Monday, September 20

Quiz 3 or 4...

"Limb by limb and tooth by tooth,
It's tearing up inside of me,
Every day, every hour"

Can't give the next line because it would give the answer.

"I'm a reasonable man,
get off my case, get off my case."

Seeing a theme...

"What would I do?
What would I do,
If I did not have you?"

Three points for a line (although, I always believed that two points were enough.)

Extra Credit

"I must remain in tune forever,
My love is music,
I will marry melody."

2 comments: said...

Quiz 3: Radiohead "BulletProof ... I Wish I Was"
Quiz 4: Radiohead "Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box"
Seeing a theme: Radiohead "I Might Be Wrong"
Extra Credit: Cold "Bleed" said...

Okay here's the truth ... the first two I knew. The third one I hunched at it to be a Radiohead song and was right. And the last one, well, I cheated ... I googled it. Who the hell listens to Cold anyway?