Tuesday, May 18

Ha ha...

Miguel the Third was born at 2:57am on May 17th. So in other words, I'm now busy. Will try to post more over the next month, except I dont have internet anymore for now. So it might not be until June. Check out BOliver's sie, link to the left.

Haven't received any grades back, although I will check in a sec.

Good stuff.

Until the next post, later!

Sunday, May 16


In a very interesting turn of events, it looks like my nephew is on the way as I type this. Well, in the next 10 or so hours hopefully. So, yea!


Need a post for Sunday. One final tomorrow, and I'm done. Gonna wake up early and study for it, then clean the floor of this dorm, do some more packing, take the final, come back and play ball. Then, help E move out, hang out with...umm...well they aren't my in-laws, but they're my bro's in-laws, so they're something to me. Then sleep, party, or something.


Saturday, May 15


Three finals down, two more to go...

Now I'm off to the library to prep for my next final, which is in 3 hours. Hoo-ray.

Thursday, May 13

Good lor, two tests...

So yea, that Lakers game was killer good at the end. Two great shots, and the protest doesn't matter. Even if the Spurs do argue the clock didn't start right away, I saw something that makes it an insufficient argument.

Let's say they were off by a tenth of a second in starting the clock. Well, if you look at the clock when Duncan's shot went down, the clock ran an extra two-tenths of a second long. So really, the Lakers should have had .6 or at least .5 seconds. The Spurs can cram it up their A-holes.
(Just watched the replay again. Looks like there should have been .7 or .8 seconds.)
(Wait, they shouldn't be upset, because it shouldn't come down to the last shot if you're a true championship team.)

I feel very confident that I did well on my CS final. All of the programming section went smooth, and that's 75% of the total grade. I might have missed one or two questions on the analysis section, but each question was worth 2 points. I know for sure I passed the test, so that means I either made a B or an A in the class. Better be an A, because I like those.

Guys wasting their lives for a chic they have no chance with? (As in, the chic has said "no" already.) It should never happen. Unfortunately, some losers out there do it.

So yea, I'm really tired, and I've got nothing right now. I'll be posting my list soon though.


Crazy shot by Kobe, even crazier shot by Duncan.

Prayer tossed by Fisher with .4 seconds left and it falls. Amazing.

Greatest ending ever.

Tests and tests and tests....

So, I think I did well on that last final. I probably made an A or B, which should give me a B in the class. I'm happy enough with a B, especially in history. I hate history more than any other subject.

Tonight, in about an hour and a half, I get to go take my CS final. I should do fine. I learned what I needed to, and I think I have everything else down. Friday is empty for me, but I'm going to be doing some heavy studying for the two finals on Saturday. The two this weekend are PSY 301 and Government. Really sucks. I need to do good on both. I have a bit of room for error for psychology, but government is going to require everything from me. Monday is matrices, so all day Sunday I'll be studying for that. Then I'm done and I'm going to party.

They're showing the old McDonald High School thingfrom 95. Vince Carter just tore up the slam dunk competition. It's nice to watch old footage of good players. Well, I find it nice. I wish we got ESPN Classic in the dorms.

Well, gonna eat some dinner, maybe take a small nap, and then head to the test. I didn't get to do my usual routine of playing basketball, taking a shower, eating dinner, and then going to the test because the weather really sucks. Could have gone to the gym, but it's usually too full for me to just shoot around. Eh, I've got a mini-hoop and ball here in the room, so I'll just mess with that.

Saw footage of the PSP and the DS. Amazing. Technology, especially video game technology, has come a long way from the ol' 8-bit crap and prior. But neither of those systems will be out this year. I like my games. I combine a good mixture of video games and outdoor basketball, so it's ok. I'm not obese, and I'm not allergic to sunlight.

By the which, Cowboys released Troy Ham-bone. Good thing.

Wednesday, May 12

I'm so slow...

Didn't post at midnight like I usually do. Went to my bro's last night to play some football and some basketball. Didn't get back to the dorm until abut 12:30, and then I found out my History final was at 9AM this morning. So I just got back from that, and now I'm ready to post.

Had to laugh at myself today. Set my alarm for 8:30 with all intentions of showering, gonig over notes, and eating breakfast. When I woke up, I realized "Oh, crap. The test starts at 9." So I only had 15 mintes to dress and such, and 15 minutes to get to the place. In fact, I'm about to go jump in the shower right now. I find it hard to start my day without a good shower.

