Tuesday, November 30


Someone comfirm that there is a new Toyota Tacoma commercial that uses the name "Pablo Diablo." My bro told me there is, but I missed it. Is this legit?


I wanted to stop walking and sit down, right on the sidwalk. I'm not sure why. It was a weird feeling.

Was going to take the Forty Acres bus to the Music Building, but I just gave up and walked from Dobie to there. Not the longest walk, but few actually do it. It gave plenty of time to just think. I really like looking around on campus. There's bound to be one or two buildings I don't know of. But the walk was great. It was cold and wet today. The wind was refreshing. Others might disagree with that statement though. But just walking...it was all I needed.

Was going to do the Spanish Presentation today, but time ran out on us. So we have to do it tomorrow. Being the last group sucks because previous groups might have done spectacular. Then everyone sees yours and starts to yawn. So I'm going to touch things up today. My name is on this project after all.

If only they knew...

Friday, November 26


I'm back from my 32-hour vacation (actually, I got back Thursday night/Friday morning.) A shitty vacation if you ask me. But please, don't ask me.

I'm still tired. I'm still stressed. On the bright side, only one puzzle has been stuck in my head. Usually, I have to push through four or five problems at a time. But right now, there's only one thing I'm thinking about. And it's going to take me a couple more days.

Cowboys won. Longhorns won. Mavs lost to the Spurs, but they beat Portland. Not a bad three days in sports. (If you want an analysis on the Longhorn game, go here.)

So, Thanksgiving came and went. I have to admit, there's only a handful of things I'm really thankful for. There's only a handful of people I'm thankful for. I would put a list up here, but I'm afraid people would get offended if they were left off my 'thank you' list. I can honestly say that I think all of my readers are on the list though. I'll be totally honest if you ask me, "Am I on your 'thank you' list?"

I got new jeans too.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to put on some slow, smooth music and work on my puzzle.

Monday, November 22

So Close

Two more class days, then I get my much needed vacation. Tomorrow morning, my dad is in town for all of 2 hours, 1 hour of which I must be in class. Kind of sucks. But it's Spanish, so I'll live. Afterwards I have to do some talking with la profesora. Then I'll go home for a couple of hours, go back to campus before 8 to go to a vocal concert (I completely bailed out of today's.)

Going back home on Wednesday, coming back home on Friday. Yes, I call both places 'home.' I've been here so long, and this is where most of my life revolves. The way it looks, I'll be moving into a new place in February. Going to have an indoor basketball court if I get my way. But it will be in Northwest Austin. The nice area.

Hmm...what exactly do I offer? Something I'll need to think about.

Sunday, November 21

Today's Work

Damn Cowboys. (By the way, I feel totally bad about Musa Smith. That break looked terrible.)

Stack is stinking it up right now. Doesn't help that Dirk went down. I hope it's not too serious. Down here in Austin, we don't get Mavs games unless it's national broadcast. I just know they lost to Denver in a bad way. On the subject of basketball, I completely disagree with the suspension handed to Artest. Too much. When Big Ben pushed him, he backed away. He tried. I don't mind the O'Neal and Jackson suspensions. Detroit gets a combined 9 games, which is far fewer than should be. All because they're the defending champs with the "TEAM" attitude. Stern can cram it up his ass.

Tomorrow I have to go to some vocal concert so I can do a concert report for my music class. I'm going to miss ATH and PTI most likely. I don't think I'll get to see I, Max.

I don't feel like going to Logic tomorrow. He's letting students do proofs on the board, and everyone in there seems to be a dumbass. Afterwards I'm off to Spanish which is always fun. Music, then a TA session for Logic. Hmm, I could go to Logic and skip the TA session, or I can skip Logic and go to the TA session. Hmm...

Saturday, November 20

Back On The List

My text messages aren't being sent. I'm totally pissed. Cingular is now officially back on the list.

Where's my gasoline and lighter...

If Only I Knew

Unsuspecting. Totally oblivious. As am I.

Here's a situation.

I know what I want, but I'll never get it. I know what I need, but it's not what I want. I know what I'll get, and it's neither what I want nor what I need.

