Tuesday, August 10

Here's why...


...because you have three of the most powerful body parts of them all. Offer yourself to any man, and he'll do anything for you. Quit your crying. And, as Rojo says, "They are usually ugly." Well said...


...because they impede the progress of society. If we could all survive on berries and nuts, the lions and tigers would eat our butts.


...enough said.

Drunk people on public transportation vehicles...

...because they stink, they sleep and take up three seats, they have a bunch of stuff with them, I'm afraid they'll throw up on me.

Fat, ugly people that sit next to me on the bus...

...because they're fat, ugly, and they're sitting next to me. In the Book of Andy, chapter 1 verse 2, "Thou shalt not sit next to Andy, unless thou is hot and willing."

People yelling out verses of the Bible on campus...

...because they don't stop. Somehow it seems like there's an infinite amount of text in that book. Also, I feel like my personal space is invaded when they face me.


...because they are wasting time. Four or five people sitting outside the capitol aren't going to get anything done. Yes, we have the right to protest. Doesn't mean we have to use it though. Also, the violent ones that sit in the road...they piss me off...

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