Eh, I'll think of something good in the shower to write about.

Tuesday, May 11

Maybe there is truth...

It was on the Daily Quickie today. Orlando sending the number one pick and Grant Hill to the Mavs for Antoine Walker.

I see the logic behind it for both teams. Orlando gets a decent power forward by Eastern Conference standards, and they get rid of Grant Hill's no-playing, big money contract. Dallas gets rid of one guy who needs the ball to get his work done, and they possibly pick up Emeka Okafor.

The pairing of Walker and T-Mac in Orlando produces a better version of last years' Celtics. That combo will defintely make the playoffs next year, should the deal go down. Two scorers with three defensive pieces produce a good fit. The next year, Walker will be gone, and the Magic will have cap room to get T-Mac whoever he wants.

For Dallas, should they resign Nash, the starting line-up will be Nash, Finley, Dirk, Jamison, Okafor. Well, possibly Nash, rookie, Finley, Dirk, Okafor (By rookie, I mean Daniels or Howard.) Either line-up can be pretty good. The second option gives you two defense specialists and 3 options at the other half of the court for the other team to leave open. If the Big Three are covered, then they can dump it to Okafor or a rookie. It's not really horrible. If they can go get some subs also, the Mavs are still in the mix of things in the West.

I don't feel right about putting Okafor at C when he's 6'8, but he does have strength. He won't match up with Shaq, that's a given. But other centers in the league might be something for him. He does have college experience, so it could be good for the Mavs.

Oh oh, on PTI, one of the topics is the Boob Cam. I do miss it. Great shot or great play, the audience is rewarded with a fine female jumping up and down. Yea...

Monday, May 10

Big game, home-town, deal...

Watching this Sac-Wolves game. Unbelievable. I really didn't think they would tie it up. But Peja is the Mad Man. Crazy shooting.

Sat around, got me some movies. Also looking for 6 gigs of my hard drive. I'm using about 50, but I can only account for 44. It's weird. Yes, I checked all of the hidden stuff. I know what I'm doing. Something mysterious, I guess.

Oh man, KG was just pushed over and the refs called traveling. If the Wolves lose, I'll be pissed about that officiating. Well, I took a break there, and the Wolves won. KG took the GW shot, Peja didn't get his balance for Sac's last shot. I feel bad for Peja, but them's the breaks. Even the Mad Man has to miss.

Talking about the ol' high school and the ol' home town. Reminded of why I say Dallas is my home town and not the real place.

In order of who I'd rather see win the title now...

Minnesota, Detroit, Sacramento, Lakers.

I don't want the Duncans winning, and I don't care much for New Jersey. I'd much rather see KG get his big trophy. I like Detroit because of the Wallace duo. Sac is next because they would prove offense can go all the way. Lakers just because.

If Orlando gets the 1st pick, Walker for the 1st pick and Grant Hill. Supposed to be a big rumor floating around according to ESPN. Interesting...

By the which, my TV schedule just expanded to an hour and a half. Around the Horn at 4pm, Pardon the Interruption at 4:30, and now I, Max at 5. Kellerman left ESPN and ATH back at the end of January, and he's now with Fox Sports. Has his own show, and it's kinda funny. Great stuff for my afternoon.

Some nightly quickies...

It's late. Bout to go to bed. But first...

It is true. Not everyone follows the rules for a break-up in a relationship. Things can get messy in a hurry. And that sucks.

Yes, I wouldn't mind a mail-order bride. Less work for me.

Two reviews today, although I've forgotten the times for each one. I'll have to do some digging then.

New comment system. I hope it's ok. And if anyone has some suggestions for my profile, by all means...

Alright, now it's bedtime. Sleep. So great...

Sunday, May 9

Tragedy, changes, luck...


I hate seeing things like the above. It really sucks that it happened here. Of course, it's a tragedy no matter where it happens, it just bothers me a bit to know I could have walked right by him and not even know it. I don't know.

