Saturday, September 10


Well, Brandon wanted an interesting post. I'm guessing he was wishing for one pretty hard because I just had a crazy experience.

My bro, my sis-in-law, and I all heard a car's brakes and then a loud noise. So, we wanted to see what was up. We couldn't all go, because my nephew was asleep. So it was just my sis-in-law and myself. We walked across the street, and wow. Somehow, a car drove off the road, up a hill, and into an apartment complex. Now that I think about it, I wish I had my phone with me. I'll take a picture tomorrow.

Well anyway, we got to the truck and the guy who was driving was standing outside. Some other people approached him before us. He started talking and then he decided that it was best for him to run. He got about 75 feet away when people started saying, "Oh, someone should go after him!"

Well, guess that someone was me. So, I chased him down. I kept up with him until he started walking. That's when I walked, so that way I wouldn't burn all of my energy should I need to run again. He slowed down and looked behind him. He saw me. Crap. So he started running again. So I started chasing again. Right about 2 seconds later, a cop car pulled up through the alley and I pointed him towards the guy. The guy jumped a fence, but so did the officer.

They caught him. The police officer asked us to get in the back of his squad car so we could identify the suspect. Let me tell you, it sucks back there! The seats are hard and the A/C doesn't get back there!

We got back to the scene and fortunately someone saw the entire thing. So, they didn't need our information. Some chics came up to us. They talked about "Yea! You're fast! Great job!" But I'm a humble person. (My sis-in-law said that one looked like a hooker, and the other looked like a hippie. I think the 'hooker' one was kind of decent though. That's saying alot.)

So either way, that got my blood pumping. And it was fun. Oh, the guy was drunk too. He's not going to be happy when he realizes what happened. Sucks to be him.

Other than that, my day sucked! I picked up my French Horn, and it's the same one from last semester. That helps a bunch. I don't have a name for it, but soon enough.

I don't think I did much else today. Was boring. but hey, I won the admiration of some chics, so I guess it wasn't a total loss.

1 comment:

rowdielou said...

OHMIGOD! You so rawk!

My roommate picked up an iPod yesterday. I have extreme jealousy! Hopefully I'll be able to get one after Christmas. Spendy little suckers, they are. ;)

I'm bored too!