm over there. You smell nice.
Greggo: I know, I smell nice. I'm wanting to do myself.
[Followed with complete silence.]

I love it. If you want to hear it, let me know and I'll send it to you.

I knd of want to go to bed, but then I don't. I feel like it's too early. And I do want to stay up, but there's not much to do. Meh.
not much for me to do right now.

Sunday, May 29


Eh, just some test I took. Here are the results...

Extraversion - 13%
Stability - 43%
Orderliness - 76%
Empathy - 76%
Interdependence - 36%
Intellectual - 43%
Mystical - 30%
Artistic - 16%
Religious - 23%
Hedonism - 30%
Materialism - 83%
Narcissism - 43%
Adventurousness - 23%
Work ethic - 56%
Self absorbed - 36%
Conflict seeking - 10%
Need to dominate - 43%
Romantic - 63%
Avoidant - 36%
Anti-authority - 70%
Wealth - 23%
Dependency - 23%
Change averse - 70%
Cautiousness - 83%
Individuality - 43%
Sexuality - 83%
Peter pan complex - 16% (?)
Physical security - 63%
Food indulgent - 23%
Histrionic - 36%
Paranoia - 63%
Vanity - 50%
Hypersensitivity - 23%
Female cliche - 30% (?)

Stability results were moderately low which suggests you are worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious.

Orderliness results were high which suggests you are overly organized, reliable, neat, and hard working at the expense too often of flexibility, efficiency, spontaneity, and fun.

Extraversion results were very low which suggests you are extremely reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and secretive.

Trait Snapshot

clean, secretive, does not make friends easily, observer, hates large parties, risk averse, perfectionist, reclusive, solitude loving, more practical than abstract, does not like to stand out, high self control, intellectual, mind over heart, very cautious, takes precautions, respects authority, irritable, emotionally sensitive


I disconnected my old receiver and replaced it. Things are already sounding better. All I need to do is get some computer speakers for night time. I have to hear music to fall asleep, and I can't do that with my Harmon/Kardon. There's a good chance that a fuse could be blown, which results in a nasty sound. Easy to fix though. And cheap. But if it failed me at night, I would be up until the next night.

The Spurs are one game closer to winning the championship. It pisses me off because I hate the Spurs and all. Oh well. I'd love to see Miami win it, but I really don't think it's going to happen. Even if they get past Detroit, which has the worst offense in the history of basketball, they'll have to face the Spurs. Right now, I'd take the Spurs over Miami easily. I'd take them over Detroit also. In fact, I'd even say that the Spurs will win the championship in 5 games over whichever team they get. I figure there will be one close game that they will lose because of a lucky shot. But otherwise, sucks to be a team in the playoffs right now that isn't from Texas.

Yes, it's almost 2:30AM and I'm thinking about sleep already. I'm slowly getting back to the routine. It's going to take a few more days, but that's fine. Besides, my parents are leaving tomorrow afternoon and I don't want to sleep until 2PM. It wouldn't be nice.

Going to look for some cool blogs and go to bed. I want a bunch more bookmarks.

Saturday, May 28


I did get my phone today. And it isthe Sony Ericsson Z500a. Has a bunch of cool features. It's a bit bigger than my old phone, but I'm fine with that.

Because I waited until the last minute to register for classes, I have to wait even longer. They aren't going to let me register until the day classes start. It's a bit retarded. And I don't know what the reasoning is behind it. But oh well, the administration can shove it.

Otherwise, not much else happened. Kevin Rose left Attack of the Show today. He's going to do some more in-depth shows online. It was kind of sad though 'cause his woman, who is also a part of the show, was visibly upset. Right at the end, she was reading the prompter and suddenly she broke down. She's cute too. I don't like to see cute chics cry.

(In case you're wondering, Attack of the Show airs on G4TV at 6PM Central. They find cool websites, free games, and answer whatever computer questions you have. Every now and then, they get a hot chic to show up. Awesome stuff.)

Alright, not much else really. I'm going to get some sleep.

