Tuesday, July 19


Same old stuff, same old routine.

Went to class. The prof called on me 3 or 4 times. I answered correctly each time. Made me feel like a big nerd. But then I looked around the class and realized that I'm not.

Speaking of being nerdy, I have about 8 different blogs that I keep a track of with Firefox and Sage. If you don't have Sage, you should think about getting it. It's free. It checks all of your favorite blogs and tells you which ones have been updated. Either way, usually just one or two blogs have new content. Well, I guess tonight is special. 4 out of the 8 have new stuff. Makes me happy.

I've been searching around for podcasts on iTunes. The only 2 that I subscribe to are Diggnation and This Week In Tech. I'm looking for something like comments on today's issues but by someone who thinks like me. Ha! I keep telling Brandon that he should make his own podcasts. I think he would be great at it, especially with the radio background and stuff.

Otherwise, I don't have much else to report. Think I'm gonna sleep and call it a day.

Oh, wait. One more thing. I probably won't be posting tomorrow night, seeing as how I have a test the next morning. Yes! A test!

[FBombAndy mutters dirty words as he walks off stage. Cue curtains.]

Song of the Moment: A Perfect Circle - When The Levee Breaks

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