Thursday, July 29

Stupid network...

Fixed the network issue. Restored Winsock 1.1 to its original settings. Fixed everything. Although, wish I would have caught that answer earlier.

After tomorrow, only two weeks left on this summer session. Makes me happy. I quit going to government because we already have the assignments. Still going to probability though. That class is a bit more difficult than I thought. But I'll manage.

In other news, Quentin Richardson is getting married to Brandy. Oh wait, he plays ball? (Sarcasm) Oh, he's with the Suns now. The depth chart is 2 pages long considering how many 2-3's they have. Someone is going to be dealt. If the Mavs could land Marion, that would be killer. Supposedly they are talking to New York and Golden State. A three team deal including Kurt Thomas and Dampier? Would be sweet.

I really don't have much else. It's been a quiet day.

{24.286% done with my CD project}

Wednesday, July 28

Broken knee...

Why does Jason White get to come back for a 6th year? It makes no sense. One year should be the max for surgery. If you can't stay healthy enough to play, you don't need to play. Then again, this helps Texas' chances against OU this year, because he'll have old man knees, and if the last two games of the season las year are an indicator, White will play like grade-A crap. Still, ridiculous to let him keep playing.

Vince Young, Cedric Benson, Chance Mock, Derrick Johnson, Garnet Smith...listen to those names. O' course, Mock will be backup, and that's pretty good second string work right there. DJ and Garnet will stand out big time. Johnson did last year, and Garnet was looking really good before his injury. When my bro and I played NCAA 2004, I used Garnet for my first two seasons on defense. I did great things. But then again, in the 8 season we've gone through, I've won the heisman 6 times with whatever wide out I was using. Roy Williams, MacLaren, Carr, this new one...boliver321 has seen my work. He covers TE.

Peja won't play for Serbia and's sad. But it's understandable. Last summer he did some extracirricular B-ball and finished out the season in terrible shape. It wears people down. He's doing the right thing, and I expect more from him next year.

I'll post more later...

Tuesday, July 27


I found my way. I figured out how to get all of my old files from my old hard drive. Just have to take ownership and reset permissions. Simple, right? Ha...

Still trying to set up my own network here at the apartment. The wireless thing is goin', but I still want to hook up my bro's computer to the network. Problem is, his computer sucks. "Failed to initialize Winsock" it says. Just need to reinstall the network files from the original Windows CD. Problem is, we don't have it. But, he has a friend with connections, so it works out alright. Everything should be done tomorrow.

I have to say, I'm fairly happy right now. I have no reason to be. But, something is keeping me going. I'll do a little digging and figure it out.

Some people see things and feel deja vu. Well, maybe not deja vu, but they recall some event from their past. For some people, different senses bring back visualizations. For me, it's music. When I hear Morning Bell / Amnesiac, I always think back to when I first got the CD and how I would fall asleep to it. Had a CD player hooked up to this little silver receiver, had car speakers hooked up to that, and that was my crappy system for a couple of months. They were just spare things lying in the garage. I was happy to piece it together though. But, I think it was my junior year in high school that I would sleep to it. Might have been the following summer. But it's clear as day to me. Listened to Californication on my way to Concert UIL my sophomore year. I sat alone on that bus. I was still very quiet that year. Eh...

Some groups or artists remind me of people though. There's one for Metric and Azure Ray, one for any Tori Amos song, one for The Crow Soundtrack, one for A Perfect Circle - 3 Libras and Deftones - Digital Bath. The list goes on. I associate people to's odd really.

Speaking of sleeping music, time for me to head out. Class in the morning. Then it's the same routine.

Monday, July 26

I'm so old...

My inner child is sixteen years old today

My inner child is sixteen years old!

Life's not fair! It's never been fair, but while
adults might just accept that, I know
something's gotta change. And it's gonna
change, just as soon as I become an adult and
get some power of my own.

How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla

And yet, I'm only sad for me....

When there's better things to do...

Later Ricky...

