Friday, November 19

The Game

By the way, I forgot to mention that I played basketball today. Jumped straight into some 4 on 4, where it was my bro, this guy named Robert, this guy named Hill (who likes T-Mac also), and myself against Ryan, Marshall, Klemmer, and Jimmy.

They jumped out to an early lead, but I hit 2 college 3-pointers to get the lead back. Well, we we're going by 1's and 2's to 15 (win by 2) so really these college 3's were worth 2 points apiece. I also had about 4 assists, and 2 rebounds. Unforunately it wasn't enough. We lost 16 - 14. Total crap. I went about 2 - 7 overall, so those key shots were the only ones I made. I wanted more post-ups, but with 4 people on a team, you can't really be a ball hog. Honestly, I wanted the ball almost every play. I like creating. When it was tied 14 all, I wanted the last shot. I just wasn't vocal about it. That needs to change.

But I feel decent about how I played. Too bad I took a knee to my quad and now that feels far less than decent. Bruised. So I'm going to go lay down.

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