Monday, March 29

One Week of the Future...

Doctor's appointment. Test. Movie. Friday.

That's the order of events for this week. Tomorrow morning I go in for a CT scan on my liver. All the drinking I did in high school has caught up to me, and now I have to get it checked out. Drinking? High school? No way...

Drinking every night, during physics class, sometimes at lunch. I averaged somewhere around 9 mixed drinks a week. Considering how little I weigh, it wasn't a good thing. But it did keep me from stressing out. I remember after one rough day, I came home, ate some chocolate cake and had a midori sour. It was great. The best days were when I mixed a frappucino with some Bailey's Irish Creme first thing in the morning. I'd be wide awake with a slight buzz. It actually helped in most of my classes. Fun times.

Got a psychology test Wed. That's fine. I made a B on the first one without even reading the book, so I should do fine on this one as well. Most of it is common sense. Thursday I am to go see Hellboy. My brother and I picked up some free screening passes for it. That should be a fun night except for one thing. The Mavs play the Kings that night. High scoring, no defense basketball. Great stuff.

Friday. I don't know what to do Friday. I think I might go to the local clubs and scope out the scene. Austin is ranked number one for meeting people. I should take full advantage of that. I could use a good 'lift-me-up' from a chic.

I still have a program to write and what-not. This is going to be a hectic week. I like it that way though. I hate being bored.

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