I hate to see a young talent go to waste. I'm not positive that this decision is going to last and that he will remain retired, but if that happens, football fans will be deprived of something great. If you truly don't love doing some activity, then it is best not to waste time doing it. He had potential to be an all-time great. On the plus side though, he won't go through the nagging injuries like Bettis. Watching a documentary on him is tough.

Danny Fortson for Calvin Booth? Well, it brings a big body into the rotation. Fortson had great output on a per-minute basis. The height made him a liability though on the defensive end. You can weigh 300 pounds and you can also be 6'4. The point I'm making is, we're getting the right type of size. (I know Fortson is 6'8. I'm exaggerating.)

Also heard rumors that Arlington is seeking a new stadium to house the Cowboys. They're looking at an area near the Ballpark and Six Flags. If it goes through, I must call every UT-Arlington student a bastard. It will be close to the campus, and Austin doesn't have something of that magnitude. Eh, jealousy, oh well. Bastards.

Thursday, July 22

Ranting and raving...

I have no explanation, but lately my anger level has been at an all time high. I've been hitting things, kicking chairs, throwing paper. It's real childish. I don't get it. Past couple of months have been very non-violent for me. Guess I've peaked out. Gotta let it out some time.

Maybe it's not anger. Maybe it's frustration. BOliver wrote a post about how some prof was just stupid with the grading or something. I hate my M362K prof. He returned homework the other day, and mine wasn't in the pile. I asked him about it, and he asked, "Well, did you turn it in late?" I promptly said, "No." And all he could do was mention he'll look for it. Stupid prof needs to keep up. If he is trying to fail me to meet some quota, I won't let it happen. I understand this crap too well to let some prof ruin it for me.

U-Texas has royally pissed me off. On the course schedule for the summer, it listed GOV 312: Issues and Policy. It's the second required gov't at UT. So I signed up. Well, it turns out there are various forms of the same course, from Texas Issues and Policy to Environmental Issues and Policy. If you know me, you know how much I hate tree-hugging bastards who block the road with some human barricade. So you also see where I'm going with this. I walked into the class expecting Texas gov't, but instead got some old geezer who talks so softly a mic around his neck doesn't pick him up. It's ridiculous. I'm sorry, but if you can't speak loud or clearly, you aren't fit to teach. And I don't want to hear his stupid opinions about why blah blah park shouldn't be bulldozed over. Stupid hippie bastards.

Wednesday, July 21

Don't tell me unless...

Let's get one thing straight. Whoever I decide to hook up with for the long run, do not wait for me to ask how your day was. Chances are, I'm not waiting for you to tell me. I don't get this need people have to tell others what emotions you've felt today. But then again, I am your stereotypical introvert. Even if you ask me what I've done, I probably won't answer.

This does not apply to friends. It only applies to a significant other. I mean, if I'm with you long enough, I should be able to describe your day given one look at your face. If I can't do that, something's wrong.

Speaking of which...I think I'll get started on that CD idea I came up with.

Took that test. Eh, I feel alright about it. I know I did well at least. I don't know how well.

There are things I want to say, just not in public.

Wouldn't you know it? Once I get my internet, I run out of things to say on this blog. It just sucks.

Alright, time for some stats...

Looking at rookie point guards in the summer league, taken in the firt round, and here's how they're doing. In PPG, Devin Harris has 18.8 with second going to Ben Gordon with 16. In APG, Harris leads with 6.2 and Jameer Nelson following with 5.7. In SPG, Harris with 3.1 and Nelson with 1.1. In RPG, Harris with 3.8 and Nelson behind with 3.1.

BOliver makes the point that summer league games aren't the real deal. Even so, he is showing better progress than the rest of the litter. He won't log more than 25 minutes a game, if that. But he'll be productive. I like the steals stat. Shows defense. And of course, Harris will be a defensive upgrade at the point. Probably marginal.

In response to the article links sent to me c/o BOliver, I must say I do agree with the idea of trading VC to the Clip. It'll teach him to appreciate all that Toronto did for him. Also, what team could possibly use a SG who jacks up shots all the time? That's why AI won't be traded. Plus his body is bound to break down soon. I agree that he's stuck in Philly, excluding some miracle.

