Tuesday, May 4

Blah blah blah...

Nothing new today. Got my major changed officially. Everything I've completed in EE transfer over pretty well, so I won't be too far behind. If I get my summer school going, I should graduate on time. Not too shabby.

Really didn't do anything. Woke up this morning, but I didn't feel like waking up yet, so I went back to sleep for an hour. Went to my Matrices class, came back to the dorm, laid around. Watched my shows. Wow, today was just really boring.

Stupid telemarketers. Need to stop calling my dorm. How did they get my number anyway? I do know that the University does give out some information like our email adresses and such, but it's such crap. I'm so ready to get out of this dorm.

Weddings are quite something. Haven't been to one since October, but I thought about it today. I can picture myself at an altar with some chic next to me. I can't imagine anything resembling a reception. I don't dance. Well, I can't dance. Well, I can slow dance, but don't expect me to do much more than that. Guys aren't supposed to all be back-up dancers, right?

Even though I can picture it, I don't think it's in my future based on what I know about myself now. It's not about committment. It's not about settling down and growing up. It's just the process to get to that step. Between the dating part and the bringing the girl home to meet the parents. I don't mind the dating, but after that it gets complicated. Or so it seems to me. Even though I'm very old-fashioned, I prefer the more modern route of dating, 'sleepovers', moving in, and then so on.

I've witnessed many times when my siblings bring their 'others' to meet the parents. It never is good for the family member. Of course the typical embarassing pictures and stories. I don't mind that so much because everyone goes through it. I just don't feel I'm the type to introduce my woman to everyone I know. I'm more of the type that will call up my parents one day and say "Hey Mom and Dad! I just got married!" Oh, they'd hate me for a long time if I did such a thing.

I'm fairly certain that my parents would like to see a nice wedding, not too elaborate, but still nice. I would like that too. But, given the option to just fly to Vegas and elope, I'd choose that. My bro and his woman got married in Vegas, bu everyone knew beforehand. I don't want people to know until a week or so after.

The only thing that sucks about that is choosing out the best man and groom's men and ushers and what-not. Then again, I'd be afraid to hurt someone's feelings by not selecting them.

I hate decisions. But at least these are way into the future if they are going to happen.

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