Tuesday, May 10


Yea, I know. My posts lately have been rather depressing.

I shot the ball around today. I found a spot I'm really comfortable at. And I think I've finally fixed my form. I was out there for well over an hour.

After seeing Phoenix whip the Mavs, I have to believe that at our current pace, we will be gone in 5 games. If the Mavs decided to shut down the 3 ball, we'll have a much better chance. Let Amare get 50. Pick up on the other guys for 48 minutes, and things are better. It's like the fact that T-Mac is going to get his. It's a matter of shutting down the supporting cast.

I haven't done a thing with my spare time. I'm just waiting for Wednesday so I can take my last final. It will be a Spanish composition. I'm already prepared. I can't speak Spanish that well, but I can read and write it.

Did I mention that I didn't go to Spanish lab this past Friday? Yea, I didn't go. I woke up, decided that I didn't want to get out of bed, and went back to sleep.

I'm going to see the first showing of Star Wars. Erik bought tickets, and I'm up for it. I'm not a sci-fi person, and I really don't know much about Star Wars. I've seen the other 5 and all, but ask me a question about the story and I'll give you a very short answer.

About 6 hours after that I'll need to get ready to leave. I'm going home for a few days. I'm still not sure whether I'll stay the summer at home or not. It would be nice. It's hard to decide. All of my friends are back home. But my bro is going to need help with the kid while his wife is at work. Also, if I go home, I know for sure that I'll waste my summer. I really need to get a job. And I'm actually very determined to do so. I have never had a job. I'm 20, and I have no experience. I need to start, and it would be something productive to do this summer. I want to save up some money for my trip. I still want to go to Vegas, but I'll be happy enough going anywhere cold. Or fun.

Go visit the blogs I have links to. Good stuff there.

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