Sunday, September 4


There's plenty of news going on. It was just announced that Chief Justice William Rehnquist died earlier tonight. Hurricane Katrina has damaged more than just physical structures, but also mental strength.

On less serious notes, Oklahoma lost their season opener. The Seattle Storm were knocked out of the playoffs (I like basketball. That includes the WNBA, even though I don't watch it. I just keep up with the Storm because they have Sue Bird. Remember, she was the one who said on radio that a DJ could spank her if some conditions were met.) Texas has 3 solid running backs. That 6'3 270-pound Melton is awesome!

But really, I want to focus on the hurricane stuff.

So, refugees are coming from Louisiana. They have already filled up Houston. Dallas is running out of shelters. So now it's up to Austin. As I type this, Erik is volunteering at a shelter. I know, I should probably be doing the same.

But I am worried. You see, my sis-in-law works for the sheriff's department. My dad works for the Dallas Police Department. If things should turn for the worse in Austin or Dallas, both of them will have to work extra hours in possibly unsafe conditions. Considering that my dad just had surgery on his ankle and is still on crutches, this could be bad for him. And considering that my sis-in-law is a petite woman, it could be bad for her.

Austin and Dallas are expecting crime to increase because people get desperate. They do not mean to imply that New Orleans produces a bad crowd. It's just that when someone loses their home, or worse, their family, desperate actions are taken. And while some might condemn them for 'looting' and what-not, they must try to imagine being in the refugees' shoes.

While no one I know has suffered through the hurricane, I still have great sympathy for those who have.

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