Tuesday, September 14

Not bad...

Today, I gave my seat on the bus three times. One of which was to a cute blonde. And now, I feel good about myself.

Today has just been off. It hasn't been terrible like some of my other days. It probably had to do with the weather. It's been grey and humid. I don't like humid. I do like dark clouds. The hour before a storm starts is the absolute perfect time to play basketball. If it's the right moment, the wind is cool, the sun is blocked out, and usually the courts are empty.

I have yet to see the footage of the Texas reliever hitting a fan with a chair. I can't wait.

Working on the spanish homework a little bit. I really need to finish my logic homework. I'm probably three or four steps away for one of the proofs. I find it mildly entertaining.

Some days, everything just falls into place.

Although, while I stood on the bus all 50 minutes of my trip, I was able to get some thinking out of the way. I like to stand there, close my eyes, and just go through scenarios. If this happens, I'll do that and the kind.

Either way, I must be doing work. Or playing games. Whichever comes first...

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