Spent most of the weekend at my bro's. Saturday night, my bro, Fel, E, and I went to Chili's and then to go see Van Helsing. All I can say about that is Chili's was definitely the highlight. That movie sucked bad. It had some nice effects, but that's all it offers. The story sucks, the ending sucks, the cheesy jokes suck. There is so much potential for the character, and someone else should have taken hold of this movie. Chili's was alright, just had a regular old cheeseburger. Sat back and admired some of the waitresses.

Blogger changed, so I figure I might as well change my blog as well. I hope everyone likes it.

Most of the parents have predicted that my nephew will be born this week. I hope they are all wrong! I have 4 finals before the end of the week, and it would be too hard on me to show up at the hospital and then have to rush back for a final or two. Especially if the baby comes at night. I know that with my luck, he will be born on Friday night. With 2 finals on Saturday, it makes sense. I know I know. I always talk about Lady Luck being by my side. It only applies to gambling. Never applies to real life situations.

Orange juice mixed with Midori, 2 parts to 1 respectively. Forgot what it's called. I just remember that it's really good. Wish I could have one right now...

Friday, May 7


I don't know.

Have you ever had that feeling where you wanted to tell a friend, "It's just not working anymore" or something like that?

And I have this feeling, as though something is missing. I don't know what I'm missing. I can't think of anything I want right now. It might have something to do with the fact that I have the dorm to myself for the weekend. It's quiet, and I'm alone. Two things I really appreciate. But I can't right now. Something just feels weird.

But yea, there's people I just want to break up with, even though we aren't an item or 'together.' I just want to end it, the caring and what-not.

It must be getting near that time when I sort out my friends and keep the 'active' ones. By 'active' I mean the ones I regularly talk to. Not the ones I listen to, the ones I actually talk to.

If there's anything I hate, it's being reminded of certain things in the past. Anywhere from 14 years ago to 2 years ago. Hmm...2 years ago I was getting ready to graduate from high school. Good times...good times...

There are some writings of mine possibly still floating around out there. Wish I had them back. Just because...

Wait. I know what I need now. But if I asked for it, it would defeat the whole purpose. I had better just sit and wait...


Had some good basketball this afternoon. Well, sort of. My roomie won the first game of 25 between him, M, and I. I tied him up at 23, but he threw a 27 foot lob and banked it in. Pure luck, but oh well, it counts. The second game was a massacre. I was so pissed about losing (more about him winning) that I let loose and just torched the both of them. Driving, 3's, it was all going well. There were at least 5 shots I hit that made them both go, "Oh, wow." Guess I'll have to start getting in that zone more often. I do play better when I'm a bit mad. In the process though, I took a knee to the ribs, which knocked the wind out of me, and I took a basketball and shoulder to the face. The knee hurt more. It actually caused me to sit down and regain my breath.

Did watch the Pistons-Nets game. Pistons have this one in the bag. Nets had a sizable lead in the second quarter, and by the end of the third they had lost it all. Ridiculous.

This is the relaxation weekend. Next weekend I have three finals, plus the one before and the one after. It's gonna suck.

Still, I've got nothing. I'll keep searching.

Thursday, May 6

Dream killer...

I'm reading some other blogs, and I laugh when people say they're writing something, and they either have 60 pages, or 10000 words. One thing I was working on in high school comes out to about 130 pages, all handwritten. Then you add on whatever I've written in this blog as well as the old one. I'm sure if I printed it all out, it'd be somewhere around 220 pages or so. The problem is that I'm so boring it would be hard for me to find a wide audience. Very few people have read my earlier project (the one person I do remember reading it only read 30 pages, 'cause that's all I had.) When I hit 500 pages, and when I really get interesting, I'll see what I can do.

Speaking of which, I killed an old man in my dream last night. Some drunk bum, real old with the white hair and everything. He asked for change, I didn't have any, he grabbed my arm and threatened me. Next thing I know, we're in a forest. I punched him in the face and he fell down. I grabbed a sharp stick off the ground and stabbed him in the back. He squirmed a bit, and then died. I have no idea why I dreamt this, but it was quite something. Not only have I been killed in my dreams, I've now killed in my dreams. What's up with that?

Yes, I did watch the Friends finale. It's done. I barely watched the show in the past. In fact, I criticized my roomie when I caught him watching it before (the hypocrite, because today he was like "Oh, I'm not watching that.") Everything was pretty much predictable, and at least now I don't have to hear excuses about why people can't go out on thursday nights.

