Thursday, August 19

What fun...

Let's start at the top.

First, they gave me info about the procedure. Nothing really freaked me out. They drew some blood, but had a tough time, so they went after a vein in my hand. Then they started an IV.

Something to freak you out. When they did the pre-procedure standard tests, my temperature was 95 degrees, and my blood pressure was pretty high. It was confusing to them. But then again, my temperature is usually pretty low. Don't know why.

So then my Dad had to leave the room. The doctor felt around for where they wanted the marrow sample. Once she found it, they started injecting a sedative. It felt like I had a really good buzz. It was nice. I was laying on my stomach, and I was staring at the wall, but I couldn't focus on anything. I smiled alot.

She mentioned something about "You'll feel a sting" but I didn't. My tolerance for pain is extraordinarily high. In fact, as I type this, they wanted me to take some prescription pain killers, but I don't feel any pain. I feel fine. So yea, I pretty much zoned out for the next 5 minutes, and all I remember was her pushing hard on my hip. It felt like she was jumping on my hips pretty much. Then I feel asleep. Next thing I know, they're done and my Dad is back. I asked them to show me the marrow sample, and they really only got a little bit.

Part of the extraction was to remove some actual bone. Don't remember that either.

I had a hard time sitting up 'cause everything was fuzzy and I had no balance. It took me a couple of minutes, but I started walking. Right now, I don't remember leaving the room and getting to the car. I don't remember much of lunch either, except that we ate at Gatti's.

Overall, it wasn't bad. It was actually kind of fun. Now I get to wait between a week and 3 weeks before I get any word. Next appointment is in September, so woo-hoo.

Will I be able to play basketball this weekend?

Only the rain can stop me...

By the which, a blast of thunder just set off a car alarm. Crap...

1 comment: said...

I need to ball ... rain, rain go away! Nice to know you're okay.