Friday, May 27


"Hell no, I don't eat one big meal. I eat about 8 healthy meals a day. Breakfast, brunch, lunch, dunch, dinner, dupper, supper, and seakfast. Uhh, well like, ok, yesterday you mean? Yesterday was pretty typical. I ate breakfast, two eggs sunnyside up, cream cheese, bagel, and a glass of orange juice. For brunch, I ate a hog. Lunch I had a salad with no croutons and just a little bucket of chili con queso. I love that stuff. For dunch I ate a fence. Dinner, I had four fists of meat. That's where I get four T-bones and wad them up into a ball, about the size of my fist, I roll those in butter and bacon, put a stick through them and then eat them like a candy apple after I dip them in ranch. And for dupper I ate a hog. For supper, I make a meal replacement shake. I try to stay healthy with that. So, I get a blender, and I put in some protein powder and low fat ice cream and vanilla extract and creatin and 40 yohimbe bars (?) and a llama. And I blend it up. And for seakfast, which is a combination of supper and breakfast. Normally I'm in bed at that time so Ill get hungry while laying in bed, and I think yesterday I rolled over and ate my bean bag."

-Fake Greggo, 1310AM The Ticket

Funniest bit ever. If you want a copy of it in MP3 format, let me know. I tried to get most of it on here accuately, but I'm not 100% certain that I did a good job.


Oddly enough, 469 was the Pick 3 Lottery winner here last Wednesday. And it's also an area code of Dallas.

Today was a total whip. Didn't do anything, again. My parents are going to be here in roughly 7 hours. I've decided to just stay up, take a 2 hour nap in the afternoon, and get back to my regular sleeping pattern.

They're bringing my old Sony receiver. It has a phono input. And I'm tired of my bro using my Harmon/Kardon. So he gets the old Sony, I get my Harmon/Kardon back, and my parents get my newer Sony receiver. It has an optical input. It's made for audio and video, whereas my Harmon/Kardon is strictly audio. It'll be awesome. You see, my Harmon/Kardon is twin powered. That means that the left and right channels have separate power supplies. That means serious wattage.

Did I mention that my eMotive LP is orange? It's a limited edition. Makes me happier.

So, yeah, I need to kill 7 hours. Maybe I should watch a movie? Should I call people and leave crazy voicemails? This one time, when Brandon stayed at my dorm, we called CT. It was probably 2AM. Well, we grabbed my alarm clock and made it go off. And that was our voicemail message. As Brandon would say, "Good times, good times."

Right now in my room I have The Graduate, Cast Away, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Fight Club, The Usual Suspects, and LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring. Ooh, there's a great line from The Usual Suspects. Because this blog is family-friendly, I'll just tell you where to hear it. It's when they're in the lineup at the police station and they're told to read what's on the card. So hilarious.

I think I'm going to pop that one in. I'm going to record that line and make it a ringtone or something. Or I can have it as an alarm for AIM. I use Ticket Drops for most of them.

Either way, I think I'll work on some audio stuff.

Thursday, May 26


My phone was actually used twice today. Twice! That's crazy. One text message and one phone call. And I realized something today. There are people out there whom I enjoy being on the phone with. There was a time when I could spend 8 hours straight on the phone. But 10 or 15 minutes here and there is good enough. I'm happy now.

I'm going to get a new phone on Friday or Saturday. I'm hoping on Friday. It's the Sony Z500a. It's pretty sweet. It's time for my mom to upgrade, so she needs a new phone. Since she just needs something that's basic, I'm giving her my Motorola V220. I take good care of my phone, so the screen and case are fine. Something about how Cingular is trying to switch all of its phones to GSM. That means phones like the V60i are close to being incompatible. It sucks, but it's for the best.

Sorry about the technology talk. I don't do it that often, but sometimes it's out there. For instance, I haven't done any P2P downloading since I left my dorm. I thought about doing the whole BitTorrent thing, but now I read that Fox is cracking down on people who downloaded the most recent Star Wars movie. So now I'm trying to think of something else. The new Audioslave CD came out last Tuesday, so I think I'll just buy it. You know, music stores made a big deal about how people stopped buying CDs when MP3s were widely available. That's a bunch of crap. Even if I downloaded a song from one of my favorite groups, I still went to the store and bought the CD. Then again, I am somewhat of an audiophile. I recently got A Perfect Circle's eMotive on vinyl. Pretty sweet.

I want to play basketball. You just need a ball and a hoop for that. Not much technology involved.

It's about 4:30AM and I'm still awake. Crap.

And to all of my readers out there, have a great day.

