Tuesday, August 31


Today had started off really well. I didn't have to wake up until 8AM, and I arrived at the bus stop with enough time to spare.

Today in Spanish, we had to choose groups for some project. First, she wanted 6 people who know Powerpoint to write their name on the board. So I wrote mine on there. Then she had the rest of the class go up to the board and sign up under someone's name.

I didn't pay much attention, but when I looked up again, my group was already full. I checked out the names. I matched the faces to the names. Somehow, I managed to attract three cute chics to my group. And it's not like my name was the only one left (as some of you might assume). So I was thinking to myself, "You know, this project is going to be fun. Real fun. Yea..."

I go onto the course web site to address my group with information to contact me and to schedule meetings for the project. When I click the group name, I find that the three people assigned to me are not the same three people from the start.

I think my Spanish professor is trying to screw me out of good time.

But oh well. I sent an email to confirm the group I was in. I want to be sure there wasn't some typo. If there is, good. If not, I'll move on. But I hope I get my group...

Monday, August 30

Long post...

I don't know how to start this post really...

boliver321 is constantly hounded by this chic who is engaged to his best friend. Constantly. It's really quite pathetic. I'm sure if she stopped mentioning him, they wouldn't speak to each other. That would be a good thing. If two people cannot coexist in the same space, better for them to ignore each other than to throw it down in the verbal ring.

From my perspective, this chic has the potential to be a really nice person to hang out with. The few times we have been in the same room, things went smoothly, and everything was positive.

But when I read her blog, when I read her comments on boliver321's blog, I can't help but think that I've been deceived.

In other news, I've made a decision.

The chic I talked of a while back, the one whom I had an interest in but never expressed it, is off my list. I don't care anymore. I cannot devote any more time to this. I've decided that her knowing is not important. I've decided that there are other pursuable interests out there, some 5ft away from me. Will I ever talk to her again? I don't know. And, as harsh as it sounds, I don't care.

It takes years to earn my trust. I am a very paranoid person. I am very realistic, although I have also been described as extremely pessimistic. I never open up. If I do, it must be one of my 'off' days. Or you must be a potential.

It takes one, I repeat, one mistake to force me to turn my back on you. I don't like being made a fool of twice. Once is more than enough. So when people stop talking to me, I move on quickly.

I've moved on.

So yea, met this chic in spanish today. She had something cute to her. Dropped some signals. I might move in on it. Unless some offer comes up that I can't refuse...

If there's one thing I really miss about Dallas...

...it's driving on Central after 11PM. Actually, it's driving on any highway in Dallas when it's night out. Here in Austin, there are two major highways. One has construction going, and the other isn't that much better. So riding around isn't much of a fun outlet.

I just miss those midnight drives. They're the best.

I hope when I finally visit, someone can take me for a drive. At midnight. Hopefully a chic.

Well, I'm worn out again. I still feel like there's weight on my shoulders. A huge weight. I can't explain why.

I really am going to hit my mid-life crisis within the year...that sucks!

Sunday, August 29


Sunday sunday sunday!!!

Yea, don't get me started on YellowCard...

Also, I need sleep. I'm worn out.

Didn't want to miss a day of posting. So I'll have a lengthy discussion tomorrow. Until then...

Friday, August 27

OK Movie...

Well, I made it to my first real weekend. Still trying to recover from whatever stomach virus I have. It hit me Thursday morning, and I've been real slow to eat lately. And when I do eat, it's followed by pain. Beh, it'll pass. I don't stay sick for long.

Hero was ok. Real fancy and artsy. If you like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, you'll probably like this movie. Don't go in expecting crazy one-against-a-hundred fight scenes. They don't happen. More like slow, drawn out fights. Some neat special effects, but nothing new or groundbreaking. If I knew better, I would have waited 'til it came out on DVD.

The thing about Austin, is that at movie theaters and malls, the only chics there are high school chics. And that's terrible. But it makes sense to stay on campus to find the right chics. And plus, since it's summer, they're all wearing white and shorts and skirts...

I like chics that show leg. Good leg, that is. Good long legs...and I'm helpless. I end up running into someone or something and move on.

