Friday, August 27


It's 9:30, and I have a two hour break today. Supposed to be at French Horn lessons, but they don't start 'til next Friday. Oh well...

Good lor I'm friggin' tired. Yesterday at 6 or so I passed out. Probably got an hour nap. But I couldn't sleep last night because of it. So I ended up not falling asleep until 2 or so, and I woke up at 6. I know I know. I should quit my crying. I'm just new to this...

I considered skipping my last class today to go home early. I could, but it's my Western Music class, and I don't want to miss that.

The UGL, or the SMF (that's the main computer lab on campus) upgraded their computers. These are Dells, with 3.20GHz CPUs with 1 gig of RAM. It's pretty sweet. Think I might build me one.

Oh boy, here I go talking about building computers. Such a nerd...

So yea, been 20 for a week, and nothing is any different. In fact, I still find myself thinking I'm 18 or something. I don't get it. But, at least it's less than a year away. Which is awesome...

No call from E, so I'm not going to think about going to the movie. I'd rather go...wait, nevermind. Was thinking about going home and playing NBA Live 2004 or NCAA 2004 (Haven't bought the new one yet) with my bro, but sister-in-law is home. Well, maybe I'll steal their Blockbuster card and rent a movie. That could be fun. I don't know what came out this week though. I'll have to look it up. Fortunately, the Baby eats about every 2 hours, so that's time to get a movie in...

Second day of logic class went well. Not surprisingly, it's very logical. If you know, it's pretty much like placing together AND gates, OR gates, and NOTs. Eventually it'll get deeper and more complex, but that's fine.

So anyway, I'm going to go to the Student Services Building to see what's up with my financial aid. It was supposed to get to the University this past Wednesday, and it's Friday with no word. Figure I should jump on it now.

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