Sheed staying in Detroit is a blessing for them. He is the key piece for that team. Okur is gone, but that's a good thing. He's overpaid now. McDyess will do alright if he can stay light on his feet and not get injured. I have to say, Detroit is the pick to win it all, AT THIS MOMENT. I'll change my opinion come preseason.

I've got no other SOs (Sports Opinions).

Down here in Austin, we have the Austin Music Network. They do a bunch of stuff, but what I watch for is the request show. Usually some really good videos there. But, it's going to be changed into three different public access shows. It really sucks. There's this one VJ who's real crazy and attractive in a non-physical way. Well, she's got something to her, but that isn't what makes her attractive. It sucks to know that the next time I flip on that channel, a dude might be hosting it. That'd really piss me off.

Tuesday, July 20

Nick the Quick to Portland...what a waste.

Eric Snow to Cleveland...sorry BOliver, ain't coming to Dallas.

And that's it really. Dampier to the Knicks looks likely. What is Dallas going to do?

Hmm...I've been studying too much to get a solid statement down...maybe tomorrow.

Welcome back...without the party...

Good lor, it's been so long. Having internet in my room again has made me a different man.

So many people out there that haven't heard from me in quite some time. Can't gt onto AIM from the university's computers. They kinda suck that way. Sure, they have all this fancy software to wipe your butt for you, but you can't get online and chat with friends. Stupid!

Have a test in Probability tomorrow afternoon. That kinda sucks. But I did some good studying. Went to Cici's for pizza, even though Mr Gatti's is so much better. Then we went to Target, where I finally broke down and got the Yeah Yeah Yeahs' CD, Fever To Tell. I remember seeing a video of theirs quite some time back. Since then I've been wondering about whether or not they're good. So far, I'm happy.

Sucks that my old hard drive broke down on me. But it gave me reason to get a new one. Yea!

Been doing some heavy thinking. I want to be doing some drinking. I feel so...out of it. I feel that if I could drink again, my intellectual potential could be reached. As of this moment, I have no the one a good buzz provides. I'm stuck punching things and messing up my hand even more. I mean it, my hand is getting worse.

But either way, gonna start a new post for my Bball thoughts...

Monday, July 19


After technicians failed the first time...after riding the bus for an hour-and-a-half two times...I have my internet. But first...