Alright, I need sleep. See if I feel better tomorrow morning.


It's 9:30, and I have a two hour break today. Supposed to be at French Horn lessons, but they don't start 'til next Friday. Oh well...

Good lor I'm friggin' tired. Yesterday at 6 or so I passed out. Probably got an hour nap. But I couldn't sleep last night because of it. So I ended up not falling asleep until 2 or so, and I woke up at 6. I know I know. I should quit my crying. I'm just new to this...

I considered skipping my last class today to go home early. I could, but it's my Western Music class, and I don't want to miss that.

The UGL, or the SMF (that's the main computer lab on campus) upgraded their computers. These are Dells, with 3.20GHz CPUs with 1 gig of RAM. It's pretty sweet. Think I might build me one.

Oh boy, here I go talking about building computers. Such a nerd...

So yea, been 20 for a week, and nothing is any different. In fact, I still find myself thinking I'm 18 or something. I don't get it. But, at least it's less than a year away. Which is awesome...

No call from E, so I'm not going to think about going to the movie. I'd rather go...wait, nevermind. Was thinking about going home and playing NBA Live 2004 or NCAA 2004 (Haven't bought the new one yet) with my bro, but sister-in-law is home. Well, maybe I'll steal their Blockbuster card and rent a movie. That could be fun. I don't know what came out this week though. I'll have to look it up. Fortunately, the Baby eats about every 2 hours, so that's time to get a movie in...

Second day of logic class went well. Not surprisingly, it's very logical. If you know, it's pretty much like placing together AND gates, OR gates, and NOTs. Eventually it'll get deeper and more complex, but that's fine.

So anyway, I'm going to go to the Student Services Building to see what's up with my financial aid. It was supposed to get to the University this past Wednesday, and it's Friday with no word. Figure I should jump on it now.

Thursday, August 26


Gonna post and go to bed.

Might go see Hero tomorrow or Saturday. E called me up for the first time in a couple of weeks, and he wants to go see it. I figure I'll be nice and go. Plus, a friend of his is in town, and she's pretty cool. (Don't get any ideas though. She's probably in her mid-twenties...)

I know, I know. I'm logging onto AIM and putting an away message one. It's very uncharacteristic of me. But I do it so that people can at least leave messages. I don't want to sever all connections to the outside world. Plus, if the volume is up, I might wake up and respond.

But either way, two classes tomorrow, and I'm done for the weekend. Just two more...

Wednesday, August 25

Class time...

Classes went well. My Logic class is going to suck, but I'm prepared to handle that. My Spanish class is going to be fun, at least that's how it appears right now. And my Intro to Western Music class will be awesome. The prof for that dropped an S-Bomb during the lecture. She seems pretty cool then.

I hate waking up at 6AM. But I know there are people out there who have it tougher. I know my dad usually wakes up at around 5 or so and works almost 12 hour days. If there's anyone I look up to, it's my dad. I don't know anyone else who puts so much effort to make others comfortable. I guess that's where I get it from.

With family members being sick, and yours truly being experimented on like a guinea pig, it's been tough for him. But he's tougher. And so my goal is to get however many degrees I need to provide rest for him and to let him take a break from working so much. When he retires, I want to take care of him and my mom. So I need to get rolling...

I'm a big family person. Well, immediate family person. I look after this family I'm a part of and that's it. When someone gets married into the family, they become my concern as well. Almost like a 'Godfather' type thing.

But for now, I'm looking for a lady to spend some quality time with. That's all. And I'll get it done.

If I had my own mob...

Tuesday, August 24

Yes indeed...

Deal was finalized according to The Dallas Morning News. Dampier is a Maverick. Good.

Going to sleep early today. Have to wake up at 6AM. But I'll be done before noon, so it's not too bad. Still haven't bought books, but I plan on doing that this weekend or so. Did get my instrument and I am on a list to get a locker for it.

I've been seeing some cute faces on campus. It's a good omen for sure. Chics saying hi and they don't even know me...or I don't know them. Today has been good to me.