Wednesday, May 25


Everyone knows that I hate the Spurs. But I will say this. They are going to win it all. Before tonight's game, I said that if Phoenix didn't win, it was done. Bring out the broom. Well, the Suns got killed in the 4th, and that's the ballgame. It's over. This series is done. And it doesn't matter who comes out of the East. They will lose as well.

I still hate the Spurs and all. I hate Tony Parker so much more now, because Eva Longoria was sitting next to his dad. So not fair.

Boring. It's all so boring.

My computer was off from 1PM to 3AM. For 14 hours. And it's because being online is now boring. It's summer time, so everyone has their fun things to do. So the AIM Buddy List empties out. Emails stop. Not even things from UT. Oh well.

My mind was full of things to talk about, but now I'm blank. I think I'll go to bed now.

Monday, May 23


Alright, I'm back in Austin. Overall, it was a fun trip. Got some basketball out of the way and my dad had a small cookout.

Thursday was pretty good. Of course, I stayed up until 7:20AM, slept until 9:40AM, and got into the car. I might have taken a 20 minute nap on the way home. Then I ate some dunch (the meal between lunch and dinner) and got my hair cut. I feel so much better now. Then we played some basketball with Brandon and Sam. The guys we played beat us kind of bad. They had been there for a while and we came into the game without shooting around first. I got hit in the face and now I have a scrape on the bridge of my nose. It's almost healed and I'm hoping there won't be a scar. After it happened, I set my glasses aside and asked for the ball. I hit a shot right over the guy that was defending me. And that was pretty much my only highlight. When we played the second time, a different guy guarded me. He was full of energy and prevented me from even touching the ball. Halfway into it, I asked Sam to sub in for me. I can't see well without my glasses. I mean, I can see well enough to know if I'm going to run into something, but I can't read a sign 30 feet away.

I don't remember much about Friday. I don't think I did anything. Saturday was alright. I didn't do anything that day either. On Sunday we played soem more basketball. It was scorching hot though, so we didn't stay out there too long. I think it got all the way up to 100 degrees. That's about 15 too many for me. But oh well. Then my dad grilled some steaks, hot links, and salmon. Brandon, Sam, and Millie (Sam's girl) came for that. It was fun. And I still didn't drink. Closing in on 2 years without a drink.

Didn't get much sleep last night. Went to bed at 3:30AM and woke up at 6:45AM. Slept a bit in the car. And then some more when I walked into my room.

Saturday, May 21


Still alive and well. Currently at my parents' place. I'll post more once I get back in town, which should be Monday.

Just know that I'm seriously pissed about last night. I'm going to be mad for the next month.

Thursday, May 19


Well, I have about 4 more hours left before I need to wake up. So, I've decided to just stay up all night. I mean, why not?

I really don't want to talk about the game.

So, the movie was good. Better than the first 2. And you don't have to hear Jar-Jar Binks anymore. Kind of nice. I recommend that you go to the bathroom about 5 minutes before the movie starts.

So, I'm trying to figure out how I want to keep myself awake. I figure that I'll just watch TV and movies for the next while. I don't really have anything better to do.

I'll post as the night goes on to tell you what's going on. Like right now, my eyes are a little tired, but my body doesn't feel tired. Oh, how nice it is to be young. Of course, not that any of my readers are old. Really, none of them. As far as I know, they're all younger than my siblings.

{Added on around 6:40AM}

Well, I just turned towards my window and noticed that there was light outside. I guess I wasn't paying attention. I've spent this time catching up on some old blogs, comic strips, and checking out new music. And unforunately, I haven't found much. So, I'm going to keep staying up and wait for whatever comes.

Wednesday, May 18


Nothing happened today. I did go up to campus and turn in my instrument. Didn't take but 5 minutes. Then I came back home and sat around. Real boring day.

Later tonight I get to see the new Star Wars movie. Thursday at 12:01AM. Then I come back home, sleep for a few hours, and head back home. My sis-in-law took a week off so all of us here in Austin are going to Dallas for 4 days. I'm hoping to get some basketball in.

Mavs play later today. I don't want to be let down, but I'll brace myself for the worst.

Damnit I'm bored now. Well, actually, I should probably be going to bed soon. I should get all the sleep I can.

It's funny though, 'cause I'm not tired. And I really should be.

What to do, what to do...

{Added on around 4:51AM}

Yea, I'm still up. Apparently, I put down that I was going to do summer school on my FAFSA. I'm 99% sure I unchecked that box. But hey, maybe it's a clue as to what I should do this summer.