So, route A takes a person to a place where they'll be partially happy and partially upset for as far as the path goes. Route B takes a person to a place where they'll be totally upset but for a much shorter length of time than route A.

Anything is better than a zero, right?

So, what's up with the first line, right? This is what I can figure out right now. I'm oblivious to my own actions. I have no idea what I'm doing. And because I don't know what I'm doing, no one else does. Imagine this...

My eyes are closed and I'm about to cross a street at a place where there are no crosswalks. I'm just walking. Just assuming that I won't get hit. Pretty dumb.

I smell something really sweet. I can't get this scent out of my head. I wish there was a physical representation for it. I would drop everything and search the world over twice to find it.

Friday, November 19


Ron Artest with a hard foul. Ben Wallace throws open fists to Artest's chin and neck. Refs get in between. Artest lays down on the scorer's table. Ben Wallace throws a towel at Artest. Artest sits up, but promptly lays back down. Plastic cup of beer hits Artest, so he jumps into the stands to hit the guy who did it. Stephen Jackson comes over to help Artest. Jackson and Artest both land a punch on the fan. Another fan comes behind Artest and hits him twice in the head. Artest turns around and tries to hit him. Meanwhile another fan is attacking Fred Jones. Artest is lead off the court where he remains for a few minutes. A fan approaches Artest yelling something, so Artest hits his face cleanly. Artest is pulled back, but as the fan reclaims his balance, Jermaine O'Neal connects a running punch to the fan's chin, causing that fan to fall down.

That was the major physical conflict in the entire situation. It should be noted that Ben Wallace lingered on the court longer than he should have. Also, Rasheed Wallace did the right thing in trying to separate fans and players. Rip Hamilton was shown being held back, which is ridiculous considering he has 1% body muscle.

I really think that Artest should get 5 games (all 5 for hitting fans, mostly the last encounter), Big Ben should get at least 5 games (for the attack to the neck and towel throw), O'Neal will probably get at least 3 games (the punch to the fan), Jackson will get 3 games (punches to the fans), and multiple players will get monetary fines.

I would really look for upcoming Detroit games to be dropped from programming, maybe just for a week or month. I do hope this will motivate arena owners to eliminate the first row of seats. There will be multiple arrests and lawsuits.

Oh My

What a real fight between Detroit and Indiana! I'll post my comments on that in a little bit.

The Game

By the way, I forgot to mention that I played basketball today. Jumped straight into some 4 on 4, where it was my bro, this guy named Robert, this guy named Hill (who likes T-Mac also), and myself against Ryan, Marshall, Klemmer, and Jimmy.

They jumped out to an early lead, but I hit 2 college 3-pointers to get the lead back. Well, we we're going by 1's and 2's to 15 (win by 2) so really these college 3's were worth 2 points apiece. I also had about 4 assists, and 2 rebounds. Unforunately it wasn't enough. We lost 16 - 14. Total crap. I went about 2 - 7 overall, so those key shots were the only ones I made. I wanted more post-ups, but with 4 people on a team, you can't really be a ball hog. Honestly, I wanted the ball almost every play. I like creating. When it was tied 14 all, I wanted the last shot. I just wasn't vocal about it. That needs to change.

But I feel decent about how I played. Too bad I took a knee to my quad and now that feels far less than decent. Bruised. So I'm going to go lay down.


They say that having dinner with someone can tell you plenty about their habits, manners, and overall attitude.

This might sound really weird, but I hate being around people who are eating. The eating where you hear the chewing, the deep breathing, the swallow, and then the noises of meat being pulled from the bone. The type of eating where people sound like they are starved and really exerting energy to satiate their hunger. Eating is not supposed to be a sport. Eating is not supposed to sound disgusting. If you are breathing harder and faster than normal when you are eating, you need to go see a doctor.

So, based on this revelation of mine, I've decided that I will never take a date out to a restaurant. At least not on the first (and probably second) date. This probably also means I shouldn't go out with friends to fancy places.

I think I'll eat by myself from now on. I'm just totally in awe about how people can really sound.

Thursday, November 18


My partner in crime had a performance this afternoon. Belly dancing. Total greatness. Although, I have to think that with all the guys around, and the fact that these chics are wearing outfits that leave little to the imagination, it has to be tense for them. Still, was a good experience.