So, I have a plan. I'm going to find some chic who lives in one of the dorms, and I'm going to hook up with her. Whenever the right progress is made, for those early mornings, I can just keep her company (eh, eh?) I like. Beh, I'm a nice guy....really. Who knows, she might even be really good for me and all of that fairy tale stuff.

Ok, really, I do believe that the first couple of weeks of class are great times to find a chic. But I do usually end up saying, "Oh, if I get a girl now, by the time Christmas comes I'll have to introduce her to my parents and blah blah blah..." So I doubt that will change this semester.

That's all I have for today.

Monday, August 23

And one more...

Alright people, this is the last late-night post for weekdays.

And I really don't have much to say. Going to campus tomorrow. Might pick me up some chics. There are some new college students who need to be shown the ropes. I'm man to do it. Ha!

God lor, I hate politics!

Alright. Going to get plenty of sleep before my long journey to Hell. Parents crying, teenagers crying, cars everywhere. It's Hell, really.



Mister Buddwing.

Living twelve years in one day. I can relate to that...

It's one crazy movie...

In your...

So yea. Ultimately, this was a great week. Parents came down, had a needle stuck into my hip. Had my good friend B come down. Played some basketball. Went to campus to scope out the new jail bait (not really jail bait...I'm positive they're 18 or older). Did some more adding and dropping for this coming semester.

Going to have a nice schedule. Spanish, Algorithms and Data Structures, Logic Sets and Functions, French Horn lessons, and hopefully Intro to Western Music. I love music classes here at UT. They definitely make me feel good.

Classes start on Wednesday, and hopefully since I didn't enjoy a ncie long break, I shouldn't have to adjust much if at all. Some days I'll have to be up there by 8, but I think I'll survive. I know I can survive.

Although, that does mean late-night posting and AIM conversations will probably cease to exist. By the which, there's that add me to aim link on the right. You can add me if I'm not there. I never IM first, so you don't have to worry about being bugged. I don't know. Just thought it's worth a mention.

Monday...."Looks like someone has a case of the Mondays."

Saturday, August 21

More ballin'...

Played B-ball again. Came in cold (meaning I didn't practice at all) and I shot extremely well. Probably only missed two shots overall. And this was a game of 25. I hit one very improbable shot over B from the corner. But straight up, I was on a roll. B and I teamed up against my bro and my dad, and we won that game too. Everything just worked. We lost the next game, and then I sat out the fourth 'cause my bro racked me accidently. Some guy showed up at the court to impress his woman. Yea, he sucked bad. Little dribble skills, and he wasn't a team player. You must first learn to put the ball in the basket, then practice your dribbling. People watch too much of those And1 Streetball tapes. I feel bad for his woman. She wasn't attractive anyway. I'm so mean...

Hip is still pretty bruised, and I don't think the doctors cleared me for basketball this soon. I'm a glutton for pain. No matter if I walk around a little bit. No matter if I kneel down. I'll keep playing, just give me one second. I like it...

So yea...I guess everyone is heading back to class soon. I know I go back on Wednesday. That kind of sucks. But I think I'll be fine with it. I did want to stack my classes on MWF, but that won't happen with the addition of Spanish. Oh well...

That's really all I have. Things are a bit boring online right now. No one is on, and no one is awake. Oh well...

Friday, August 20


Alright, so the plans I made aren't going down the way I wanted them to.

I'm trying. I'm really trying. But I'm not getting through. Maybe she reads this blog. Maybe she'll figure out its her.

Pretty much, here's the deal. I talk to this chic, I get interested, things slow down (we stop talking), and I lose interest. Repeat. It's rather annoying really.

I haven't expressed this yet, but I want to. I'm trying, really. If you think this is about you, by all means ask. I'm a very honest person.

I just want to get it out there though because I think good things could materialize. If nothing happens, no regrets.

In other news, played ball again today. Really shouldn't have, because any touching on the hip hurts like hell. Played some 2 on 2, and it was alright. Overall, my shot was horrible when we first got to the court, but it picked up afterwards. Not great, but good. Inside game is getting better, but I have to fix my J. More consistency.

Still figuring out my plans...

Thursday, August 19


20 years...

A score...

A fifth of a century...


What fun...