I thought it would be a bad idea since there aren't any CS courses offered during the summer. I was wrong. They do offer those courses. And that means that I can catch up. After all, I did transfer into CS about 3 semesters after I started. So, I'm about 3 semesters behind. Well, more like 4, but I kind of skipped ahead. Lemme think now.

I was supposed to graduate May of 2006. A year from now. If I take these classes and such, I could be done by...Decemeber of 2006. Possibly. How about that? I wasted a year and a half in Engineering, but I'll only lose 1 semester out of it. Not bad. Now this means I need to buckle down and work my ass off.

Besides, most of my friends just graduated or are graduating this fall. I feel left behind.

Monday, May 16


Ugh. This sucks. I have to go to bed early for the first time in a long time. I have to go up to campus and turn in my instrument. I figure that I'll practice for an hour and then turn it in. I think I'm going to make it a priority to get my own French Horn this summer.

And this will be my first trip to campus since last Wednesday. Nearly a week ago. Everytime I'm there during May, I get this weird feeling. While I sit through class and think about the many ways I don't fit in, it's during this time that I feel like I belong. Probably because there's fewer students walking around and that's my type of crowd. While I'm fine here, I would be doing great things at a smaller college. I just don't like big crowds.

Sure, I would love to go home for the summer. But I'll waste away. I won't get anything done. At least if I stay here I'll have the motivation to get a job.

Played some basketball today. Even played some 2 on 2. I didn't do too bad. I carried the first game. I was very pleased with how I played.

Oh, my nephew is now a year old. 1 whole year. It does pass by fast.

And once again, I'm out of things.

Oh, one thing left. I know you all (that's right, I don't say "y'all") have heard about people auctioning off their body for advertisements. But usually they're old or ugly. This is not the case. And you only have 2 days to check it out.

Sunday, May 15


Something awesome happened yesterday.

J's boyfriend proposed. I'm happy for her.

I think I've written many posts regarding love, marriage, dating, and such. So there's not much I can say here. The only thing I can think of is congratulations.

I enjoy reading her blog. From what I can gather, we are alike in many ways. I think that's why I've grown attached to her writings. And it started with a comment about watermelon bubble gum. Somewhere around X-Mas time. I think on the 24th.

Once again, I'm happy for her. She totally deserves happiness.

Radiohead - True Love Waits
(Mostly for the sound, although the lyrics are good too.)


I will be writing two posts tonight because two wonderful things have happened today.

This post will be dedicated to basketball.

The Mavs won. It's tied up 2 - 2. If they can maintain this strategy, then I like our chances. Nash killed us, but no one else did. And I think that's fine. We just have to knock down our shots. By the way, compare the 3 point shooting stats for tonight.

Game 6 is guaranteed and it will be Friday night. I'll be in Dallas at that time, and I'm hoping that it will be a fun game to watch.


SNL was awesome tonight! Will Ferrell and Queens of the Stone Age?! I recorded the whole thing. I don't care if the FBI knocks on my door. It was worth it.

Other than that, not much else happened today. Practiced a bit more on my shot. It's still not consistent. Or at least as consistent as I want it to be.

Eh. I'm not feeling it tonight. I looked in my bag and it was full of nothing. A big bag of nothing.

Saturday, May 14


I've been saying this since game 1. If you close in on their 3 point attempts, Phoenix will be very vulnerable. They were +30 in 3 point shooting. Ridiculous. Of course, it helps to shoot better than 39%.

I'm so pissed. Honestly, the only thing that could cheer me up right now is a chic on my lap. And no, that is not the case right now. Although, one day I'll write a post under those circumstances. I'm making it a goal of mine.

Alright, I'm going to go punch some walls, doors, or if I play it safe, some pillows. I don't want to mess up my hand anymore.

Friday, May 13


Once again, a very boring day. The only thing productive I actually did was going to a court and shooting around. Absolutely nothing else.

I've rediscovered that I like listening to the radio stations offered through Windows Media Player. Especially the jazz stations. Not that crappy 'smooth' jazz or whatever. I mean the real stuff. Bebop, Hard Bop, and such.

Wow, after 4 years, I finally found this band that I was interested in. The group's name is "Ours." Really weird that I remembered them just now. Real crazy.