Don't know what's up with tomorrow yet. I do know there's no PSY 301 at 2pm. So that means I have three classes, but I only go to two, so oh well. 10 and 1. Not too bad. But then finals preparations have to start. That means I have to buckle down in my dorm and actually study. Woo-hoo.

I don't have much tonight. Not a ton of people online right now, and I don't have any new ideas. Just waiting...

(By the which, don't know when I'll get another post in. Depends on what happens tomorrow night. Might stay the weekend at my bro's. This is my last couple of days to really relax. Sunday is when I will start studying really hard. Wednesday is my first final, so I don't know how often I'll post during that. Beh. Either way...)

Wednesday, May 5


Hmm...what happened today? I've been so out of it, I can't remember anything really.

Played ball this afternoon. Went well for the most part. I was real off today. Still, no losses for my team, and that's always good. Think I'm really developing my creativity with plays. I like to do a ton of dribble penetration and kick outs. Roomie and I ran a good pick and roll.

What sucked is that we got stuck on the courts with direct sunlight for the first two games. After we were done, we went to the cafeteria downstairs to get ICEEs. Yea, not a good mix. So since 8 or so, I've been feeling horrible. Terrible. But oh well. Bro said he might call tomorrow, which means he might want to play tomorrow. That's fine. I'm always up for basketball.

At the end of the last game, I was the only one left shooting around. I offered to play another. No one else wanted to. See, that's the thing right there. I'll get injured, I'll start feeling sick, but I'll still want to play through. I always want to keep playing. It takes a ton to make me stop.

Woo-hoo. Friends finale. Alright already!

Homework tomorrow morning, then class, then who knows. Maybe ball. Maybe a nap. I doubt I'll take a nap. I hate taking naps. Most everyone disagrees with me, but naps are for sick and/or old people. I'm not sick. I'm not old. No naps for me.

I don't have much tonight. Anyone have some topics that need discussing?


For the past 8 or so months, I've been giving people my cell number with the area code 972. And I've been wrong for 8 or so months. Just realized I do have a 214 number. Ha! So stupid...

Tuesday, May 4

Blah blah blah...

Nothing new today. Got my major changed officially. Everything I've completed in EE transfer over pretty well, so I won't be too far behind. If I get my summer school going, I should graduate on time. Not too shabby.

Really didn't do anything. Woke up this morning, but I didn't feel like waking up yet, so I went back to sleep for an hour. Went to my Matrices class, came back to the dorm, laid around. Watched my shows. Wow, today was just really boring.

Stupid telemarketers. Need to stop calling my dorm. How did they get my number anyway? I do know that the University does give out some information like our email adresses and such, but it's such crap. I'm so ready to get out of this dorm.

Weddings are quite something. Haven't been to one since October, but I thought about it today. I can picture myself at an altar with some chic next to me. I can't imagine anything resembling a reception. I don't dance. Well, I can't dance. Well, I can slow dance, but don't expect me to do much more than that. Guys aren't supposed to all be back-up dancers, right?

Even though I can picture it, I don't think it's in my future based on what I know about myself now. It's not about committment. It's not about settling down and growing up. It's just the process to get to that step. Between the dating part and the bringing the girl home to meet the parents. I don't mind the dating, but after that it gets complicated. Or so it seems to me. Even though I'm very old-fashioned, I prefer the more modern route of dating, 'sleepovers', moving in, and then so on.

I've witnessed many times when my siblings bring their 'others' to meet the parents. It never is good for the family member. Of course the typical embarassing pictures and stories. I don't mind that so much because everyone goes through it. I just don't feel I'm the type to introduce my woman to everyone I know. I'm more of the type that will call up my parents one day and say "Hey Mom and Dad! I just got married!" Oh, they'd hate me for a long time if I did such a thing.

I'm fairly certain that my parents would like to see a nice wedding, not too elaborate, but still nice. I would like that too. But, given the option to just fly to Vegas and elope, I'd choose that. My bro and his woman got married in Vegas, bu everyone knew beforehand. I don't want people to know until a week or so after.

The only thing that sucks about that is choosing out the best man and groom's men and ushers and what-not. Then again, I'd be afraid to hurt someone's feelings by not selecting them.

I hate decisions. But at least these are way into the future if they are going to happen.

Monday, May 3

Obsession for her...

