Wednesday, September 15

Do I really need to go over this???

Let me explain something real quick...

If you're walking in an area where thousands of people walk every hour and you decide to stop moving, you're going to get bumped into. The odds of you getting bumped into are directly proportional to your closeness to the center of the walk area.

If you're walking slow, people should not have to go around you. You should get out of the way. Some people like to get to class on time. So if you decide to crawl on the ground, at least do it on the side or something.

If you ride a bike, you have to obey the rules of any motorist. You're supposed to stop at red lights, stop signs, and the such. You do not have the rights of both pedestrians and motorists. I swear, the next guy I see blazing a trail through a stop sign, I'm going to kick your front tire. I say 'guys' because there's no way I could do that to a chic.

No one wants to hear your life story on the bus. Do not respond to "How are you" by mentioning every event between your birth and today. A simple "Fine" will do.

Telling someone to step back is fine. Telling them why with a 40-word sentence is not fine. DO not, I repeat, DO NOT get an attitude in a heavily crowded space. I'm not a big fan of crowds, and pissing me off isn't smart.

If you're a guy, and you have curly hair, do not grow it out. This whole long hair 'thang' is getting gay real quick. I don't like looking at someone and getting confused as to whether that was a chic or not. But, if you're going to grow your hair out, at least make it look manageable and clean. Brush, comb, whatever.

That's all I can let loose for now...


Anonymous said...

so long, curly, male hair bad. i wonder...what do you opine of males wearing the very thin, almost feminine looking flip flop as dressy apparel

i was too lazy to create an account,

FBombAndy said...

I don't like the flip-flops thang either. I don't care how fancy or pricey they are, they should only be worn at beaches and around the house. Guys should wear shoes with laces, period.

I don't know how some guys walk around with their shoe laces real loose. If I do that, my shoe leaves my foot.

It does take too much to create an account when you can comment anonymously with ease.