I really hope the Mavs win game 3. My weekend would be complete. At least until Sunday.

Either way, I don't have much else right now. Guess I'll post later.

In the mean time, here's something that analyzes your birth date or something. It was accurate enough for me.

August 20th

"Your birth on the 20th day of the month adds a degree of emotion, sensitivity, and intuition to your reading.
The 2 energy provided here is very social, allowing you to make friends easily and quickly.
Yet you are apt to have a rather nervous air in the company of a large group.

You have a warmhearted nature and emotional understanding that constantly seeks affection.
You are very prone to become depressed and moody, as emotions can turn inward and cause anxiety and mental turmoil.
It can be hard for you to bounce back to reality when depression sets in.
When things are going well, you can go just as far the other way and become extremely affectionate."

That last part is incredibly accurate. It freaks me out. Want proof? Check out this post from last November.

Wednesday, May 11


Had my last final. I think it went well. It only took me an hour. That meant I could get home in time to watch the Mavs game. Well worth it. They evened the series and are headed back to big D-town. It makes me happy.

I've been really bored lately. With classes being over, there's nothing for me to do. I'm going to get a job and all, but I can't get one right away. If I'm going home next week for four days, then I'll have to wait until after then. If I can get something where I fix computers but don't have to deal with people, I'll totally go for it. In fact, anything where I have no contact with people will make me happy enough.

I had a conversation with Anh and I realized that maybe I should try tutoring. I am pretty good at helping people, and I would try to just tutor anything about physics. I know that I say I don't have the patience, but in all reality, I do. During our senior year in AP Calculus, people would usually come to me for help. Now, I won't say I was the best student in there, because I could name at least 4 people who knew it better. But some how, I simplified it enough.

The only problem I find with tutoring is that I'm good enough to get you a B, but I can't guarantee anything higher. I guess that's not too bad. A B in Engineering Physics I is a good start. Not the best start, but definitely good. Although, it means that there are better tutors out there.

I'd do it if I was gauranteed to meet some nice chics though. Totally.

Think I'll be up for another 2 hours. My sleeping pattern has already changed. And only a few other people stay up with me. Oh so boring...

Tuesday, May 10


Yea, I know. My posts lately have been rather depressing.

I shot the ball around today. I found a spot I'm really comfortable at. And I think I've finally fixed my form. I was out there for well over an hour.

After seeing Phoenix whip the Mavs, I have to believe that at our current pace, we will be gone in 5 games. If the Mavs decided to shut down the 3 ball, we'll have a much better chance. Let Amare get 50. Pick up on the other guys for 48 minutes, and things are better. It's like the fact that T-Mac is going to get his. It's a matter of shutting down the supporting cast.

I haven't done a thing with my spare time. I'm just waiting for Wednesday so I can take my last final. It will be a Spanish composition. I'm already prepared. I can't speak Spanish that well, but I can read and write it.

Did I mention that I didn't go to Spanish lab this past Friday? Yea, I didn't go. I woke up, decided that I didn't want to get out of bed, and went back to sleep.

I'm going to see the first showing of Star Wars. Erik bought tickets, and I'm up for it. I'm not a sci-fi person, and I really don't know much about Star Wars. I've seen the other 5 and all, but ask me a question about the story and I'll give you a very short answer.

About 6 hours after that I'll need to get ready to leave. I'm going home for a few days. I'm still not sure whether I'll stay the summer at home or not. It would be nice. It's hard to decide. All of my friends are back home. But my bro is going to need help with the kid while his wife is at work. Also, if I go home, I know for sure that I'll waste my summer. I really need to get a job. And I'm actually very determined to do so. I have never had a job. I'm 20, and I have no experience. I need to start, and it would be something productive to do this summer. I want to save up some money for my trip. I still want to go to Vegas, but I'll be happy enough going anywhere cold. Or fun.

Go visit the blogs I have links to. Good stuff there.

Sunday, May 8


I'm not sure why I want to talk about this, but I feel compelled to do so...

I don't drive. I don't have a driver's license. I had a car, but it's gone now. Never drove it. Why?

I forget most everything I do. I can't remember what I did this morning. But I still remember my parents and I getting in that car accident.

It was a week night. I don't remember which day, but there was band practice that night. It was a long practice too. I don't think we finished until 8 or 9. I put away my instrument and found my parents. They already ate dinner, so I needed some fast food.

