Monday, November 22

So Close

Two more class days, then I get my much needed vacation. Tomorrow morning, my dad is in town for all of 2 hours, 1 hour of which I must be in class. Kind of sucks. But it's Spanish, so I'll live. Afterwards I have to do some talking with la profesora. Then I'll go home for a couple of hours, go back to campus before 8 to go to a vocal concert (I completely bailed out of today's.)

Going back home on Wednesday, coming back home on Friday. Yes, I call both places 'home.' I've been here so long, and this is where most of my life revolves. The way it looks, I'll be moving into a new place in February. Going to have an indoor basketball court if I get my way. But it will be in Northwest Austin. The nice area.

Hmm...what exactly do I offer? Something I'll need to think about.

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