Wednesday, July 6


Editing a podcast right now!

{Added on around 10:12PM}

Alright, I'm sorry to get your hopes up. I still have to add in the background music, drops, and such. Something came up this afternoon that I had to take care of.

You see, I was supposed to have a presentation today. But my topic was stolen by one of my classmates. When I told the professor, he said that I could half-ass a different topic. So yea, I've chosen one. But I still have to prove the theorems and write a summary. This means I have to go to campus early tomorrow morning and go to the library. The library! That sucks ass! I hate books!

So, while I could stay up and produce a nice podcast, I think I won't. I'm low on sleep and I need to get up early. So, this means I'll be asleep by 11PM. Most likely.

By the way, if you're interested, Episode #5 will contain the subjects of AIM, relationships, CS 336, and whatever I posted about recently. It will be in the range of 14 to 17 minutes. I know, quite long. 128 kbps or 96kbps? Quality or quick download? Because if I go with 96kbps, the overall file will be about 13MB. On cable or DSL, that's not bad. But if you're on dial-up, I'm sorry. My only other option is to cut it into two podcasts. That would mean recording an ending and such, which would push the release to Friday at the earliest.

Meh. Screw it. Huge file it is. So either way, tomorrow is Thursday, and that makes me happy. Because then it's almost Friday.

Song of the Moment: Nine Inch Nails - With Teeth

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