Wednesday, March 31

B, D, Mavs, Sleep...

Shout out to B. He turned 20 last week. No longer a teenager. "You'se all growns up!" - Swingers.

Thursday night. Kings. Mavs. Oh hell yea! By the way, I did watch most of the Kings-Spurs game. The refs and announcers are so biased towards San Antonio. Sacramento should have had twice as many free throws, and 4 Spurs should have fouled out. It was ridiculous, and I think it questions the integrity of the game. San Antonio wins because the NBA can't afford for them to lose this early. Conspiracy theory? Maybe...

Please D, don't make me choose between you and such. You know who I mean by such. I really want to remain neutral, and I really want to keep in contact with both of you. Sure he rubs me the wrong way sometimes, but he's been a decent roommate. Wait, neutral? I've jumped on your ship each time he slips up. Ha! I'm just saying, I'm going to be here, and whichever of you two leave, whether it's one, both, or none, I'll live. I understand. That's what I do. (Psst. Don't leave.)

But yes, homework tomorrow morning. Turning it in. Apartment hunting also. Hellboy at 7:30. Sleep now!

Tuesday, March 30

Decisions, decisions...

Dirk went for 35 points, 18 rebounds and 4 assists. The man made comments, and he had backed those words up. Every Mav should acknowledge that Dirk is the man on that team. The go-to guy, the franchise player. Nash went for 31 points and 10 assists. He handles the ball, distributes the ball, decides who gets the next shot. Everyone else should acknowledge that he is second in command. Anywho, enough about the Mavs...

A friend of mine is looking down on herself for previous actions on a specific night. I completely understand how one event can bring someone down. I always end up with some action I regret.

For instance, today on the elevator, a young girl, probably a freshman, started a conversation with me about how tonight was a great night for looking at some planet (Jupiter, I think). She said that there was going to be a show at the observatory. I listened to every word and kept direct eye contact. She even said "bye" as I stepped off the elevator, which I did reciprocate. Unfortunately, it wasn't until I arrived at my dorm that I realized what had just happened. An attractive girl was informing me of her future plans. Obvious enough for any normal guy. I tend to think a little too slowly in the presence of females, though. Retrospectively, I should have given her my number and asked her to call me if she wanted to meet up. It could have been nice.

Yes, I know, this was not the same as what my friend experienced. I just figured my own torture would make her laugh. Yes, this is torture for me because I always miss out on these signals, and I missed out on some great opportunities in high school the same way. Beh, high school...

Dear friend,

I do not know the circumstances. I do not know the reason. But I know that this should in no way define who you are. I still do not view you in a negative light. I don't think anyone should. Women will make decisions, and as much as it's said, they are not always right. No one is perfect, even though I am so bent on getting there. It's just one of those things that people must experience as to not face the same situation without prior knowledge. I know the results bother you, but I can assure that given the same setting, you will make the right decision, whatever it may be. If rewards are deserving, then by all means.

If you come back to Austin before summer starts, I'll let you style my hair. Gel, texture cream, spray, whatever. I'll let you decide. It'll make you smile, I promise.

{Tee hee hee. High school. Sitting at lunch. Some chic two years below me walks behind me and starts touching my hair. Everyone sitting next to me got all tense, because they knew that touching my hair was just something against the rules. That privilege is reserved for special people. She said, "Oh wow, I really like your hair! It's all spikey!" I sort of just sat there. I was flattered, even though she had crossed the line. It was a nice gesture.}

But yes, decisions, or a lack thereof, can lead to awkward moments, as well as positive situations.

I hope my friend feels better now. I've decided that I am now going to lay in bed and weep over how I lost out on something I never had. Not really. Think I'll just sleep. I'm sure I'll make up for my slowness there.

Monday, March 29

One Week of the Future...

Doctor's appointment. Test. Movie. Friday.

That's the order of events for this week. Tomorrow morning I go in for a CT scan on my liver. All the drinking I did in high school has caught up to me, and now I have to get it checked out. Drinking? High school? No way...

Drinking every night, during physics class, sometimes at lunch. I averaged somewhere around 9 mixed drinks a week. Considering how little I weigh, it wasn't a good thing. But it did keep me from stressing out. I remember after one rough day, I came home, ate some chocolate cake and had a midori sour. It was great. The best days were when I mixed a frappucino with some Bailey's Irish Creme first thing in the morning. I'd be wide awake with a slight buzz. It actually helped in most of my classes. Fun times.

