Wednesday, September 1

There is good out there...

Today has just been great.

Kobe got his dismissal. I got my original Spanish group. 'Tis good.

Overall, there isn't much for me to report. I'm feeling rather indifferent today.

I don't get my results from the bone marrow aspiration until September 10th. In other news, if you know me, you know that my stomach sucks horribly. We're talking daily doses of Prilosec or Zantac. Rolaids and Tums just don't cut it. Well, I have no idea what caused it, but it's healed quite a bit. Still have the acid reflux, but I can control that well. Tomorrow will be a true test though. 3 1/2 hours straight of class.

One of my hard drives screwed up this morning. I don't know how. I was just getting out of the shower, and when I checked my computer, there wa a black screen with "Read Disk Error, Press CTRL-ALT-DEL to Restart." It really pissed me off. I think it has to do with me being on AIM or something. When I tried to open up my buddy list, it wouldn't let me. It could have been something with BearShare. I'm not sure. So I'm going to keep my programs to a minimum and see if it solves anything. I'm betting it has to do with my crummy 80 gig hard drive...

Still no word on a locker for my instrument. I really need that too. I ride a bus to class, and I don't trust the people on that bus. Dragging around that case is going to suck as well. Hopefully the guy calls tomorrow.

Either way, I'm going to head to bed. More sleep = happy F-Bomb...

2 comments: said...

Did you download WinXP SP2? Automatic updates? That my be any issue.

FBombAndy said...

Took your advice and downloaded SP2. Won't know if it solved it until tomorrow morning. There's some cool stuff, but it's strange to me. Beh...