Random stabbing stomach pain. Yet I'm having a good day.

Talked to Pat today. He's back in town (Dallas) and he seems to be doing well. I'm supposed to give him a call next week during Thanksgiving. Now I'm going back home for sure. I haven't seen the guy since April. Plus, I really need to get out of Austin for two days or so.

Either way, back to logic homework.

Wednesday, November 17

Muscle Relaxation

Brandon is right. I'm not superman.

Oh, how I would love to be sedated right now. I was thinking back to that wonderful procedure. I remember waking up. I remember walking out of the office and having little balance. I remember sitting down to discuss the payment options. But after that, I don't remember anything.

The bruise sucked, but it could have been much worse. I mean, we played basketball two days later. I hope Brandon remembers that first game as my best one in a long time. I came in without stretching or shooting around, and I just lit up the basket. Only one other time did I do that. That was at Pirrung. It was my dad, Brandon, Fermin, and me. I hit my first 8 shots or something like that. (Not knocking Brandon or anything. I know one-on-one I'd get my ass handed to me 95% of the time. [Come on, he has about 5 inches and 60 (?) pounds on me. {But wait 'til I get back in shape.}] And I haven't played against Fermin in quite sometime. He might be really good.)

I can only hope I can get back in that form sometime soon. Since it's getting colder and such, I will have to start playing inside the gym. I'll have to play tons more.

But for now, I'm going to imitate my position for that procedure, pretend like it's happening, and I'm going to sleep. Yea for me!


My partner in crime wasn't in class today. One of her friends in that class filled in. Was nice. She's nice.

Tomorrow is all Spanish day. I need to do some logic homework and turn that in on Friday.

Cleaning my room and bathroom and such since I might have company over for a little bit. I don't want to appear as a pig or anything. Being clean is nice too.

Stan Van Gundy looks so much like Ron Jeremy. It's really weird.

Something else I was going to say, but now I don't remember. Great. But I'm still in a good mood. Even with ultra-super pain in my stomach. OK, it's not that bad, but it's bad enough. I might get that checked out. Maybe tomorrow. I like to fight through these things.

Monday, November 15


Waiting for this classical station to play some French Horn Trio so I can record it. I can't find a recording anywhere. Spanish project is rolling along. I think it might come out nicely. Saw an example in class today, and I don't think it's hard at all. Even though the script is about a chic, guys still have to read the parts. Kind of gay. A Perfect Circle has a DVD + CD thing coming out today. I'm going to have to stop by Target or somewhere to pick it up. Should be good. I think the Trio is about to start. I hope so. Spanish tomorrow and lab for my music class. The TA that does the lab is really funny. She's more entertaining than any other TA I've ever had. Sharapova beat Serena, and man she has long legs. She's probably 5 inches taller than me. Maybe more. If only she were legal. Left shoulder just popped. I want to play basketball this Friday. Probably will.

In a good mood overall.

Sunday, November 14

Go Here

Go give Tina some love.

Tina's Xanga

(And yes, I know. 5 posts in one day is unhealthy. But I'm about to eat, maybe play some games, and then go to bed.)


Think I might do the Spanish project. We're supposed to work on it as a group, but I'm not much of a group person. At least not for things like Spanish. But then the others might be mad at me. Well, more like the other. I just don't want to keep saying, "We should get together soon." It's being said every day. Besides, I don't have much else to do today. No Cowboy game. I sure as hell don't want to work on it tomorrow night. I can't believe I didn't know the Mavs game was early. At least they won. Those presentations are coming up soon. So is Thanksgiving. And finals. Oh man, I hope I don't have logic homework due tomorrow! That would bite ass.

By the which, my parents are celebrating their anniversary today. Way to go, Mom and Dad!

Second Ten

11. Plays the french horn
12. Plays the trumpet
13. Dallas Mavericks fan
14. Likes "Scrubs"
15. Prefers brunettes during the winter
16. Prefers blondes during the summer
17. Likes to read about sociology
18. Has nice handwriting
19. Extremely forgetful
20. Shares birthday with Robert Plant

Holier Than Thou

I sing along with my favorite songs.

I can sing the C major scale without a piano or instrument.