When is the line crossed regarding "obsessions" and such?

There is that slight fantasy of having a 'secret admirer.' Don't know if females get it, but I do know that most guys would like it. I know I would like it. Little love letters in the mailbox and what-not. But, what if you get these letters once a day? Twice a day? With pictures of you enclosed?

Well, that last one is a bit far-fetched, but you get my drift. When does that fantasy turn into a nightmare?

I don't know exactly what I would consider to be the final straw for such a situation. Then again, each situation is different. You might desire to be just like a friend you have, and you might take simple steps to achieve that goal. Dying your hair, wearing certain clothes, using new slang. Many people do that with their idols and role models. But are these fans immediately called obsessive?

I, for one, do not want to be like anyone else. I am happy being unique. I don't want to become part of a crowd. I hate crowds. But I do find myself using other people's catchphrases and such. I do find myself wanting to wear clothes I wouldn't consider otherwise. I find myself listening to music I would never even give full attention to.

I do believe that some people mistake obsession for love. That can be quite scary. "I was thinking about you all day" gives me the creeps. I find it flattering at first, but, being the over-analytical person I am, I become worried about that situation. Guy coming home from work, he wants to hear that. It's for the married. Not for the couples.

Love notes, cards, scents, once or twice a week, that's fine. Not a collage of pictures. Not every hour.

(No, no one is obsessed with me. At least not that I know of.)

Ball game...

Did play ball this afternoon. I'm not much for team games. But I got talked into it. Roomie and his friend K against his friend M and me. They won the first two. We won the last one. It took a while for me to adjust to M becuase I don't know what he likes to do yet. I prefer to spot up at the 3 and bail the other out if necessary. I make cuts every now and then, and I roll on every pick. I'm still not sure what he likes to do. But I played like a point most of the time. I deferred my shots to him as well. The last game we just got hot with our shots, and a couple of 3s by me put us ahead for good. He got the game point which gave me the game assist (I guess.) I went for a reverse, got my own rebound, drove back and kicked out to him. Overall, I don't like losing. Shouldn't have lost. But the next time I play, we'll do much better. I had some sweet passes, and I ran some sweet impromptu plays. At one point, I told him "Drive left! Your left!" He did, roomie doubled down like I thought, found a good spot and he found me. 3-pointer falls. They stood there and looked at each other. I gave my compliments. Beh, I wish I could write a play-by-play, but I don't remember enough. Still, losing 2 of 3 ain't good enough for me.


By the which, I forgot to mention that I do enjoy the discussions such as the one from thursday about relationships. It's what I'm looking to get most out of this blog. Now I feel the pressure to write better and more interesting posts. I'll do my best.

I purposely use first letters of people's names to protect those I regularly criticize (or praise.) But if people want their names out in the open, I can do that to. Ha! Funny...

Either way, they're having some hall meeting on my dorm floor. Something about prepping for leaving the dorm and such. It's gonna be gay, but oh well. Guess I better...


Things went well this weekend. Didn't do a thing. Just laid around, slept, ate, drank, and what-not. Relaxing, even though I barely got over 7 hours of sleep on any night. It's the weekend, that's the time I catch up on the sleep I missed during the week.

I hate debates, I hate politics, and I hate hearing about them. I don't care. I couldn't care less who the president is, I couldn't care less about how the budget is being used, and I couldn't care less about the war between pro-lifers and pro-choosers. It's not that I feel they are unimportant. I just don't see any point in giving my opinion or hearing another's. Whether you tell me that you are pro-abortion or not doesn't have an effect on anything I do or think. I know what I believe, and I don't mind telling you if you ask. But if you don't ask, I'm not going to say. If I don't ask you, I don't want you to tell me.

Yes, these topics are great for conversation (or in the case of some people I know, yelling and screaming.) But there's a million other topics out there for discussion. I'd rather choose one of those.

When two people are debating the effects of something governmental and they are just talking, not listening to each other, what's the point? That's not the way debates work. There is no transfer of information. It's not communication. People, when you are making a point, make it. But hear out your opposition. Just putting in your two cents and walking away is cowardly and immature. And don't prolong your blabbering by stating everything you already said in different words just so you tire out your opponent and force a surrender.

I just wish more people could actually listen. Wait...

That more people knew when to listen.