Wednesday, September 7


Well, I'm tired as hell right now. I didn't take a nap this afternoon. I really wanted to.

At least I only have one class tomorrow. Afterwards I'm going to see The Transporter 2. It might be good, or it might suck. I'll find out and let you know.

I don't know what's going on.

I'm happy to start a new semester. I just feel like something is missing.

Also, it's time to clean up AIM. I have names on there that I don't talk to, so I'm dumping them. In fact, I don't know why I even sign on. Away message up. But I guess for now I'll just promote people and demote others. You see, my new categories are Friends, Known, and Never On. Some people from the Friends list are being bumped down, while people on Known might get an upgrade.

I also need to update my email list. If I don't have your email and you want me to have it, then click "Email Me" to the right.

You know, Episode 6 is awesome. Even today, it's still greatness.

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