Let's start at the top.

First, they gave me info about the procedure. Nothing really freaked me out. They drew some blood, but had a tough time, so they went after a vein in my hand. Then they started an IV.

Something to freak you out. When they did the pre-procedure standard tests, my temperature was 95 degrees, and my blood pressure was pretty high. It was confusing to them. But then again, my temperature is usually pretty low. Don't know why.

So then my Dad had to leave the room. The doctor felt around for where they wanted the marrow sample. Once she found it, they started injecting a sedative. It felt like I had a really good buzz. It was nice. I was laying on my stomach, and I was staring at the wall, but I couldn't focus on anything. I smiled alot.

She mentioned something about "You'll feel a sting" but I didn't. My tolerance for pain is extraordinarily high. In fact, as I type this, they wanted me to take some prescription pain killers, but I don't feel any pain. I feel fine. So yea, I pretty much zoned out for the next 5 minutes, and all I remember was her pushing hard on my hip. It felt like she was jumping on my hips pretty much. Then I feel asleep. Next thing I know, they're done and my Dad is back. I asked them to show me the marrow sample, and they really only got a little bit.

Part of the extraction was to remove some actual bone. Don't remember that either.

I had a hard time sitting up 'cause everything was fuzzy and I had no balance. It took me a couple of minutes, but I started walking. Right now, I don't remember leaving the room and getting to the car. I don't remember much of lunch either, except that we ate at Gatti's.

Overall, it wasn't bad. It was actually kind of fun. Now I get to wait between a week and 3 weeks before I get any word. Next appointment is in September, so woo-hoo.

Will I be able to play basketball this weekend?

Only the rain can stop me...

By the which, a blast of thunder just set off a car alarm. Crap...

Response to previous comments...

Firstly, we did not do all of that trading for Shaq and ultimately received nothing. Moving Jamison wasn't just about Stack, it was about Laettner and the 5th pick. And that 5th pick was about getting a point. Laettner was an expiring contract, and if we hadn't moved him, we have the money off the books, and there's the possibly to get enough trade exceptions to make a run at Yao next off-season. 'Toine to Atlanta (Which was after Shaq was dealt) was about moving a disgruntled' pouty-faced man who wanted too many shots. Again, an expiring contract and a point/shooter. Booth for Fortson wasn't about Shaq. It was getting a decent big man to put in 20 minutes.

Secondly, SportsGal made some great points about the 1st rounders. We weren't going to get anything in the top 15, so it wouldn't have been a huge loss. It also backs up my point that for all 5 positions, they have a youngen to play, so why get another player to develop when he's only a year younger?

Stack could become 6th man...but he did say he wasnt trying to earn a spot on the bench. He's not the team player Jamison is.

By the which, we can still move Stack for Kurt Thomas, and we can still trade for Kidd by using Bradley and Terry. Those moves would give us a starting line-up of Kidd-Finley-Dirk-Thomas-Dampier. Imagine that! Yes, Dirk at the three, which gives him more options, including the fact that coaches are defending him with 3's anyway. Also places are dirty defenders and rebounders by the rim. If only...

Our bench would also look like Harris at 1, Daniels, Howard, Terry at the 2 or 3, Dirk and Thomas could rotate with Henderson (if healthy) and still have Booth behind Dampier. It'd be 10 people deep.

Shawn Marion has never won the 6th Man of the Year award. Rodney Rogers won it for the 99-00 season. Last team to have the 6th Man two years in a row was Indiana With Detlef Schrempf. That was 90-91 and 91-92 seasons.

Wednesday, August 18



9 hours, 50 minutes...

Nope, not worried.

Tuesday, August 17

The big one...

Dampier, Eschemeyer, and Dickau for Najera, Laettner, two 1st rounders, and cash.

Dallas is in the hunt for a title, this year!

Lower half seeding? Yea right. Top three team now. hey addressed their main issue. They didn't lose alot.

Well, the deal isn't official, and won't be until Spetember 20th or so it looks like because of a two month rule on trading players. Still, the teams agreed. That's good enough for me.


Do you believe that perfection exists somewhere, anywhere out there?

