Tuesday, July 20

Welcome back...without the party...

Good lor, it's been so long. Having internet in my room again has made me a different man.

So many people out there that haven't heard from me in quite some time. Can't gt onto AIM from the university's computers. They kinda suck that way. Sure, they have all this fancy software to wipe your butt for you, but you can't get online and chat with friends. Stupid!

Have a test in Probability tomorrow afternoon. That kinda sucks. But I did some good studying. Went to Cici's for pizza, even though Mr Gatti's is so much better. Then we went to Target, where I finally broke down and got the Yeah Yeah Yeahs' CD, Fever To Tell. I remember seeing a video of theirs quite some time back. Since then I've been wondering about whether or not they're good. So far, I'm happy.

Sucks that my old hard drive broke down on me. But it gave me reason to get a new one. Yea!

Been doing some heavy thinking. I want to be doing some drinking. I feel so...out of it. I feel that if I could drink again, my intellectual potential could be reached. As of this moment, I have no outlet...like the one a good buzz provides. I'm stuck punching things and messing up my hand even more. I mean it, my hand is getting worse.

But either way, gonna start a new post for my Bball thoughts...

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