So when I hear people singing loudly and completely wrong, I get mad.

When I sing, it's quiet. And no one is ever around (I double check.) I'm a very modest person (if I say it, am I not contradicting myself?) I am a very shy person.

I think I hear dogs howling.

At least one of them has a basic concept of rhythm. The other half sings where there are no words. Almost like a deformed echo.

So all I can ask, is that if you are hanging out with me, and you want to sing along, please do so accurately.

Another Gone

If I had a 40, I'd pour some out for O.D.B.

Dirt McGirt, Big Baby Jesus, it doesn't matter what name he liked most. His creativity was amazing.

Friday, November 12

A Valid Point


Well, from what I can tell, I only have two readers, not including myself when I'm checking for errors. I doubt she reads this.

I like helping people. I like being there for people. I feel like I've actually accomplished something in my life when I give advice and people listen. As much as I like it, this situation is too difficult for me to handle. I know this to be a fact because I've been in this situation before, and I failed miserably then. I don't want to remember it. I don't want to live through it again. I just can't help people when I'm solving my own problems.

It's really something. My emotions never break the surface, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. Sometimes I feel overfilled with love and there's nothing for me to do with it. On the other hand, sometimes I am overfilled with frustration, and that has gotten to me lately. Brandon has reminded me before about the week of school I missed 'cause doctors were worried I was on my way to a heart attack. I hope I'm not going to repeat that anytime soon.

I'm just going to do what I always do. I'm going to keep pushing forward. Maybe the bond will be mended and things will be ok. It's a possibility.

Thursday, November 11

First Ten

1. 20 years old
2. Graduated in 2002
3. Broken a bone only once
4. One poem published
5. Plays basketball on the weekends
6. Loves cold weather
7. Hates hot weather
8. Likes "Around The Horn"
9. Likes "Pardon the Interruption"
10. Likes "I, Max"

Wednesday, November 10


Still my favorite. How's this for a profile picture? Posted by Hello


Today marks the beginning of the downfall. It really hit me today.

I'm a very quiet person. Conversations with me can last a while though depending on the other person. Eventually, topics run out. True friends decide to just hang out, no need for sounds. Others just make you feel awkward.

Today, I felt awkward. I felt upset. So I realized that it's temporary. She's nice, she's good people. But it just won't work for much longer. Listening to her was fine before. Now it's becoming hell. Which means this will rest on my shoulders. The choice to stop hanging out with her is mine, and I have to take responsibility.

Although, I think that if we had drinks together, things would be interesting. Too bad I'm still not there yet.

So, I need to get a picture of myself up on the profile. I think the basketball court has been there long enough. I'm thinking that I should just draw a picture of myself, take a picture of it or scan it and just use that. Classic pen on notebook paper. You can't go wrong with that.

I'm so happy that it's getting colder. When the highs are in the 40s, then everyday will be perfection. If only you all could experience the same feeling I get when the weather is ideal to me. Oh, and if there was storm, I mean, wow.

Tuesday, November 9

Oh Yeah

You know, I forgot I have a test tomorrow and Thursday. That totally sucks. Drinking is getting ever so closer.

Listening to the A Perfect Circle CD more and more. I'm liking every track now. The remake of Marvin Gaye's "What's Going On" is just great. Lyrically awesome.

I have also rekindled my love of corn dogs. Easy to cook, easy to eat. Great afternoon snack.

Almost time for I, Max. I wonder if Scrubs is on today...That show is great.


Is there something about October and November that I don't know about?

There's a word that I despise. I'm hearing it 2 times a day on average. I don't get it. It wasn't like this two weeks ago.

In other news, I'm officially stressed out. I don't have much to be stressed out about though. Usually, I can figure out what's bothering me, but there is no explanation for this. I might try to drink again pretty soon if it doesn't go away.

Oh, how I miss drinking! Paulaner, Midori Sours, Boccie Balls, most anything with vodka. So so soothing.

French Horn performance on Thursday. Thinking about finding me a chic to take. I think I know who to ask. Will probably ask tomorrow during class.

And once again, I feel like destroying things. Beh.

Sunday, November 7


Let's not go killing ourselves now. That's how the terrorists win.