If I were to say that there is the perfect half for you out there... I mean, for a chic, the perfect boyfriend, and for a guy, the perfect girlfriend, perfect potentials to be marriage candidates...would you believe me?

If I told you that I was going to achieve such perfection, at least as perfect as I'm allowed, would you believe me?

I ask people what they think of me. I specifically ask about what they think is a big flaw of mine. If I haven't asked you yet, it's probably because you're too honest. But if I said the reason was so I could learn more about myself in order to become perfect...

...would you believe me?

I once defined perfection...

"perfect: adj. Being flawless. In the process of becoming flawless. Ideal to all. Ex: Andy is perfect."

I hope I'm in the process of becoming flawless...


I'm taking a small break from analyzing basketball. If you don't have anything nice to say...

So yeah. I've been rather boring lately. I lay around and play games. Really, it's good though. This is my week and a half long summer vacation. I need to take full advantage of it. I'm worn out. I think I've already said that...

I think I'm going to go ahead and tell the chic how I feel. If she gets weird, I'll back off, permanently. If she gets weird, it means that the friendship wasn't "good and mature." And I'd rather have no friendship than an awkward one. I don't get attached quickly. I distance myself instantaneously when I need to.

Look man, when you turn 21, you'll have more fun than now. Don't ruin it by getting tied down early. It's nice to have someone to share it with, but it's better to be free and without restrictions. Enjoy yourself for now. This is your time.

As I told a friend recently, "It's OK to be selfish sometimes. If you go around helping everyone else, you'll break down." So I'm telling you. This is your time to be selfish. Abuse it.

Man, I hate the L-word. Well, I hate saying it. I like hearing it, though. Does that make me selfish?

Sunday, August 15

"There is no modern romance."


...they might not know they are potentials. They might not know you have a thing for them. They can be completely oblivious to the fact.

So, is it the man's duty to make them aware? Does he have to come out and say, "You're a great prospect for ." Maybe not in those words, unless he's from the 20s. With the courting and what-not...

A friend of mine once said, "If two friends are really good friends and mature, then the announcement of one's interest for the other shouldn't change anything."

Only once have I announced my feelings for some chic. It worked. I had her wrapped around my pinkie for half a year. And for me, half a year is a long-term thing. Well, back then it was.

I really don't know whether to say or not. The person in question...eh, nevermind.

I guess it's my decision. I should follow my own advice...

...but opinions are welcome...

Saturday, August 14

Windows to the soul...

I looked at a picture of myself when I was in high school. I looked in the mirror. I finally see the differences regarding my overall attitude as expressed by my face.

In high school, there was no smile, no frown, nothing. There were no hints about how I felt. Everything was well-hidden, at least to the people who didn't talk to me regularly. Yet, people knew I was really a nice person who doesn't open up easily.

I saw bitterness in the mirror. I saw nothing but pure anger and frustration. My natural facial expression is just a sight to see. My eyes could burn holes through a person's conscience. It's amazing really. And then I realized it...

These eyes are why no one sits next to me on the bus. These eyes are why it's rare that someone initiates a conversation with me. It's this expression that separates me from the rest of society. Thankfully...

I am the guy in the corner that just stands there, looking around suspiciously. I am the guy at the party who drinks by himself, if I could drink that is. I am the guy who answers complicated questions with simple answers, just to bail out of talking. I am the guy who gives undemanded honesty and hurts those he knows.

I'm betting my money on the fact that it's probably a phase. It will disappear soon enough, if I'm right.

I think I'm just tired. I think I'm going to hit my mid-life crisis at 20. I think I'm going to say things I shouldn't. I think I'm going to isolate myself from all others. I guess it's that time again...

What to do...what to do...

Thursday, August 12

Stupid math...

Test in 10 hours 45 minutes. Studying right now. Sort of. I'm taking a small break.

Making plans. Well, forming ideas of things I might want to do later. I'll need to consult with certain people first. But...it's time I follow my own advice and not someone else's.

It's actually funny. People come to me for advice rather frequently. They usually listen too. So for someone who is viewed as being very helpful, I can't even take my own advice. It's stupid. I've decided that if close friends can follow my advice, that my opinion is actually worthy to them, then I must be worthy of my own thoughts.