Friday, July 16


Well, going to take over where BOliver left off. Firstly, ESPN Insider tells me that if Kidd is going to be shopped, a package of Walker and Laettner for Kidd and Mourning could be the trade. 60 days for Laettner. Hmm. Turning Walker into Kidd is very interesting. Sure, Kidd has injury problems, but with Harris and Marquis there, Kidd doesn't need to play big minutes. Doesn't give an answer for the center. But, with Shaq out East, Dallas doesn't have to worry AS MUCH about their 5.
Fisher to the Warriors is interesting because they already have Nick the Quick and Speedy Claxton. Another small point guard. Eh.
Kobe made the honorable decision between the two teams. I'm betting that he didn't pick the Clippers mainly because while the thought of taking them to the playoffs does lift his reputation to the top 5 players in the NBA, it's too much work for him. He couldn't pull it off. So why not stay with the Lakers and the new additions? Brian Grant isn't horrible. Lamar Odom does things no normal 4 can do. Caron Butler is a wait and see, again. Lakers won't be terrible, but I'm questioning whether they make the playoffs or not.
Houston will be dominating. Yes, they don't have a point yet. But T-Mac will be carrying the ball downcourt anyway. You could put me in at the point, and Houston would still be a contender. KG and his team will not do anywhere near as good as this past year. Everyone is a year older, and that's only good for KG. Cassell and Spree are getting older, and I would look for their tempo to be down. Still relying on Ervin Johnson and Kandi? I hope not.
Phoenix. Now there's a team to break through. They have 4 out of 5 positions done, and all they need is a rebounding big man. Nash, Johnson, Marion, Amare, and whoever can get this done. They WILL make the playoffs.
Utah will be good, but Booze doesn't get you consistent amounts of points. They are going to have to rely more on AK-47 than ever before.
Everyone is overhyping Brent Barry to S.A. It's ok though, 'cause he is pretty good. I just wish people would remember that Rasho is their center! If Malone goes to Spurs though, I'd be awful mad.
Denver will be really really good next year. Their young core is older and more mature. If Camby performs this year, I'd expect them to possibly win the division. Don't know though, because injuries can happen at anytime.
Grizz got Brian Cardinal?! Woo-hoo. Will be decent, but not in the top 5.
Orlando WILL be decent. Francis, Mobley, I forgot who, Howard, and Cato. Not bad really.
Shaq lost to Detroit with Kobe. Now all he has is Dwayne Wade. I say they get 5 seed. Wait, no, they'll get the 3. Lemme think about it.
I'll write about Dallas later. My bus is on the way.
Still waiting for monday. Hey, new fonts, sizes, cool. I'll play with it on Monday.
Windows XP Pro, at a major retail store, over $200.
Windows XP Pro, UT computer store, $7.
Getting two copies from the computer store because the list didn't have your name, priceless.
(Because you're only allowed to buy one.)
Have a new idea for a CD I'm going to give to certain people. Going to get 70 of my favorite songs, sample a minute of each, and burn it in a way that flows. It's going to be a fun project. Can't do it this weekend though. Homework in both my classes due on Monday. Stupid Probability class. This prof sucks bad!!
Eh, gotta run to class.

Wednesday, July 14

So close...

Terribly sorry, but the cable people won't be at my place until this coming Monday. Until then, few online opportunities for me.

I have so many comments on NBA news, but so little time. Soon enough...

Friday, July 9

Sign and trade...

Avery Johnson is going to be in Dallas. Will definitely help out Nellie.

Starbury is a point. Cassell is a natural SG. Eh, doesn't matter though 'cause most players can swing different ways. Surprised by your picks over Nash. I would still put Kidd number one, but he's nowhere near as good as he was two years ago.

Paper due in two hours. Gotta revise it and see what happens. Better get an A. Eh, I'm not a writer anyway. At least not for books and such.

Will Stackhouse start? The answer is no. Harris will be starting point, we know that much. for the 2 and 3 spots, the pecking order is Finley, Marquis, Howard, and then Stackhouse. Well, maybe you could switch Howard and Stackhouse. Finely isn't a 3, but they put him there after he slumped late last season. My probable five are Harris, Marquis, Finley, Dirk, Laettner. For center, who else are we going to put? Really, start Bradley? Putting Fortson out there slows the game down by 20 mph. Although, you could have Marquis, Finley, Stackhouse, Dirk, Laettner. They ran alot of the offense through Marquis when he was on the court. He isn't a point, but he can push the ball. Eh. We'll see.

I still expect a trade of Stack or Walk for Jurt Thomas. Dirty inside player who can bring some D. With the leftovers, you can do a sign and trade for Dampier. He probably won't be as good as last year, but he is a big man with Western experience. Better than anything else we have. Moving both Stack and Walk would be a GM's dream. Imagine this starting five: Daniels, Finley, Dirk, Thomas, Dampier. I know, Dirk at the 3 is questionable, but it keeps him ready for jumpers. Other teams have been guarding him with SFs anyway, so why not push that back on them?

Eh, better start typing this paper. Internet on Monday or Tuesday. Yes. Finally.

Wednesday, July 7


Looks like we'll get Avery according to The Dallas Morning News. Also signed some 7-footer from Congo. Supposed to be real physical. I'm a little excited about this. Tons of young blood, and the only old man we have besides Toothpick is Finley. He's not even that old either. Some comparison between this past year's Pistons. Young athletic bodies.

"I'm still right here,
Giving blood, keeping faith,
And I'm still right here."

Tool - The Patient

If there's better lyrics to describe me right now, I haven't found them yet.

