Friday, October 7


Well, I just woke up 30 minutes ago. I think I got 11 hours of sleep. The doctor said to rest this weekend and take it easy. I have a doctor's note, so I think I'm fine for whatever assignments I miss.

I just had a dream that felt like a 3 hour long movie. And don't worry, it's only PG-13. The only bad thing is that I don't remember much. What I do remember is...

I was at the mall looking for more pants. I love khakis, but not dress khakis. JNCO made some that were everything to me, and I still have two of those. But I don't think they make them any more. Well, I saw C.T. wearing some really cool pants, so I went to the store he told me about and picked some up. Then I was back home, where my relatives were visiting my parents. I quickly bailed and ended up at some school. There, it was C.T., Sam, and I. I can't remember, but Brandon may have been there as well. Either way, we were changing for some big event.

Next thing I know, I have my band pants on. If you don't know, marching bands have special black pants with no pockets and built-in suspenders. One minute I had a tank top on, the next I have no shirt on at all. Well, I look around and realize that I'm at a football game and I'm in the stands. Well, it's more like an auditorium with a wall knocked out, and it's next to a football field.

Anyway, I look around for a place to sit and I see a chic I recognize. She had a very mischievious smile. I went to her and she told me to sit next to her. Well, the chic kept changing. It was all of the chics I've had a thing for in the past two years or so. Whomever she was, she was adjusting my suspender straps and fixing my hair when I realized that I didn't have the upper half of my uniform. So, I run down the steps to the rack of uniforms and try to find my jacket. I eventually do, but when I get back up to my seat, the chic was gone. I didn't want to sit by myself, so I looked around for another inviting seat.

By the time I found one it was almost half-time. I don't know whether I'm supposed to be playing or conducting, so I pick up a French Horn and try to figure out what the song is. I get a couple of notes right and then that scene is over.

There was one more segment. Something about catching an alligator or hippo that had escaped. I have no idea what that was about.

It was a really weird dream. I don't know if it's the medicine or something else. Well, it has to be the medicine since there is nothing else.

I feel better than I did on Wednesday. The one thing that sucks about having a runny nose or a stuffy nose is when your nostrils crack. That hurts like hell, and there's not much you can do about it.

Alright, I need to go downstairs and eat.

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