What I'm saying, is that if other people can take my advice, why can't I take my own?

So I've made some decisions. If I can follow through on these plans, I'll announce it. Otherwise, it will just be a failed plan. No harm done.

But anywho...back to studying...

What about...

New idea for a CD...

Going to take lyrics (well, bits of lyrics) and create a story with them.

Don't know what the story will be about yet. But I think it could turn out to be fun.

Wednesday, August 11

So you know...

Some knowledge, just in case...(the following information is taken from http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000589.htm)

"Polycythemia Vera

Polycythemia vera is an abnormal increase in blood cells (primarily red blood cells) resulting from excess production by the bone marrow."

Pretty much, there's too many cells to be floating around safely. Blood is thicker than normal, and this can lead to an increased chance of having a stroke, heart attack, and suffering blood clots.

There are a couple of ways to remedy this. The most common way is to take a prescribed blood thinner. This improves the viscosity of blood.

One way is to have blood drawn every so often. Could be once a week or bi-weekly.

Another way is to physically remove bone marrow, the source of new blood. This can be tedious and painful though. This is the more drastic measure. Only used in severe cases.

"It is a rare disease that occurs more frequently in men than women, and rarely in patients under 40 years old. It is not known what causes polycythemia vera."

In other words, the chances of a teenager being affected by it is really low. Very uncommon.

And what I figure are the more common symptoms:

Headaches, dizziness, shortness of breath, fatigue.

But anyway, just some information. Won't know anything until a week from now.

Don't start crying or whatever yet. Nothing to worry about really. I feel healthier than ever.

Tuesday, August 10

Here's why...


...because you have three of the most powerful body parts of them all. Offer yourself to any man, and he'll do anything for you. Quit your crying. And, as Rojo says, "They are usually ugly." Well said...


...because they impede the progress of society. If we could all survive on berries and nuts, the lions and tigers would eat our butts.


...enough said.

Drunk people on public transportation vehicles...

...because they stink, they sleep and take up three seats, they have a bunch of stuff with them, I'm afraid they'll throw up on me.

Fat, ugly people that sit next to me on the bus...

...because they're fat, ugly, and they're sitting next to me. In the Book of Andy, chapter 1 verse 2, "Thou shalt not sit next to Andy, unless thou is hot and willing."

People yelling out verses of the Bible on campus...

...because they don't stop. Somehow it seems like there's an infinite amount of text in that book. Also, I feel like my personal space is invaded when they face me.


...because they are wasting time. Four or five people sitting outside the capitol aren't going to get anything done. Yes, we have the right to protest. Doesn't mean we have to use it though. Also, the violent ones that sit in the road...they piss me off...

Monday, August 9


You know those pacts that people make, the ones that are like, "If we're both single when were ??-years old, we'll get together" or whatever?

Aren't those awkward?

Are they serious committments?

And what would the other party be called? Conditional Future Wife?

Ha...so funny...

Sucks to be me...

It freaks me out really. I realized earlier today that I only have 10 days before I go under. I'm not scared. I'm just worried. But then again, all I ever do is worry...

I'm sure everything will play out just right. If I was meant to be permanently affected by something...it would have been years ago. Summer of 2000 to be exact.

Other people would have flashbacks. They would suffer relapses and ultimately succumb to psychiatric help. Not me. I'm mentally strong. I'm not saying I'm really smart or really desensitized, just strong.

So either way, nothing new really been going on. Nothing sports related for me to report. Well, at least nothing interesting to me. Football has started up...which means...

Baseball is on its way out until October! Yes!

Oh man, you have no idea how much I hate baseball. Well, I guess I don't hate it, I can only watch it for half an inning. You see, baseball is fun when you're drinking. And you know my case...so baseball isn't fun for me.

Classes end on Friday. Have one assignment due, and then a test. If I do well on the test, I'll be happy for a while. Unfortunately, I only get about two weeks to relax. Stupid fall semester.

