Sunday, July 24


I want to post. I really do.

But I can't think of one thing to say.

I had a cool dream last night. I remember because I woke up and said to myself, "Wow, that was awesome."

But I don't remember what happened in my dream. That sucks.

I was planning on staying up for a while. I feel like I should be at that point where if I get 4 hours of sleep, I should be happy. But then I realize that in order for me to stay up past 1AM, something has to grab my attention. Well, guess what? Nights have become boring. I find myself reading the same blog multiple times from beginning to end. I'll read every post and try to discover the hidden meaning, intentionally put there or not.

I love to read other people's writings. Especially if it is handwritten.

So, back in high school, the thing was to pass notes with your friends of the opposite sex. And while some guys would crumple them up and throw them away, I preserved each one. I don't mean to sound obsessive, it's just that if someone writes something and then does the opposite, I can show proof that they are a hypocrite.

Well, I still have some notes from back then. I'd estimate that the entire catalog contains over 100 pages of notebook paper. Maybe 200. Well, I read some of them to refresh my mind of what I was like in high school. It didn't work. The only thing I remembered was what my friends were like.

And my collection is short about 50 pages. That's because I cut up those notes. The second I decided to move on, I thought the best thing to do was destroy everything that reminded me of her. But it is something I regret now. I want to read those notes again, just so I can learn the intricacies of her handwriting. Things like, "Oh, when she crosses her 'f' it goes upward." Ah, it is too late though.

Oh, and one other thing. Have you ever watched some sport and you heard an announcer say, "It's as if time slows down for him?" Well, it does happen. I know what they mean now.

I'm not saying that I'm a good basketball player. I don't light up the courts very often. But I played this afternoon against my bro and my dad. I made them say 'wow' a couple of times. But when we were done and we went home, I headed straight for my room. I put on my music, but something felt weird.

Each song sounded like it was slow, just by a bit. They didn't sound normal at all. At first, I thought it was just my computer or my sound card. So I turned it off and listened to my iPod Shuffle. But I noticed it there also. And it really freaked me out. So I jumped in the shower and tried to just forget it.

It's about 7 hours later, and I just put my music on. It sounds normal. It sounds like the right tempo.

I think that's what the announcer is talking about. Time slowing down for someone.

By the way, I created a new moblog for my cell phone pics. Still that link to the right. It's easier than doing it through blogger. (Oh, and I have a forward to send out.)

Alright. Time for bed. I guess I did have more than one thing to say.

Song of the Moment: Deftones - Teenager

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