Thursday, July 21


So, it's past midnight and I'm awake. Know why? 'Cause I don't have class tomorrow! Hell yea!

Oh, and I'm creating a podcast sometime tonight as well. Crap, I just remembered that I have a program due tomorrow. No sleep for me tonight. (Naw, I'll sleep eventually. I'll put off my program until tomorrow afternoon, because I like to procrastinate.)

I think I need to do laundry. I'll do that tomorrow also.

Ugh, and the family is coming down on Saturday. That means I have to clean the bathroom and such.

Alright, I am not looking forward to tomorrow now. But that's ok, because when do I ever look forward to the next day?

Guess I'll type what I said for my recording earlier today. I need to practice on the courts sometime before Brandon gets here. I also need to figure out what drinks I'm going to want on my special day. Back in high school, during physics, it was amaretto with orange juice or apple juice. (Because I want to sound smart in front of my bartender friend, amaretto with orange juice is called a Boccie Ball. I don't like Club Soda. And a Boccie Ball is the name of the ball used for lawn bowling. I think.)

Back in the day, that was my nickname. The "Bartender." You name some type of liquor and I'll recommend a certain drink on the spot. Although, in my old age I have forgotten plenty. But that also means that when Brandon introduces me to people, he can say, "This guy has forgotten more about liquor than you'll ever know."

And now, I want a drink. But I'm holding off. 23 months and 1 week without a drop. Not bad.

Otherwise, as long as I don't get squirted with a water gun or something, I'll be happy. Oh, and as long as I don't have to dance. I can't dance. There, I said it.

One last thing. I am looking for new links to put in the "My Links" section. So if you want me to check out your blog, or web site, or that of someone you know, email me.

{Added on around 12:57AM}

Oh, oh, oh! Nine Inch Nails with Queens of the Stone Age, October 17th, in Dallas, at the AAC. I better get tickets the second I can.

Song of the Moment: A Perfect Circle - Rose

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