We had just left Taco Bueno. (Yes, so far back that I was still able to eat Mexican food.) I had my usual 2 burritos and a chiller. (I think that's what they're called. I don't remember.) Before we could get back on the highway, a car hit our left side. Right behind the driver's seat. I was in the back seat (this was an Xterra), and I wasn't wearing a seat belt. The car that hit us was probably going 40 or 50. Oh, it wasn't a car. I think it was a minivan.

My chiller flew out of my hands and my glasses disappeared. After what felt like a minute, the car stopped. My right hand hurt, and I could still feel the pain from my head hitting the overhead light. I searched for my glasses while my dad began to use F-bombs like crazy.

I got out of the car and sat down on the side. My mom was crying, I think. My dad went to the other driver. Next thing I know, my dad is looking at me with a weird look on his face. He said that my cheek was turning purple. And that's when my neck tightened up. He decided it would be best if I went to the hospital.

Everything was hazy at the time. I had to wait for the ambulance. They wanted to strap me down and put me in a neck brace. I kept telling them that I was fine, but they kept trying to convince me that I wasn't. I don't like being strapped down. And neck braces are very uncomfortable.

They took X-Rays, made me change into that ridiculous gown, and put me back on the bed. I didn't have an IV put in or anything like that. Just the usual heart monitor.

I waited in the hospital for 7 hours that night. It took them all of that time to tell me that I could go home. Just a stiff neck and a bruised hand. It was 3 in the morning. I took a shower to get all of that chiller syrup off of me. While I was washing my hair, I noticed a bit of blood on my hand. Apparently there was a 3 inch cut that I didn't feel and the doctors didn't notice. But eh, it didn't bleed that much.

I missed the next day of practice and was back later that week.

My dad mentions every now and then that he wants to get me a car. And every time, I just change the subject.

Friday, May 6


My mom informed me this afternoon that my cat died. Wasn't even full-grown.

I am so pissed. I'm hitting a down-time. How can this be? This semester is almost done, and this is what awaits me? Bull shit. I don't deserve this.

So anyway, I'm going to withdraw myself from the outside world.

And we're talking major drought if the unthinkable should happen to the Mavs tomorrow. All hell will break loose.

Thursday, May 5


I had 3 test today. After my last one, the only thing I really looked forward to was watching the end of the Mavs game.

Pathetic. They did too much work in the 3rd to give up a 19 - 0 run in the 4th. It's ridiculous.

Dirk has forgotten that the object of the game is to get the ball through the hoop. Terry is the only guard we have who can run a decent offense. Dampier likes to hear the whistles. And apparently, stepping out on the screen is not an option.

I don't know if anyone, and I mean anyone, can truly understand just how pissed off I am.

So, Spanish lab for the last time in the morning, a performance in the afternoon, and I'm done. 1 final on Wednesday, but it'll be easy.

But going into tomorrow with this frustration isn't the best thing. I'll only be frustrated tomorrow, and that's not going to help my performance.

It's all lovely. Oh so lovely...

{Added on around 11:43PM}

Another person has become extremely annoying. Why can't they leave her blog alone?

I am so sick of these people, and I wish I could think of way to destroy their blogs. My next option would be to hunt them down, but I don't think I should be doing anything of the sort.

Tuesday, May 3


Today was alright. Went to all of my classes today. Didn't skip any. I think this is the first Tuesday where I haven't. Got home at around 3. Was lazy until 4. Watched my sports shows, Jeopardy, Sportscenter, then played some NCAA 2005. I know, I have 3 tests this Thursday. I'm not going to let that stop me from having fun. But I do plan on studying all day tomorrow.

My mom reminded me that the Mavs game doesn't start until 8:30. My last test is at 7. So, if I spend an hour on the test (we're given 3 hours), and I head home immediately afterwards, I should be home by 8:45. The last CS test that I had took me about an hour and 30 minutes. So, I hope I have this stuff down. I don't want to worry about how the Mavs are doing towards the end of the test. I considered making up an excuse to take the makeup exam, but I figure I might as well get it over with.

Did I mention that I rearranged my room? I switched around my bed and computer desk. My bed is near the window now, but I don't know if I like that. For some reason I hate being near the window. When I'm at my parents', I like to sleep in the living room because it's right by the front door. So, I like being by the front door, but not by a window. Weird, eh?