Just for the record, I dislike the following groups of people:

Drunk people on public transportation vehicles
Fat ugly people that sit next to me on the bus
People yelling out verses of the Bible on campus

Hope I didn't offend anybody...

In the next issue, FBombAndy will discuss why he hates those categories of people...

One down...

I finished my CD project. It came out pretty good. If you want a huge sampling of what I listen to, this is the CD for you.

Going to class now.

Sunday, August 8


51.43% done with my CD project. It's moving nicely.

In case you can't read or are too lazy to scroll down, my CD project is to make one CD with 70 tracks. Each track will contain a (strategically located) one minute sample of a song I think is great. Thus, it's my music / opinion CD.

It will be a treat for my nephew who turns 3 months old pretty soon. Don't know if he'll appreciate it.

And whoever else wants a copy, well, I'll make one for you. Depending on how nice you are...

Thursday, August 5


I'm going to go with my instincts and say that the Kings and Suns with some other team will initate a three-way deal involving Marion, Peja, and someone else.

Suns are in the hunt for Dampier. What if...

Peja to Warriors, Marion to Kings, Dampier to Suns.

Of course Kings will have to let loose another player, but I can't figure out who yet.

That's my guess if a deal goes down.

I'm placing my bet on a three way deal.


Had dinner with an old friend and his fiancee. Everything was nice and smooth. Unfortunately for them, I'm not much of a talker. But the company was good nonetheless. Chicken Marsala is so good.


Peja wants out of Sac. This is awesome. On my season for NBA Live 2004, I traded people to get Peja. He's done well so far in my game. And seeing his demand for a trade makes me excited. I know, I know. It's a slim chance he'll end up with the Mavs. We really don't need another shooter. But he's a decent defender, and he can get some rebounds. It would definitely free up Dirk for more shots, because teams will have to send out their perimeter defenders to Peja.

Jason Terry, Marquis Daniels, Peja, Dirk, Booth. Hmm....

Terry, Finley, Peja, Dirk, Booth. Hmm...

Marquis, Howard, Finley, Peja, Dirk. Hmm....

There's a ton of combinations. I would like to have versatility. Right now, we have one elite star, 2 mid-level stars, and some veterans mixed with projects.

I don't know the numbers on Peja's contract, so if anyone wants to contribute, by all means.

I want to consider trade scenarios.

Wednesday, August 4


Dirk looked awesome out there today against the U.S. If I remember correctly, he had 32 points and 12 rebounds. His clutch 3-pointer with 3 seconds left was amazing, and if Iverson would have missed his half-court lob, Dirk would have been the hero. (Considering that he was double-teamed nearly all of the time.)

I didn't get a good read on his defense because the Germans played a ton of zone. Dirk did have a few blocks and steals, so that's something. He does have a bit of a tan, and he does look about 5 pounds lighter.

If this is a sign of what's to come, Dallas will be pretty good next year. The defense is something to watch. I don't know if it will be better or worse, but we are surrounding Dirk with role players. A line-up of Terry, Marquis, Finley, Dirk, and Booth doesn't look bad by any means. Marquis was a good defender last year, and he's only going to improve. Booth will provide some minor presence in the paint, and he can block shots. Finley is at least an average defender. If Nellie can find the right defensive scheme, I expect them to get the 4 seed or so.

Let's not forget the bench. Harris, Stack, Howard, Laettner, and Bradley. I still haven't mentioned the guy from Congo who is supposed to be super-athletic. And let's see, one more person...how about Najera? Man, there's some depth on this team.

Imagine this line-up. Marquis, Howard, Najera, Dirk, and Bradley. In a zone. Man, that's insane. Marquis and Howard are quick enough, Najera can do the dirty work, Dirk and Bradley provide height and length inside.

Interesting stuff really.


Q-Car has been cut by the Cowboys? What the hell type of stupid move is that? They have Vinny and Henson. WHo the hell is going to start?! And whoever it is will have to learn the offense with a fresh start! The Cowboys will NOT make the playoffs next year.

Redskins are a bit better. They added Portis, but they gave up Bailey. Giants are going to have a rookie QB. Philly is a super bowl contender. With what Dallas had going into next season, they were going to be a wild card from the division. Philly would have won the division. Now, Cowboys will have a great defense, but if possible, a worse offense than last year. This is ridiculous.

