Thursday, July 22

Ranting and raving...

I have no explanation, but lately my anger level has been at an all time high. I've been hitting things, kicking chairs, throwing paper. It's real childish. I don't get it. Past couple of months have been very non-violent for me. Guess I've peaked out. Gotta let it out some time.

Maybe it's not anger. Maybe it's frustration. BOliver wrote a post about how some prof was just stupid with the grading or something. I hate my M362K prof. He returned homework the other day, and mine wasn't in the pile. I asked him about it, and he asked, "Well, did you turn it in late?" I promptly said, "No." And all he could do was mention he'll look for it. Stupid prof needs to keep up. If he is trying to fail me to meet some quota, I won't let it happen. I understand this crap too well to let some prof ruin it for me.

U-Texas has royally pissed me off. On the course schedule for the summer, it listed GOV 312: Issues and Policy. It's the second required gov't at UT. So I signed up. Well, it turns out there are various forms of the same course, from Texas Issues and Policy to Environmental Issues and Policy. If you know me, you know how much I hate tree-hugging bastards who block the road with some human barricade. So you also see where I'm going with this. I walked into the class expecting Texas gov't, but instead got some old geezer who talks so softly a mic around his neck doesn't pick him up. It's ridiculous. I'm sorry, but if you can't speak loud or clearly, you aren't fit to teach. And I don't want to hear his stupid opinions about why blah blah park shouldn't be bulldozed over. Stupid hippie bastards.

2 comments: said...

Sounds like you need some alcohol!

SportsGal said...

So you aren't fond of the whole Austin hippie scene...And you're at UT why? ;)