Alright, gonna grab some quick lunch and go to class. Last one until Monday. Woo-hoo. Still need to write my paper...

Tuesday, July 6

Sucks to be me...

Well, as some know, doctors are all stupified by my body. I've had a few tests done, and they all came back normal. So there's one last test they're willing to give (because it causes them no pain) and it involves drilling into a bone. Really sucks. Don't know when I'm going to schedule it. Have to consult with the family. But eh, I feel healthy enough, so I'm not worried.

Good post about Nash on Mark Cuban's blog. Link to the right.

Eh, no new news. I'm out to class.

Monday, July 5

Later, Nash...

I hate to see him go. Yea, he's getting old. Yea, he might not be too durable. But he is at least one of the top three point guards out there today. As Michael Holley said on I,Max, "He isn't selfish. He can shoot free throws. He can shoot the three-ball." Great player, but not max-contract worthy. 55 over 5 is a little much. 40 over 4 is what I would offer. But eh, I'm not the GM.

We do have other points on the roster. I can only hope they give better performances on a consistent basis.

It is true what the newspapers say. With Nash gone, Dirk has to continue to do better each year. Even more so this year. We get to see if Dirk makes players around him better." (Look at David Moore's column in The Dallas Morning News.)

People jump on T-Mac, saying that he doesn't improve players around him. What if Gooden is a solid 5 and 5 player, but with T-Mac, he's 10 and 10? What if those Orlando players were playing better than their normal? We won't know for sure until this season though.

As I've said, with Shaq demanding a trade, the Lakers have no leverage. They can't force the deal. Time for Nellie and Cuban to realize this and offer Abdul-Wahad, Delk, Bradley, and Walker for Shaq. I might be exagerrating on what you can and can't offer, but you get my point.

Either way, gotta check out a book and go to class. Have a paper due on Thursday, so I don't know how much writing I'll be doing on this. Good news is that I should be getting my cable connection this week or early next week. Yea!

Thursday, July 1


Qutoe from the Dallas Morning News, July 1st. I'm not good with citations and such. Sorry. Here:

Summer league: The Mavericks on Wednesday also unveiled their summer league team, which includes last year's first-round draft pick Josh Howard, this year's draftees Devin Harris, Pavel Podkolzine and Luis Flores, along with former UT player and Duncanville native Brian Boddicker.

Boddicker will play only one game with the summer-league team – tonight at 7:30 against the Chinese Olympic team at Daniel-Meyer Coliseum in Fort Worth."

There you go B. Two Texas players in the NBA now.

Houston, fog, pollution...

Well, it's official. T-Mac is now in Houston. It's amazing really. Now I have to see about getting tickets for all four Dallas-Houston matchups. Since I live in Austin, the trips are very do-able. I'll take both my pairs of T-Macs with me, as well as my Nowitzki jersey, and try my hardest to get some signatures. Almost good enough to make someone cream their pants.

Three way trade mentioned on my ESPN Insider thing. Basics are that L.A. would get Nash, Walker, Howard, as well as Dampier and Robinson, while Dallas gets Shaq, and Golden State gets Payton, George, Delk, and some other name I don't remember. Not a bad idea. Dallas doesn't lose Dirk, Lakers get a brand new team with new starters at each position, and Golden State loses their team except for Richardson. Ha. Warriors suck...

This class ends on July 7th. Awesome. I hate British Literature. It's the worst of all books. Well then again, I hate all books. I'd burn them all if I could.

Sherrington of the Dallas Morning News mentions that Shaq was voted as one of the 50 greatest players ever. Don't matter. He's old. Jordan is THE best, but you don't think the Mavs would trade a 26 year old Dirk for a 40-something Great when he was with Washington. Let's just get former Sixth Man Nellie a jersey and toss him in.

It's so true though. Lakers have to deal Shaq. So any team wanting Shaq has the leverage. When will the Mavs say, "Delk, Bradley, Walker for Shaq?" I mean, lower your offer, make them regret not taking the first deal.

Beh, class time.