Sunday, October 30


Yea, I haven't posted in a while. Oh well.

Nothing new really. Enjoying the nice weather, although I would love it more if it were colder. Crap, it's supposed to rain tomorrow. I don't like that at all. Especially since I can't skip my 3 - 4 class for the rest of the week. I have a test coming up in that class.

Yea, it's Halloween. I don't really care though. The best thing is the day after. All of that candy at half of the price. That's something to look forward to. Oh, I really love those mellowcreme pumpkins. So, so good.

Charging up my shuffle for the bus rides. Every morning that I wake up, I always ask myself if I should just stay in bed. Honestly, if attendance wasn't part of my final grade for any of my classes, I would sleep all day.

Well, except for CS 349. I really like that class.

The West Wing was awesome tonight. They're going to have a live episode next Sunday. I can't wait. Oh, and the Cowboys won. That was pleasant.

I think I need to find more hobbies. Now that outdoor basketball is coming to an end, I'll have to pass time in another way. I should seriously work on my poker face and start gambling.

Was telling Brandon that when we go to a Mavs game, I'm going to drink. I've waited long enough. Everything should work fine.

I had a crazy dream. I beat the crap out of a guy that tried to steal from me. I chased the guy down and started wailing on him. I kept going until my fists felt heavy. Then I woke up.

Either way, time for sleep.

I know I have a link to Gordo's Blog already, but here's a link to some columns he writes for some Dallas/Fort Worth site. His dark humor is greatness.


rowdielou said...

I got a shuffle! It's in the mail, coming to me this week! *happy dance*

Anonymous said...

Another off topic note: (I do apologize.), but did you know David Jaffe and Cory Barlog of God of War fame have modblogs?

David Jaffe

Cory Barlog

I promise, I'll stop now! HA! But seriously, their blogs rock. David Jaffe is working on a PSP title and Cory, who was the director of animation on GoW, was promoted to game director and is working on an undisclosed PS2 title, presumably GoW2.

I hope school is going well for you, because it sure as hell is kicking MY ass!

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, poop. My HTML skeelz SUCK.

FBombAndy said...

Naw, it's totally cool. I like finding new links and such.

Yea, my HTML sucks right now. I made a site a long time ago, but it sucked.

School sucks ass. But one more year and I am outta here!