Thursday, March 25


In June, I will finally have a place to live other than a dorm or my parents' home. This is a big step for me, though not as big as it is for others. I am naturally independent.

I do fine by myself. In fact, I prefer being alone to being in groups of people. I can appreciate silence. It's just because I can sort things out with ease in such an environment. Oddly enough, it does not work when I am surrounded by Mother Nature. Squirrels, pidgeons, just doesn't work.

Having a roommate these past two years has given me sight of both ends of the spectrum. Last year, that guy absolutely sucked. Crowd follower, short, nerdy looking, musician wannabe, and a spoiled brat. This year, well, he's basically the same except he is tall, doesn't know the first thing about music, and from what I can tell isn't a spoiled brat. He started out really cool and laid-back. Now his ego is swollen, and he wants to be every girl's dreams. Examples of following:

One, I have been using conditioner since high school (and not just cheap stuff. I mean the good expensive stuff.) His friends love it that I'm a guy who uses such hair products. I have 5 different products at my disposal for styling hair. He started this year with generic shampoo. His friends come down, and they throw praise at me. When we returned from Christmas Break, he had a step-up shampoo and conditioner.

Two, I get my hair cut at a salon, not a Pro or Super Cuts. My hairstylist, Rosie, knows exactly what I want and how. When we returned from Spring Break, he asked me where I got my haircut. Turns out he wants to go to a nice salon so they can style his hair for him.

If those aren't signs of wanting to be exactly what his friends want, I don't know what is. Maybe it just made him jealous that his friends wanted to hang out with me more than him. At least, that's what they said. I think I actually believe them.

Girls want to hang out with me.

And that makes me want one even more.

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