Definitely a step back. Q-Car got one full season, took them to the playoffs, and got cut. Reminds me of Tim Floyd and Byron Scott. They coached their teams to the layoffs and were rewarded by being dismissed. Granted Q-Car isn't the best QB by far. But he was the base for next season. Without him, the Cowboys are lost.

Who do you choose? Old man who can't run or throw very well, or a rookie who's been out working his ass off playing baseball? Damnit, they stand out there and wait to see if the ball comes their way! Pitchers have to throw and occasionally catch. That's it!

I can't believe this. Complete surprise.

If we still had Chutch, I would reconsider. He spent time with Parcells as well. But we cut him a while back.

The bridge ahead of us has just been burnt down.

Dirk has 13 points and Germany is only down by 6 as I type this.

Stupid Jerry Jones.

Sorry, they have Tony Romo, who wasn't horrible. He'll start.

Tuesday, August 3

More info...

'Toine and Delk for Terry, Henderson, and a 1st round pick (from Philly). I expect that to be a high lottery pick. Dallas is making a kill with this deal.

I wouldn't rule out Jason Kidd yet. They have more pieces to play with. I don't know who they are looking at though. As is mentioned, Terry does have some SG tweaks on his game, but I feel we don't need the most legit point guard either. Dirk will have the ball about 30 - 40% of the time next season, so I'd look for his assist numbers to go up.

Not a terrible free throw shooter, 16 and 5.5 isn't bad either. I don't know if he'll be playing 35 minutes a game though. Eh, this is interesting really.

Also, this is perfect for 'Toine. Sending him to a crap team in his contract year is good for him. Look what it did for Stephen Jackson. Accepted a crap contract there and is now getting good money on a contender as a replacement to Great Reggie Miller. 'Toine will have a good year, but will never be paid like that again. I imagine he'll average 16, 10, and 5. Somewhere around there. Delk....eh. Henderson is in his final year, so he and Laettner can share hotel rooms. They shouldn't unpack either.
'Toine for Jason Terry and Alan Henderson. Look for it to be finalized Wed.

It's early this morning. I need my glasses.

Monday, August 2

In a jar...

Some things are better left unsaid. I wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

We all have things that we should keep to ourselves. Some have more of these things than other people have. For example, I know too much for my own good. People trust me with secrets. These secrets let me catch a glimpse of what is going on inside their head. (And to this day I have held silent all of those secrets.) One sentence is all I need to determine a person's quality of character. It's all I need to figure out their personality. It's simple. Well, it's simple for me. I consider myself to be a great "people-person." I know how to smooth over egos, I know how to mediate feuding friends, I know how to make someone feel twice as good as they should, or twice as bad.

Yet I would never use this to my advantage. I would never play with someone's sympathy to enhance my confidence or self-esteem. I would never place my burden on someone's shoulders if they didn't ask. Trust me, when I relay information about doctors and needles, I am not looking for pity. I am not looking for your apologies. I only tell you this information so you dont ask the question, "Why didn't you tell me?" I am not someone you want to even try to put through a guilt trip. It doesn't work, not on me.

Some have tried it. Some have tried to make me feel like I owe them something. My reaction is always the same. I laugh, I insult with subtlety, and I walk away. I can name a handful of people that I've turned my back on. I can tell you what they did and why they deserved what they got from me. I won't elaborate though.

My whole point is, there are people out there who crave attention. There are people out there who crave sympathy and, in extreme cases, love. There are people who only want to make others feel bad. These are the people to truly watch out for. Don't be afraid of the kid who never talks. Don't be scared by some stoic person with everything to hide.

Be terrified knowing that somewhere out there is a person with absolutely nothing to offer to society. There's someone out there getting what they want, and it's not good enough.

There are people in this world who literally put their blood, sweat, and tears into something they love... role-models... emotionally-stable human beings... all being held down by others who are only good at preventing happiness.


Vinsanity for Ray Allen? Hmm...

I'm gonna dig up some more info, and I'll get back to you.

Yea! It's August.