Got a psychology test Wed. That's fine. I made a B on the first one without even reading the book, so I should do fine on this one as well. Most of it is common sense. Thursday I am to go see Hellboy. My brother and I picked up some free screening passes for it. That should be a fun night except for one thing. The Mavs play the Kings that night. High scoring, no defense basketball. Great stuff.

Friday. I don't know what to do Friday. I think I might go to the local clubs and scope out the scene. Austin is ranked number one for meeting people. I should take full advantage of that. I could use a good 'lift-me-up' from a chic.

I still have a program to write and what-not. This is going to be a hectic week. I like it that way though. I hate being bored.

Thursday, March 25


In June, I will finally have a place to live other than a dorm or my parents' home. This is a big step for me, though not as big as it is for others. I am naturally independent.

I do fine by myself. In fact, I prefer being alone to being in groups of people. I can appreciate silence. It's just because I can sort things out with ease in such an environment. Oddly enough, it does not work when I am surrounded by Mother Nature. Squirrels, pidgeons, just doesn't work.

Having a roommate these past two years has given me sight of both ends of the spectrum. Last year, that guy absolutely sucked. Crowd follower, short, nerdy looking, musician wannabe, and a spoiled brat. This year, well, he's basically the same except he is tall, doesn't know the first thing about music, and from what I can tell isn't a spoiled brat. He started out really cool and laid-back. Now his ego is swollen, and he wants to be every girl's dreams. Examples of following:

One, I have been using conditioner since high school (and not just cheap stuff. I mean the good expensive stuff.) His friends love it that I'm a guy who uses such hair products. I have 5 different products at my disposal for styling hair. He started this year with generic shampoo. His friends come down, and they throw praise at me. When we returned from Christmas Break, he had a step-up shampoo and conditioner.

Two, I get my hair cut at a salon, not a Pro or Super Cuts. My hairstylist, Rosie, knows exactly what I want and how. When we returned from Spring Break, he asked me where I got my haircut. Turns out he wants to go to a nice salon so they can style his hair for him.

If those aren't signs of wanting to be exactly what his friends want, I don't know what is. Maybe it just made him jealous that his friends wanted to hang out with me more than him. At least, that's what they said. I think I actually believe them.

Girls want to hang out with me.

And that makes me want one even more.

Wednesday, March 24

My Life In Summary...

Born. Gained height and weight. Started elementary school. Met a blonde girl in the third grade. Started middle school. Met four different girls, all of which were attractive in their own ways. Found a group of people I like to hang around. Started high school. Most of that same group went with me. Was in band, where I met more people and more girls. Had first serious relationship my junior year with a cute red head. Things ended sadly. Went to Florida where I forgot all of my troubles for four days. Senior year, dated one girl for about a month, and to put things bluntly, I didn't have to work hard for my reward. Had one date with another girl, just because she liked me. Graduation. Started college 212 miles from home. EE (Electrical Engineering) major. Halfway through sophomore year, bailed out. Decided to be a CS (Computer Science) major. Fourth semester here, and here I am.


To start off, a little about myself. I am your typical guy, only better. I want what every guy wants, just not to the point where I act stupid. I do the same things that every guy does, but not to the point where it is an obssession. I am one in a million, and I am not afraid to say it. I know what I bring to the table, and it is good. Whatever lucky girl catches me, well, they can forget about needing luck ever again.

I know, though, that we cannot all get what we want.

I play video games periodically. I go outdoors and play basketball periodically. I like having those "guys' night out" and such. ESPN is the second source of information that I look at everyday.

I take extreme care of my hair. Hygiene is something very important to me, just as manners are. I keep my clothes clean. I keep my nails trimmed. I take care of my feet. I cannot figure out how a guy can let his feet look horrible and wear sandals without noticing. It can be nasty at times. I see guys' feet, and the nails are all jagged and yellow. Sometimes they take off their sandals in the middle of class and I find that absolutely repulsive.

The most important thing in my life is music. I participated in band during my high school years. I learned how to play two different musical instruments at an exceptional level. I understand the very essence of music. It still lingers with me today. So I use my knowledge to judge musicians and to pick out those I want to hear more of. My taste in music is scattered across all genres. I sometimes consider being a critic for a local newspaper.

Unfortunately, there are more of things that anger me than those that please me. I am very picky and quick to judge. This limits the crowd of females I can look at with potential. Therefore, it is obvious that I must be single, at least while I write this. Trust me, if I could change my standards, I would.

I had another blog which I started in August of 2003, but I feel as though it was a complete failure. It morphed from sports editorials to relationship advice to complaints. Eventually, enough was enough.


The new beginning. Let's see where it goes!