Thursday, September 8


I just subscribed to the NPR: Tech podcast. So far, so good. Oh wait, now it's sucking. Baleeted!

I've decided that for a week, I'm going to use iTunes to play all of my mp3s. Even while I sleep. I have to hear music as I fall asleep. So, with iTunes taking care of it, I can get the stats I want to know. How many times have I listened to this song? When was the last time? What did I rate it?

Ugh, it's hard to make a new playlist. I want songs that generate a calm, but that's hard to do when your favorite groups are A Perfect Circle, Tool, Queens of the Stone Age, and Audioslave. It's hard to fall asleep when there's harsh tones or powerful singing.

I bought a new book. The Science of Good & Evil. So far, I like it. I've read The Lucifer Principle, and Why We Don't Talk To Each Other Anymore, and this book fits in nicely. The book is represented accurately by the title. It's all about ethics and how they came about, how they evolved, and other things like that.

It's slowly cooling down around Austin. It's 83 degrees downtown right now. It might drop below 80 before the night is over. Oh, on Wednesday when I woke up early, the weather was perfect. I forgot how great mornings are. But, I'm still not going to wake up early for no reason. I love sleeping.

Oh, I was mentioned again on Attack of the Show. That makes 2 times in one week. I hope to become a regular mention eventually. They added me to their myspace account. That makes 4 friends for me! Woo!

And other than that, I've got nothing. I'm going to be on campus for a while tomorrow. I think I'm going to do some after-school stuff, like undergrad research. I don't know yet. I'm not doing anything else with my time.

Alright. I'm going to read some more of my book, write down some ideas for stories, and go to bed.

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