Monday, August 30

Long post...

I don't know how to start this post really...

boliver321 is constantly hounded by this chic who is engaged to his best friend. Constantly. It's really quite pathetic. I'm sure if she stopped mentioning him, they wouldn't speak to each other. That would be a good thing. If two people cannot coexist in the same space, better for them to ignore each other than to throw it down in the verbal ring.

From my perspective, this chic has the potential to be a really nice person to hang out with. The few times we have been in the same room, things went smoothly, and everything was positive.

But when I read her blog, when I read her comments on boliver321's blog, I can't help but think that I've been deceived.

In other news, I've made a decision.

The chic I talked of a while back, the one whom I had an interest in but never expressed it, is off my list. I don't care anymore. I cannot devote any more time to this. I've decided that her knowing is not important. I've decided that there are other pursuable interests out there, some 5ft away from me. Will I ever talk to her again? I don't know. And, as harsh as it sounds, I don't care.

It takes years to earn my trust. I am a very paranoid person. I am very realistic, although I have also been described as extremely pessimistic. I never open up. If I do, it must be one of my 'off' days. Or you must be a potential.

It takes one, I repeat, one mistake to force me to turn my back on you. I don't like being made a fool of twice. Once is more than enough. So when people stop talking to me, I move on quickly.

I've moved on.

So yea, met this chic in spanish today. She had something cute to her. Dropped some signals. I might move in on it. Unless some offer comes up that I can't refuse...

If there's one thing I really miss about Dallas...'s driving on Central after 11PM. Actually, it's driving on any highway in Dallas when it's night out. Here in Austin, there are two major highways. One has construction going, and the other isn't that much better. So riding around isn't much of a fun outlet.

I just miss those midnight drives. They're the best.

I hope when I finally visit, someone can take me for a drive. At midnight. Hopefully a chic.

Well, I'm worn out again. I still feel like there's weight on my shoulders. A huge weight. I can't explain why.

I really am going to hit my mid-life crisis within the year...that sucks!


SportsGal said...

Yeah Mopac isn't much for driving. 360 is pretty but moreso by day. My favorite relax/kill time drive up here is a loop around downtown--southbound Central towards downtown, then west on Woodall Rodgers, then take 35 down to I30 eastbound back to Central again. See all the skyline and everything all lit up. The road around White Rock Lake is pretty too. I actually once planned a nice romantic evening out there, even brought wine and glasses and candles and an aim and flame in the car. The lake area was also really pretty when it snowed last. said...
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