I can't sleep when I'm facing a wall. I have to hear music while I sleep. If the music stops, I wake up. If any noise interrupts my music, I wake up. I can't sleep without a sheet or blanket covering me. I can't wear socks when I sleep. I can't sleep if I'm facing North. (That one is a bit weird.)

Either way, time for sleep. Any questions?

Monday, May 2


So, I played ball this afternoon with my bro. Played for a long time. I lost every game. He was shooting well from the outside, and I didn't play defense. I admit that I gave up halfway into the game each time. Only one game did I really play defense, and that was half-assed defense.

You see, when I play and I get down by alot, I quit using energy. I'd rather take the loss and move on to the next game. And if you beat me 5 times, I'll want a 6th game. Beat me in the 6th, and I'll want a 7th.

I don't like losing. But at the same time, it's my bro. Out on the street, he is better, for now. Put us on an NBA court with NBA refs and I'll win everytime. My bro plays dirty. He bends the rules. I play clean. I even call it when I foul someone. If you've played ball with me, you know this. If you've played ball with my bro, you know that also.

My bro is 2 inches shorter than me, but I'm pretty sure he has 50 pounds on me. He's not fat. I'm just thin. So, knowing this, he likes to throw his body around. He pushes off, hooks with his right arm, and, his dirtiest move of all, he will pump-fake to get you in the air and drive his shoulder into your gut.

Offensively, I can get a good shot on him when I'm determined to. I've shown him that when I play with 100% effort, he doesn't win. He doesn't score. He can't stop me. But then again, rarely do I go 100%. Why? Because I'm bored with 1 on 1. I like games of 25. I like it when there's 3 or more people playing. Although I hate full-court. I just don't have the mind for it yet. But 3 on 3 is nice. That's when I really have fun.

Well today, we were in our 7th or 8th game, I forget which exactly, and he threw his body into mine after missing a shot and practically forced me into the fence. The court we play on is fenced. Well, it finally pissed me off and I lost my composure. I looked right at him and drove right to him. Once again, he outweighs me by a good amount. Not only did he stop me dead in my tracks, but he shoved me to the ground. Didn't make a play for the ball or anything. I got up, and for a split-second I thought about throwing a right hook at his jaw. Instead I shoved him back. I grabbed my cell phone and walked off. If he had held his ground, said, "You charged. My ball." I would have been fine. The shove was unnecessary.

Of course, it was really building up. After the 2nd to last game, he said, "You want to play again? Do I need to shut you out for you to quit?" Honestly, if he shut me out, I would quit. He can't though. But the tone with which he said it was a clear sign of frustration.

I don't think I should play with him anymore. I'm not going to become a better player by having someone shove and bruise me. I already know that I am the superior player both offensively and defensively because of one fact. I don't need to foul to be effective on either side of the ball.

I want to play against people who play the game right. I've played Brandon, and he plays the game right. My dad plays the game right. Fermin plays the game right. Ryan, Marshall, and all of their friends play the game right. These are the people I should be playing against.

So yea, no more basketball with my bro. Not until he learns how to play the right way.


Wow, it's already May. Either way, there's some things I need to say. (Totally unintentional.)

I don't hate vegetarians. But I will make fun of you.

I do hate racists. And I do mean hate. If you think you're better than me, prove it.

I hate sore losers. I might get mad when I lose, but I can still say, "Good game." Whatever happens on the court doesn't leave the court.

I hate people who write derogatory comments for bloggers. If you want to point out a grammatical error, fine. Do it politely. Don't comment on the actual content. If someone wants to write about birds, let them.

And because it's there...

Congratulations, FBombAndy!
Your IQ score is ***

Your Intellectual Type is Facts Curator. This means you are highly intelligent and have picked up an impressive and unique collection of facts and figures over the years. You've got a remarkable vocabulary and exceptional math skills — which puts you in the same class as brainiacs like Bill Gates. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.

Nope, I'm not going to say what it is. I don't mind if you state yours. People tell me how they did all the time. But I just don't tell people how I do. Only my family and UT know what I got on my SATs. I'm just shy about that stuff.

(By the way, I disagree with the 'exceptional math skills' part. I suck at math. Give me algebra or trig, and I'll do fine. Make me do differential equations and I'll turn in a blank sheet. Well, maybe not blank. There will be some scribbling on there.)