Man I hate protesters. I know I shouldn't criticize the dead, but wow, this is the bottom of the barrel.

So is this the lesson to be spread? If you don't get what you want, why not kill yourself? Seems childish.

Saturday, November 6

Beneath Me

This heart of mine keeps on beating,
This brain of mine won't stop thinking,
My lungs are filling up with air,
But still I feel like I'm sinking.

Dig it out with a spoon and knife,
Maybe a piece of frontal lobe,
Pierce it with a sword or bullet,
And still I'm further down below.

Original work from yours truly in 10 minutes. I know what I'm capable of. I just don't have motivation. Inspiration without motivation. What a combination...

{Added on}
It's getting cold. It's the best. I don't love Winter, I'm in love with Winter. The opportunities are greater when the temperature is low. But it's still officially Fall. I can wait. It'll be like waiting for your woman outside her classroom door. The clock says one thing, but it feels like another. Then the bell rings, and everything else takes a backseat.

The cold air does wondrous things for me. I think clearer, feel more intensely, and judge with greater insight. To match, I slowly start spiking my hair up with each day. I'll be more of an introvert than before, but I'm at least going to look good.

{Added on again}
Winter Breaks. They bring up bad memories. I'm not really looking forward to this one.

I wish I could go to New Jersey like I had planned. Clothes, glasses, haircuts, and such add up. I miss it too. Surrounded by tall buildings, an icy wind hitting the front of your face, and everyone is wearing a jacket. I love it.


The confusion I have now is caused by totally different problems involving the same people as always.

So, this cute chic lends me a pencil because, like a dumbass, I forget all of my writing utensils at home. She totally put the smile on and what-not. Very cheery. I waited for her after the test to give her pencil back. Total cute. Now, I'm thinking "If I really want to see if there's potential, I must really have a good conversation with her. How to start this conversation..." And it hits me. I think I'll buy a big bag of mechanical pencils, wrap it (or something) and give it to her Tuesday. Good idea? Maybe? Probably not...

I realized on Wednesday that I limit my options because I find myself committed to a friend. Yes, committed in that way. I don't get it. When I fall for a chic-friend, I refuse every piece of tail available. I must learn to fix this. But I get the feeling that if I told her "I gots me a woman" (as in, I'm now spoken for) she would be very down and jealous. My insight could be off, but I doubt it.

There are a ton of things I need to fix.

Thursday, November 4


"Wake up and face me
Don't play dead, 'cause maybe
Someday I'll walk away and say,
'You disappoint me. Maybe you're better off this way.'"

A Perfect Circle - Passive

This CD is awesome. It might not be appealing to the standard A Perfect Circle fan, but if you've followed Maynard from Tool (and you like Aenima more than Lateralus) then you'll like it all. I admit, I've restricted my sampling to 6 or 7 songs. I do this with every CD. I find the immediately attractive songs, play them too much, then listen to the rest. I even did this with Amnesiac.

It's so much better with Max back.

Test tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 3


Max is back on I, Max.

T.O. is my favorite receiver of all time. I'm going to learn that Ray Lewis dance because of him.

Today is just smooth. There was one minor bump, but I handled up on that.

Monday, November 1

Election Day

A Perfect Circle has a brand new CD coming out tomorrow. It's anti-war and such. Now, I love music. I hate politics. But, my love for music overpowers my hate for politics. And they are covering some very good songs. People, check this CD out.

They also have a DVD coming out November 16th. I can't wait.

The blow to the back of my head is what's messing up my vision and such. Turns out the back of your brain controls your vision and balance. Thus, my need to be in dark rooms and to be laying down. I hope I'm much better tomorrow.


She can spark a good mood with just a sentence.

She is...


Why am I always away? I understand why others do it, but I do not understand why I do it.


Texas is 6th in the BCS. Good.

Cowboys finally won a game. Good.

I felt like total shit this weekend. Took an elbow to the back of my head on Friday, and I spent most of the time Saturday and Sunday laying in bed. Going to try to go to class now.

NBA starts up tomorrow. I can't wait. I don't care about some election.

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. Best Onscreen Duo. What I would give to see them just make out for a couple of minutes...

Boston Legal is hilarious.