Sunday, August 15

"There is no modern romance."


...they might not know they are potentials. They might not know you have a thing for them. They can be completely oblivious to the fact.

So, is it the man's duty to make them aware? Does he have to come out and say, "You're a great prospect for ." Maybe not in those words, unless he's from the 20s. With the courting and what-not...

A friend of mine once said, "If two friends are really good friends and mature, then the announcement of one's interest for the other shouldn't change anything."

Only once have I announced my feelings for some chic. It worked. I had her wrapped around my pinkie for half a year. And for me, half a year is a long-term thing. Well, back then it was.

I really don't know whether to say or not. The person in, nevermind.

I guess it's my decision. I should follow my own advice...

...but opinions are welcome...

3 comments: said...
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SportsGal said...

My guess is you have already made your decision on some gut level and just need to hear the right thing to validate it. So are you the type of person to go with your instincts or be cautious? Think of the worst case scenario if you say something and if you don't...which one can you live with more easily? It's easy to say you'd rather not risk ruining things, but would you always wonder what if? Is that wondering keeping you from exploring other options?

One of my best guy friends had a crush on one of his female friends, and he agonized over whether to say anything or not. He finally did, and she didn't feel the same way. But he had his answer one way or another and could move on. A few months later he met another girl, they hit it off right away, and now they are very happily engaged and a perfect match.

As you may guess, I lean towards the "go for it" philosophy. That doesn't mean confess all your feelings at once necessarily though, you can try more subtle signals and see if she is receptive or not. If she is, keep going, if not, she may be letting you down easy, or she may be oblivious to your intentions. said...

I wonder what happened to my original comment from last night --- it says that is whas removed by the author? I didn't remove it ... did you?

Anyhow, I want to know whose quote that is. I was hitting the bottle pretty hard last night, so I don't remember what I said in my original post.

You know ... you can't listen to people in this instance. They can't tell you what you are feeling and they do not have the same relationship as you do with the other party.

I don't know exactly what you should do. But since I have to say something (you know me), I will say this: Treat each day like it is your last, and don't go to bed regreting something.